Power Season 5 (Official Thread)


May 1, 2012
wow episode was cool below are spoilers

goddamn garcelle is still fine and thick lawd jesus!!!!! whewwwwwwww I'm dissapointed she didn't show her titties. I would've casted someone else for the role if she didn't want to show them.

I can't believe angela's dumb ass gave julio iglesias the p*ssy that fast, and i bet he's a plant by that latino detective she shut down. His job is to get dirt on angela and expose her.

So is teressi tommy's real dad or nah? If not why did kate say yes when she could've debunked it or is teressi playing the cops? I'm confused on this.

Ghost is getting sloppy, running drugs through the club when you have to be squeaky clean. Tommy and K going into business with ghost this is going to be one big fukking mess at the end. Looks like dre is gonna be fukking diago's sister and making a plan to get rid of him but i think it's gonna backfire and diego is gonna kill his sister and be trying to kill dre.

Tasha confronting K is what ghost punk ass should've done. I think they setting it up for tasha to slain K at the end but i'm really not sure at this point.

sax stays with those 1 liners :mjlol:

lala not showing her titties because of carmelo is drag to say the least but oh well.

councilman o dawg laughign at ghost using his dikk instead of his brain dealing with high stakes players in this game is showing james there's more 2 life than clubs and drug dealing.

next episode looks lit


Wtf u talkin bout? Ya Bish
May 28, 2012
FayetteNam, North Carolina #byrdgang
Just saw the content warning and it said nudity, LaLa might be showing them thangs again :wow: :blessed:
they lied to u breh. Not a ounce of nudity :snoop:
Fancy? Garcelle Bevauis? :wtf:

Gotta watch this shyt soon as I get back
yea but she aint show a damn thang :beli:
Confused as to why she didn’t show them thangs tho. She’s been in playboy so she isn’t shy
prolly insecure. She not fancy status no more. Got that mom bod a lil bit now.