There's no plausible scenario where angie survives that doesn't make the show completely jump the shark(I know people already think it has)
I expect her to die episode 601, her dying would be dumb af too cuz she a fed attorney who had conspiracy charges pending if she didn't give up ghost and them so if she's dead who looks guilty? If she's missing who looks guilty?
If she survives she knows who shot her so tommy would get locked and they weren't even supposed to be in contact with her.
power shoulda stayed with the kanan and tariq arc, that's how you take out ghost n tommy.
Holly got shot in the chest and lived.
Kanaan got beat to death and burnt alive and lived.
Ghost got shot, never went to the hospital, back alley doctor or anything, just shrugged it off.
They killed at least 80 people in 5 months and law enforcement isn't concerned at all.
They don't killed multiple high rsnking drug lord and no one cares, nikkas is still doing business with them.
But if Angela survives this show is "trash", FOH.