pico pal q lee
This Kangaroo - Ron McGill
Ron's play by play of trying to play a video was equally as good as his play by play of the actual video.![]()
Brehs I was

Then I looked for the video and...

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This Kangaroo - Ron McGill
Ron's play by play of trying to play a video was equally as good as his play by play of the actual video.![]()
Brehs I wasthrought that whole segment. That's exactly what makes the show so great.
Then I looked for the video and...
at the Kangaroo. Breh is like
:theone: did this motherfukker just punch me in the face?
It all reminds me of the Tiger Woods/Fuzzy Zoeller situation. The media,other golfers and fans wanted Tiger to hurry up and say he wasn't offended to try and save Fuzzy's image and career.
I can't believe pissed off that Lebron segment made me. Greg sounded like soggy white man last time they spoke on this. And Stugotz pissed me off wit the be the bigger man bullshyt. I couldn't even deal with funny later and had to cut the pod off at the Captain Jack interview.
I am sick and tired of white ppl always telling us to b meek and humble in the face of this racist bullshyt.
That's not okay. And they always want us to move on and forget it happened.
Peace to Lebron for sticking to his guns.
I don't wanna b the "one strikr and im done with ur show" guy, but, i gotts tske a couple days off.
This was as bad as Will kkkain on Bomani show.
The exact sameIt all reminds me of the Tiger Woods/Fuzzy Zoeller situation. The media,other golfers and fans wanted Tiger to hurry up and say he wasn't offended to try and save Fuzzy's image and career.Tiger just like LeBron did nothing wrong but they need to
for the people who wronged them according to media. Fuzzy just like Don Imus lost sponsors but eventually they both bounced back and made more money than before the controversy.
Its crazy because Stu kept on saying if LeBron cares about improving race relations in this country he will meet with Phil Jackson. He kept saying if like he questions LeBrons motives. Phil never apologized and doubled down on saying he did nothing wrong and nobody got hurt but LeBron still has to come hat in hand to Phil according to Stu and Cote.The exact same
I remember that
Foxworth came off corny comparing Roys portrait to a slave auctionIts crazy because Stu kept on saying if LeBron cares about improving race relations in this country he will meet with Phil Jackson. He kept saying if like he questions LeBrons motives. Phil never apologized and doubled down on saying he did nothing wrong and nobody got hurt but LeBron still has to come hat in hand to Phil according to Stu and Cote.
Like you said blacks are the ones who have to be meek and humble and keep giving people passes and forgiving them. The other people don't have to change any of their opinions or behavior we are the ones who always need to change or work on something about ourselves. Stu is saying all this about race relations improvement in this country being on LeBron right during the Michael Slager mistrial and the Joe McKnight killing. I wanted Amin or Foxworth to call in and debate him or say that reparations would be a great start to improving race relations. I don't know who put a battery in Stu's back to stop jumping in the pool on race topics but its good to hear how he and Cote really feel.
This is actually the second day in a row he reprimanded Roy on the air. Yesterday they said Roy messed up punctuation on the Metallica read so Stu combined song titles. I hope he doesn't get fired.Anyone here Dan kinda go off on Roy for fuking up the live reads that he writes for Stu Gotz? Bit awkward when they came back from break.
This was one star-studded bust, if only in name.
A 21-year-old woman named Robin Williams was arrested with a teen named Tupac Crum after more than 114 pounds of marijuana — worth more than $69,000 — was found in a Chevrolet pickup truck pulled over in Arizona on Sunday, authorities said.
The woman, who shares a name with the legendary late comedian, was busted with her 19-year-old pal — who has no apparent relation to the “Dear Mama” rapper slain in 1996 — after authorities from the Arizona Department of Public Safety pulled them over for an alleged traffic violation. A third suspect, Erick Harris, 22, was also arrested.
This is actually the second day in a row he reprimanded Roy on the air. Yesterday they said Roy messed up punctuation on the Metallica read so Stu combined song titles. I hope he doesn't get fired.![]()