Post Some Spooky Sh%t In This Thread


I aint lyrical
Jul 21, 2015
What is this? I'm not clicking without a description :pachaha::hubie:
I remember "seeing" this a long time ago (think like back on myspace days.) I saw a gif or like the first part of the vid...I cant remember what it was about but im not watching it :hubie:


All Star
Jan 8, 2015




All Star
Jul 8, 2015
Yo, this is legit the most unsettling mystery death I've ever heard of....I don't like watching through the whole footage either because it rubs me wrong.
I didn't find it creepy because after watching it I came to the conclusion that she was suffering from a mental disorder and then I read that she had bipolar. Bipolar wasn't her only disorder, she seemed paranoid and if she was really talking to someone they would've been on camera at least. I just believe she was having a manic episode of some other and her death was a by product of her mental disorder.


I love you, you know.
Sep 3, 2015
The Multiverse
Time for another spooky tale from the East side of Cleveland.
OK, so this next story is not one that I witnessed firsthand but rather an experience that my uncle Tony had about 10 years ago.

Tony was in his mid-30s at the time. For reference he looks like a 50-50 mixture of the deep-voiced dude from Boyz II Men and Morgan from The Walking Dead. He lived in a nice little three-story home on Turney Avenue right at the boarder of Cleveland and Garfield Heights. He lived there with his then-girlfriend (now wife) Maritsa, a Latino lady from the west side of a Cleveland. (There's a big Latino population in Cleveland's West side, FYI). Maritsa looked like a brown-skinned Rosie Perez in the face with a Queen Latifah body.

Anyway, those details don't have much to do with the spooky story but I wanted to paint y'all a picture, ya dig?

One day, early afternoon Maritsa was upstairs taking a nap and Tony was watching TV in the living room. He went upstairs for a minute to grab his cellphone, saw that Maritsa was sleeping and decided "hell, I'm about to take a little afternoon nap too." But first he had to go downstairs and turn off the TV.

Tony walked downstairs past the kitchen and into the Living Room to turn off the TV. He suddenly stopped in his tracks. What he saw in the living room still freaks him out to this day. Sitting on the couch, staring blankly at the TV was...him. Listen, y'all....cause y'all not hearing me. He saw HIMSELF sitting on the couch! But that's not the worst part.

He stood there for about 30 seconds just starring at "himself" in disbelief and confusion. His confusion then turned to horror as his body double slowly tilted his head back to an unnatural angle and stared, mouth open, at the ceiling. It gets worse though, y'all.

So Tony is freaked the fukk out at this point. He then hears a deep "EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" resonating from his body-double's mouth and sees this weird, bright, blood-red mist rising from his mouth. Then the body-double starts to levitate, still in sitting position, up off of the couch.

At this point Tony is shytting himself. He runs upstairs to the bedroom, locks the door, grabs his gun and calls the cops. Maritsa wakes up, and Tony tells her what happened. She freaks out and says "let's jump out of the window, I'm too scared Tony!" Tony calms her down and they wait for the police to arrive.

The police arrived and after laughing at Tony's story they conduct a full search of the house. No sign of Tony's body-double was found.


Jul 2, 2015

The Salt Men of Iran - By 2010, the remains of six men were discovered in the Chehrabad salt mines, located in Hamzehlu Village. Most of the men had been accidentally killed while working in the mines. The first man was discovered in 1993 and was accompanied by some artefacts which included three iron knives, a silver needle, some pottery and some other things. Over the forthcoming years, five more bodies were found, all in outstanding preservation. The oldest is estimated to date back to 9550 B.C.


Jul 7, 2012
My great-grandmother was a racist. She hated black skin. She was not mixed, she just looked white. She had several kids all of them dark skinned and from all accounts she let them know she hated them by doing things like beating them while calling them monkeys , ******s, etc. Her daughter (my grandmother) became her primary caretaker later in life and adopted her same self hate. Under the guidance of her mother she would beat the darker kids, call them monkeys, lock them out the house for days at a time etc. My father used to get it the worst. He got locked out for weeks and his brothers would feed him through a hole in the floor. He got caught in the house once and was beaten so bad that another family saw how bad he got done and took him in when he was 8.

