Possible The Amazing Spider-Man 3 Plot?


May 7, 2012
ehh... a Peter Parker who doesn't have a girlfriend constantly getting kidnapped or nagging him or in the middle of a diabolical plot by insert villain, can still have a spiderman story that's true to the character. :yeshrug: She would just be a background character... aunt may is a background character, and she's very important to Spiderman. Ultimately, the importance (or emphasis) of such things in a given story falls on the writer scripting the story..

like, if they had rogers seriously invovled with a young Sharon Carter (in the 'present') and she was getting kidnapped or acting real emotional about whatever... then that would affect some of the story telling of TWS. they could've gone that route like they did with Thor (with whatever other girl)... but i thought it was more refreshing that they did not.

Anyhoo, my point was they did have some subtle romantic themes in TWS.. whether they choose to do that with Spiderman after the Gwen death or throw him into another sappy love thing is no worry of mine, but hopefully it's an entertaining, well thought out movie.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
ehh... a Peter Parker who doesn't have a girlfriend constantly getting kidnapped or nagging him or in the middle of a diabolical plot by insert villain, can still have a spiderman story that's true to the character. :yeshrug: She would just be a background character... aunt may is a background character, and she's very important to Spiderman. Ultimately, the importance (or emphasis) of such things in a given story falls on the writer scripting the story..

like, if they had rogers seriously invovled with a young Sharon Carter and she was getting kidnapped or acting real emotional about whatever... then that would affect some of the story telling of TWS. they could've gone that route like they did with Thor... but i thought it was more refreshing that they did not. Anyhoo, my point was they did have some subtle romantic themes in TWS.. whether they chose to do that with Spiderman after the Gwen death or throw him into another sappy love thing is no worry of mine, but hopefully it's an entertaining, well thought out movie.

She doesn't have to be kidnapped all the time is my point though. But if she's going to be around it's going to be important to Peter to try to find that balance in his life which is always his problem. Cap isn't trying to find a balance so it's irrelevant. Batman for damn sure isn't trying to find a balance and you could argue that Reed's problem is that he can't find a balance. Peter is the one guy who's trying to do that balancing act and a lot of his personal problem stem from not being able to do it. I'm not saying she's gotta nag him or be in trouble all the time, which she wasn't in the last movie or even in the first amazing spider-man movie, but the problem comes in leaning too much to one side. If you make the movie too much about spider-man then you lose what makes him unique and if you make it too much about Peter you lose the spectacle of spider-man. Winter Soldier was an espionage movie, which you can do with him and that character.

Maximum Carnage is an arc that sucks ass because of various reasons but mostly because it's just pointless dialogue on top of pointless fighting and goes nowhere. Compare that to Kraven's Last Hunt, which has a great villain being used as the focal point in a quest to be a better spider-man than spider-man and the one thing that keeps Pete from giving up even after being buried alive, is MJ. She's the reason he reaches out from the grave. Green Goblin's status as his #1 wouldn't be that if Goblin didn't kill Gwen and Gwen's death would've meant nothing if there was no development in their relationship.

But as of now, there's an interesting story to tell in terms of his personal life with how he gets his life back together, how he puts himself back together emotionally and mentally and how he keeps going and you can do all that without introducing a new love interest at least not as a focal point.

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
I think that's subjective to the story (or writer) though, as Thor is someone who you can say doesn't have that in his character either but ultimately any plot can be given to make his love interest the focus (and hence the focus of his thoughts), as it was in his last movie.

Spider-Man at his core is his self-given responsibility to helping others at all cost and doing 'the right thing' while balancing out a crappy normal life. He doesn't need a focal love interest to tell a good Spider-Man story but, just like with the Thor movie, that's just how they like to write it b/c it seems like an easy money grab with the female audience. Same thing with some of those Batman movies.

Part of why TWS was such a big success imo is they didn't allow themselves to fall for those cliches

Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy are iconic characters and are essential to who peter parker is.

The love story in spider man is a huge part of the character.

Thor? Not so much

Spider man id argue is the only hero where love story is essential.


May 7, 2012
She doesn't have to be kidnapped all the time is my point though. But if she's going to be around it's going to be important to Peter to try to find that balance in his life which is always his problem. Cap isn't trying to find a balance so it's irrelevant. Batman for damn sure isn't trying to find a balance and you could argue that Reed's problem is that he can't find a balance. Peter is the one guy who's trying to do that balancing act and a lot of his personal problem stem from not being able to do it. I'm not saying she's gotta nag him or be in trouble all the time, which she wasn't in the last movie or even in the first amazing spider-man movie, but the problem comes in leaning too much to one side. If you make the movie too much about spider-man then you lose what makes him unique and if you make it too much about Peter you lose the spectacle of spider-man. Winter Soldier was an espionage movie, which you can do with him and that character.

