Master Baker
Ehh, as the biggest radio property, I’d be petty also. Lol @ chasing the dollar by putting greeny on the radio, someone even mike and mike listeners considered the more boring mike. None of their radio lineup is a draw - even Max who was great on Max and Marcellus, doesn’t seem like a great listen without a sidekick.I, by no means, am denying that. It seems like the entire show is only four segments between the live reads and ads. So, I'm not putting this all on them.
But, again, Dan is doing what too many people do in these position when media platforms change and bytch about it instead of changing with the times--the podcast arena is really where they kill the game. A couple of those post shows have been like 15 mins when they made it seem like the show would still be three hours, just the third hour online. Putting the Weekend Obs' and Funny Thing online is petty unless he thinks most of the audience is podcast only.
Dan's whole thing is being laid back and lazy. Well, it's time to be a bit more calculated in how you approach the show. People ain't trying to listen to the hurt, old teddy bear routine every fukking day.
His boy (Skipper) is gone. Ratings are down (they don't hurt the sports leagues if they play). ESPN is a Disney company and gon chase that dollar.
I don't like the change, but, I'm trying to stick with the show.
but they do the big suey which is what a full hour of content would be, even tho it’s not the same as what they’d do in hour 3. I agree they need to get their pod shyt together. I assume they’re burnt out by the time they record the post game show after doing the local hour, BS and 2 hours of radio, so it’d make more sense to have the BS be a more standard hour 3 and the post game show be whatever fukkery they want to do.
But I was always a radio listener since it was on during drive time for me, so the show is definitely worse for me.