Power Season 6 (Official Thread) - No Spoilers

Rollie Forbes

Aug 10, 2017
Some of you just need to cut the malarkey and accept the fact that they turned this shyt into a full fledge comedy.
You all should appreciate how they made this transition.
I could only imagine how hard that must be.
Going from crime/drama prime tv show.
To like, Rush Hour/Ren and Stimpy prime tv show.



Rollie Forbes

Aug 10, 2017
If Yaz and the other baby were major characters, they'd be hard to replace. You can count on two hands the number of scenes they were both in through the six seasons. No one would have noticed her being replaced with another child that was light skinned.
Courtney and co. could've followed the blueprint that the writers of Shameless (great show if you love fukkery, btw) laid out with Liam.
Liam went from being a light-skinned baby to a brown-skinned sixth grader with his own storylines in the span of a few seasons.
We accepted the changes on Shameless, and we would've accepted them on Power.

Rollie Forbes

Aug 10, 2017
In the words of P "A lil blood get on my daughter, it's nothing - she'll live (wipe that off) :birdman::demonic:"

50 directed this episode. I would have said it's a lowkey shoutout to Prodigy. but so many things they put in this show seem to be based on the roll of a dice or the direction of the wind that day, that I can't even call it. :manny:

Rollie Forbes

Aug 10, 2017
That nikka Jason as a threat is trash. They just insert him into the story when shyt is hectic to make things even more chaotic.
Here's something that confuses me about Jason:
Isn't he in Chicago? I could've sworn that Tommy was going Chicago when he met Jason a few seasons ago.

Mike the Executioner

What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex!
Sep 10, 2015
Brooklyn, New York
My notes:

-What was the point of killing off Donovan? Especially in the abrupt way they did it? I didn't care that much about him as a character, but he deserved better than that. Especially since Greg, Sandoval, and Angela's murders were such a big deal. I don't think Saxe could even be bothered to give a shyt at this point. It's just crazy how damn near the entire office has been killed and Saxe is still around stirring up bullshyt. He's an actual Nas lyric ("Everybody's under six feet of ground but you").

-I don't know whether or not I'm supposed to care about Dre at this point. I would have felt sympathy for him losing his daughter if he didn't go psycho and kill the one federal agent that was trying to keep him alive. :unimpressed:

-I feel like there's a period every season now where Ghost gets punked out and disrespected by everyone. It's not really interesting when your main character is just a punching bag that doesn't do anything. A lot of scenes with him are just really depressing.

-50 is a piece of shyt, but I did notice a few interesting things about his direction of this episode. Like when Jason was talking to Tommy, he turns around to get a drink, and when he turns back, Ghost is in Tommy's seat. Or this one scene that dissolves into a scene of Ghost sitting down. The transitions were really smooth and I don't think I've ever seen the show use tricks like that, so I have to say, he did a really good job. :ehh:

-The comedy is one of the few things this show excels at. The scenes with Tommy's crew, the scenes with Tariq's roommate. I feel like the show should have transitioned into a dramedy at some point because it would have allowed the audience to accept more of the ridiculous things that happen.

-Tariq doesn't give a fukk about Raina. He feels alone because Kanan is gone, not her. I don't think he even talked about her outside of situations where he had to ("Happy Birthday"), but here he goes being upset over a plan he helped set up, and giving a eulogy for Kanan's ashes like they were lifelong best friends. By the way, he couldn't have been more disingenuous in that scene with Ghost. At least make me believe that you have your father's back. :russ:

-Jason wanted those L.A. ports bad enough to orchestrate two separate plans to bring Alicia over to him. He has all the power and control in that scene to make Alicia give him what he wants. He could have tried torturing her, blackmailing her or something just to have her give up the information he needs. But no, let's just have Tommy go through all that so Jason could kill her without getting anything from her. And Jason pretty much admitted that he played Tommy but I don't think he cares at this point.

-Tommy rejecting Ghost's offer to kill Jason as a team actually surprised me. I thought he would have said yes once he realized what Jason did, but I think he's too wrapped up in his hatred for Ghost, he doesn't want to listen to anything he has to say. In fact, this scene probably highlights why Ghost had to tell the Italians about Teresi. Tommy either doesn't listen, or he wants to do things his way. He's never interested in just playing the part. But I guess Jason just has to keep pulling more shyt for Tommy to realize it's not worth having him as the connect.

-And the original theme song is back. Best part of the episode, hands down. :blessed: It better stay that way. :unimpressed:


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
This episode was better than the last two, nonetheless I gotta do my thing:

:mjlol: @ I would have taken Ghost more seriously if he wore that glasses, nose and moustache disguise. Wearing a hat is gonna make a high profile black man on the fed's radar inconspicous now? :dahell:
:mjlol: @ Ghost always looking dumbfounded like he got dropped in the middle of Mars
:mjlol: @ Lala's non acting ass being shook to send a TEXT MESSAGE?! She's being scary like she had to strangle Alicia and carry her out the restroom herself. Yet just before that she was walking around like Teresa Mendoza from Queen of the South.
:mjlol: @ over a hundred oblivious people in the hallway not noticing what's going on except Dre.
:mjlol: @ Dre not knowing how to hold his own daughter after how long?
:mjlol: @ Dre's daughter having more forms than Pennywise. How many little girls do they plan to use portraying her? At least they still use the same girl for Yaz even though she's damn near as tall as Kareem Abdul Jabbar.
:mjlol: @ loud gunshots that would deafen Godzilla not fazing a three year old girl

:mjlol: @ Dre being the oh so lucky Road Runner of the show who always survives no matter how many shooters are on his ass.
:mjlol: and :gucci: @ him killing Donovan for no good reason at all
:mjlol: @ Dre having the balls to murder a fed who was PROTECTING his daughter, but when Kanan threatened to throw her out the window he didn't have half the same energy.
:mjlol: @ Tommy managing to get into every apartment, vehicle and place to terrorize people and make demands like it's nothing.

:mjlol: @ Jason making them go through that bullshyt, unrealistic, elaborate Ocean's 11 type breakout plan in such a short space of time because he wanted to kill her himself even though she could have just got poisoned instead and that would have lessened exposure for everybody involved.
:mjlol: @ Simon 'Titanic' Stern back on his classic :mjpls: shyt and being like a permanent pest that just won't go away
:mjlol:@ the bedwench Tate was banging making obvious innuendos of her affair with him to her husband. Titties were wack but that ass was :banderas:

:mjlol: @ Tariq's crew. Vanilla Ice and lil Miss Shonuff.

That chick is either Ray Ray's sister or the sister of one of the dudes Ray Ray shot that Tariq did the lick with. She might also be a young cop or some kind of plant. First she's so quick to jump on board selling drugs and then she just happened to read what happened to his sister. Notice the way she asked him about it too. Something is definitely up with that broad.
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