Right wing media is fractured. That carefully built up echo chamber that fox had for decades is nowhere near as strong now and the world is better for it.
Well consider this, FOX News is really the Mainstream Media's Right-Wing platform while OAN, Newsmax, Breitbart and Blaze are more what the Right craves, but on a lesser platform.
Now the big difference is, a majority of the Right's media will be for FOX News but they are beginning to hate them even more because of dumping Tucker along with throwing out Trump; trying to prop up DeSantis. The issue stems from this... the Right are only getting stuff from OAN, Newsmax because of platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
When you have some Neo-Nazi that wants to spread their message... it's through Twitter; they won't promote it on Parlor or Truth Social because:
1) The User Base to make it go viral is low
2) It's a Echo Chamber of like minded folks.
So when Twitter goes down, the Right will look for a platform that will do three things...
1) Have a high user count like Bluesky and Mastodon
2) Be able to troll and harass the Left.
3) Promote Alt-Right Material.
Now the Right can do that easily on Twitter and tell the Left "If you hate us, get your ass out of here!" but here is the thing, when Twitter goes down, there is no platform that that can do all three things, because the reason why #1 is #1, is because it blocks out #2 and #3.
So what I am getting at, is I don't view Right Wing Media as fractured, but Right Wing Media for the most part is only relevant because of Social Media and Facebook. Facebook has begun to crack down, and all that energy is being focused on Twitter; but I agree with the rest
Just like Republicans with Trump, they don't know how corrupted that voter base is for Trump.
Even if DeSantis could talk decent, Trump would still beat him because the MAGA-base has consumed the GOP but the GOP thinks they can just purge all of Trump but are finding out the hard way how deep the rot has gone. The same can be said for Twitter, Republicans REALLY should be supporting Musk because when Twitter goes under... it's going to be hard for OAN, Newsmax, and every other Right Wing Media to gain traction in Social Media because no other platform will allow it.
For stuff like Telegram or Discord, here is another problem... most middle age folks would have to ask their teenage child how to setup a account; these people are not tech-savy, like Left Wingers, to them Cable television is good enough... and they only need Twitter and Facebook; both very user-friendly interfaces.
It will almost be like a severe drug withdrawal, having Right Wing Americans so used to Alt-Right, QAnon messages... and having to deal with FOX News telling them the truth to a degree.