tommy and ghost
cartel dudes got them hemmed up....
now before you ask why... i'll tell you
ghost first of all by the suit.. and the fact nobody would give two shyts about another male character being tied up... anybody THEY would tie up, doesn't dress like ghost.. and the only other male that is ever with ghost is tommy and the driver... the driver doesn't dress like dude on the left, and he's about a foot taller than ghost
why the cartel.... cause the other gangs wouldn't have the pull or nuts to do that to them... and ghost wouldn't be wearing no damn suit to see them dudes anyway... so they most likely went there on their own, but got tied up in the process
why isn't it 50's girl... cause she would just clap them up... wouldn't be no 1 woman, subduing two men, and then kidnapping them.. for what purpose.. that plot hasn't even peeked it's way into the show, therefore they'd never just spring it on you in the last episode of the season
and it ain't 50 cause he ain't close to getting out yet.. cause he already sent his hitter to murder tommy and ghost, but didn't say "hold up, i'll be out next week"
it's simple shyt like that why people figure out basic writing... attention to details and basic plot writing. you don't introduce some new nikka this late and you don't have ghost suddenly have a new best friend... matter of fact you don't even leak a pic like this for some b and c level characters
now if this was game of thrones.. tommy would be murdered on the way to this part.. and ghost would find out it was his wife all along who was fukking 50 and setting ghost up on some revenge like

if i'm wrong on any of that... i'll

even tho i'm guessing off a pic.. but i give these writers NO credit for having the big surprise being something we all knew by episode 3