Time for another spooky tale from the East side of Cleveland.

OK, so this next story is not one that I witnessed firsthand but rather an experience that my uncle Tony had about 10 years ago.
Tony was in his mid-30s at the time. For reference he looks like a 50-50 mixture of the deep-voiced dude from Boyz II Men and Morgan from The Walking Dead. He lived in a nice little three-story home on Turney Avenue right at the boarder of Cleveland and Garfield Heights. He lived there with his then-girlfriend (now wife) Maritsa, a Latino lady from the west side of a Cleveland. (There's a big Latino population in Cleveland's West side, FYI). Maritsa looked like a brown-skinned Rosie Perez in the face with a Queen Latifah body.
Anyway, those details don't have much to do with the spooky story but I wanted to paint y'all a picture, ya dig?
One day, early afternoon Maritsa was upstairs taking a nap and Tony was watching TV in the living room. He went upstairs for a minute to grab his cellphone, saw that Maritsa was sleeping and decided "hell, I'm about to take a little afternoon nap too." But first he had to go downstairs and turn off the TV.
Tony walked downstairs past the kitchen and into the Living Room to turn off the TV. He suddenly stopped in his tracks. What he saw in the living room still freaks him out to this day. Sitting on the couch, staring blankly at the TV was...him. Listen, y'all....cause y'all not hearing me. He saw HIMSELF sitting on the couch! But that's not the worst part.
He stood there for about 30 seconds just starring at "himself" in disbelief and confusion. His confusion then turned to horror as his body double slowly tilted his head back to an unnatural angle and stared, mouth open, at the ceiling. It gets worse though, y'all.
So Tony is freaked the fukk out at this point. He then hears a deep "EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" resonating from his body-double's mouth and sees this weird, bright, blood-red mist rising from his mouth. Then the body-double starts to levitate, still in sitting position, up off of the couch.
At this point Tony is shytting himself. He runs upstairs to the bedroom, locks the door, grabs his gun and calls the cops. Maritsa wakes up, and Tony tells her what happened. She freaks out and says "let's jump out of the window, I'm too scared Tony!" Tony calms her down and they wait for the police to arrive.
The police arrived and after laughing at Tony's story they conduct a full search of the house. No sign of Tony's body-double was found.