And as unimportant as Batman needing a love interest can be, they'll still peg him with one for a money grab. Like with TDK and TDKR, they tried to make him getting with that girl a big part of his motivation.

Rogers is someone they hinted as having trouble finding a life in the present time, and they hinted on it with some light characterization attempts early in the movie with falcon and black widow (and the shield agent). So, these are all things that the writer can emphasis or de-emphasis depending on what they're going for.

And of course balance is key in all things. My point is, they arguably over emphasized things with Thor whereas they chose for a better balance with TWS. Peter balancing his life can be about a girlfriend, making ends meet, his best friend, aunt may.. all of which are important background characters that can come to the forefront depending on the writer's direction.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
And as unimportant as Batman needing a love interest can be, they'll still peg him with one for a money grab. Like with TDK and TDKR, they tried to make him getting with that girl a big part of his motivation.

Rogers is someone they hinted as having trouble finding a life in the present time, and they hinted on it with some light characterization attempts early in the movie with falcon and black widow (and the shield agent). So, these are all things that the writer can emphasis or de-emphasis depending on what they're going for.

And of course balance is key in all things. My point is, they arguably over emphasized things with Thor whereas they chose for a better balance with TWS. Peter balancing his life can be about a girlfriend, making ends meet, his best friend, aunt may.. all of which are important background characters that can come to the forefront depending on the writer's direction.

I don't know much about Thor to even have that discussion as to whether it was shoehorned in or not but you're right about spider mans balance. I just don't think it's important to cap and his character at all. And with batman and even Thor I understand why they did it in order to give the movies an emotional center


May 7, 2012

Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy are iconic characters and are essential to who peter parker is.

The love story in spider man is a huge part of the character.

Thor? Not so much

Spider man id argue is the only hero where love story is essential.

That's cool, we can disagree. Aunt May, and JJameson are also iconic characters and play essential roles to the Peter Parker / Spiderman mytho. Thor you can say has a love story that isn't as prominent to the character, and i wouldn't disagree. In fact, i'm saying that the writers still emphasized it for the money grab as if it were... and that i prefer the TWS more subtle approach.


May 7, 2012
I don't know much about Thor to even have that discussion as to whether it was shoehorned in or not but you're right about spider mans balance. I just don't think it's important to cap and his character at all. And with batman and even Thor I understand why they did it in order to give the movies an emotional center

I understand. I feel like with Thor or Ironman they could make a big emphasis of it, since in some Captain America books his relationship with Sharon Carter and his current/future edit adopted son is very important to him. but ultimately, how serious they make it is neither here nor there, I was just pointing out i liked the pacing/romantic hints in that movie, esp when compared to other protagonists where imo it was much more in ur face with it, and not necessary for the better.
Sep 12, 2013
Cap 2 TWS didn't and I loved that movie, G.O.T.G didn't and I loved it too. But its like unsaid 5% :laugh:

cap 2 had a lil bit of a subplot with cap and black widow but yea it wasn't a full blown romance. personally i think it was very tastefully done.

and GOTG had a thing goin on too though with starlord and that green bytch didn't it?

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Low key, I'm hoping Fox and Sony continue to fukk up their Marvel movies so they'll be forced to sell back to Marvel/Disney.

I think FOX know they already fukked up with that F4 thats why they aint dropping no real press on it. We already know not just only more about Marvels plans and future, but DC, Xmen, and Spidey and yet no new F4 news really dropped since that twitter pic. And I'm just gonna ignore that Doom bullshyt...... but with that... I truly believe they know they :ufdup:


Flat Girther
May 2, 2012
Flint, Michigan
I think FOX know they already fukked up with that F4 thats why they aint dropping no real press on it. We already know not just only more about Marvels plans and future, but DC, Xmen, and Spidey and yet no new F4 news really dropped since that twitter pic. And I'm just gonna ignore that Doom bullshyt...... but with that... I truly believe they know they :ufdup:
Fox fukked up by not making X-Men an F4 a shared universe.

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
am I the only one on this siskel and ebert ass forum that liked the two movies? (minus jamie tho)
I loved them both.

They nailed who spider man is.

And garfield/stone>>>>>>>>>>> tobey/dunst.

Oh and sony shot down that aunt may shyt.

Latino review wrong again. Shocking.