Fast forward 20 years later my great-grandmother and my dad are next door neighbors. My oldest brother who is dark skinned is outside playing with my cousin Boo who is light skinned. Kids being kids, Boo ends up punching my brother and my brother chases him to hit him back when out of nowhere, my great grandmother comes outside and hits my brother with her cane in the face. My dad who was watching this runs outside and tells her that she better not ever touch one of his kids again. She told him that if he could control the little jiggaboo then she wouldn't have to. They both take a kid and go inside their houses. Later that day she suddenly became extremely sick to the point where she could barely breathe. Boo runs over and tells my dad, who with my brother and Boo get her and load her into the car and they take her to the hospital. As they are driving to the hospital my great grandmother reaches into her pocketbook grabs a 20 dollar bill and throws it at dad and says in between gasps “I don't ever want your black ass thinking you did me a favor” Once they got to the hospital my dad calls my mother and tells her to call the rest of the family because she ain't doing too well and that he is leaving.

My mother arrives with my great aunt, they check in on her, she was laying down not doing good at all. My great Aunt leaves the room to go feel out paperwork with the hospital staff while my mom stays in the room and calls up family. The send a staff member up because they need more info, my mom gets my great grandma's pocketbook with the info and as she is about to walk out the room my great grandma rises up and grabs her hand and says”Evelyn Dont leave me in this room” My mom tells her that its ok, she is just going to give them the info and she will be right back. “NO, if you leave this room, there is a man with red eyes in the closet and hes going to get me!!! My mom says the hairs stood up on her neck and my grandma's hands were cold to the touch.” My mom's told her there isn't no one in the closet and she'll be right back, and she jerked away. My great grandmother said “Im telling you he is in there and he it's going to get me” My mother planted both feet over the threshold and all she heard was beeeeeeeep. My great grandmother passed at that moment

I always look at this story that all that hate and evilness my great grandmother put out to the world was waiting for her in that closet.

This is some "Tales From The Hood" shyt :merchant:


I aint lyrical
Jul 21, 2015
Time for another spooky tale from the East side of Cleveland.
OK, so this next story is not one that I witnessed firsthand but rather an experience that my uncle Tony had about 10 years ago.

Tony was in his mid-30s at the time. For reference he looks like a 50-50 mixture of the deep-voiced dude from Boyz II Men and Morgan from The Walking Dead. He lived in a nice little three-story home on Turney Avenue right at the boarder of Cleveland and Garfield Heights. He lived there with his then-girlfriend (now wife) Maritsa, a Latino lady from the west side of a Cleveland. (There's a big Latino population in Cleveland's West side, FYI). Maritsa looked like a brown-skinned Rosie Perez in the face with a Queen Latifah body.

Anyway, those details don't have much to do with the spooky story but I wanted to paint y'all a picture, ya dig?

One day, early afternoon Maritsa was upstairs taking a nap and Tony was watching TV in the living room. He went upstairs for a minute to grab his cellphone, saw that Maritsa was sleeping and decided "hell, I'm about to take a little afternoon nap too." But first he had to go downstairs and turn off the TV.

Tony walked downstairs past the kitchen and into the Living Room to turn off the TV. He suddenly stopped in his tracks. What he saw in the living room still freaks him out to this day. Sitting on the couch, staring blankly at the TV was...him. Listen, y'all....cause y'all not hearing me. He saw HIMSELF sitting on the couch! But that's not the worst part.

He stood there for about 30 seconds just starring at "himself" in disbelief and confusion. His confusion then turned to horror as his body double slowly tilted his head back to an unnatural angle and stared, mouth open, at the ceiling. It gets worse though, y'all.

So Tony is freaked the fukk out at this point. He then hears a deep "EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" resonating from his body-double's mouth and sees this weird, bright, blood-red mist rising from his mouth. Then the body-double starts to levitate, still in sitting position, up off of the couch.

At this point Tony is shytting himself. He runs upstairs to the bedroom, locks the door, grabs his gun and calls the cops. Maritsa wakes up, and Tony tells her what happened. She freaks out and says "let's jump out of the window, I'm too scared Tony!" Tony calms her down and they wait for the police to arrive.

The police arrived and after laughing at Tony's story they conduct a full search of the house. No sign of Tony's body-double was found.
ok, this i definitely dont believe. especially after staring at yourself for 30 seconds