Pop: Kawhi Was a Great Player, But He Wasn't a Leader or Anything

Long Live The Kane

Tyrant Titan
Apr 30, 2012
Just goes to show you being a “leader” as a player is overrated...well maybe not overrated, but not essential that your best player be some kinda rah-rah vocal emotional leader type...it’s easy to take lil pot shots and retroactively construct these “see I told you!” narratives after the fact when his squad has a bad playoff run (which stars with “leader” reps have plenty of)...but nobody was saying this (or more accurately nobody cared) after the raptors won.... there’s more random post prime point guards like Tony Parker or random replacement level journeyman also rans with “strong leadership” like Patty Mills floating around than there are championship level super elite two way first options...you get the latter and figure out how to get a “leader” later


May 1, 2012
Just goes to show you being a “leader” as a player is overrated...well maybe not overrated, but not essential that your best player be some kinda rah-rah vocal emotional leader type...it’s easy to take lil pot shots and retroactively construct these “see I told you!” narratives after the fact when his squad has a bad playoff run (which stars with “leader” reps have plenty of)...but nobody was saying this (or more accurately nobody cared) after the raptors won.... there’s more random post prime point guards like Tony Parker or random replacement level journeyman also rans with “strong leadership” like Patty Mills floating around than there are championship level super elite two way first options...you get the latter and figure out how to get a “leader” later
Nobody was saying that cause the team had the leadership already on board. We knew kawhi was a good leader there also. That team was stacked as fukk lol. And with the leap pascal took it make them dope as hell. Kyle was the leader no question about it and players stepped up really big for the raps also

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
:scust: God damn. Get off his dikk already. You Spurs nikkas acting like a bunch of scorned ex wives and shyt.
Kawhi a bytch though. Dude was too cowardly to just say he wanted to be on a new team for whatever personal reason.

Him and monkeysuit Dennis tried to throw the organization under the bus, fake an injury, blame Tony Parker’s non-controversial (true) statement and act like the Spurs were the ones moving shady to win PR points but all it was was him quitting on the team all along. fukk him. I hope his knee crumbles into dust.


May 29, 2012
Just goes to show you being a “leader” as a player is overrated...well maybe not overrated, but not essential that your best player be some kinda rah-rah vocal emotional leader type...it’s easy to take lil pot shots and retroactively construct these “see I told you!” narratives after the fact when his squad has a bad playoff run (which stars with “leader” reps have plenty of)...but nobody was saying this (or more accurately nobody cared) after the raptors won.... there’s more random post prime point guards like Tony Parker or random replacement level journeyman also rans with “strong leadership” like Patty Mills floating around than there are championship level super elite two way first options...you get the latter and figure out how to get a “leader” later

He was retroactively cast as this Jordan-esque killer in large part due to being on teams that had leadership and structure in place. He makes his bed and not only do they have a bad playoff run but they have a historic collapse as a heavy favorite. I agree that you take the two way beasts if you can get them. There are some caveats though. There is a difference between a guy that just puts his head down and scores and guys that are able to do that and run the offense. Kawhi was incorrectly cast as the latter. Then you got the lingering injury concerns. And on top of that he's not a leader and he got you to sacrifice your future for a running mate that has his own injury issues and a history of playoff disappointment that refuses to take accountability and doesn't provide the leadership or facilitation either. So this isn't quite as cut and dry as just get the two elite first options. It's not like leaders just grow on trees. And it's not exactly easy for a leader to come in, as less than the best or even second best player, and shift a culture that sounds rather shytty. Kawhi sounds intent on just doing his own thing. PG is PG. And they got the org by the balls.


Nov 29, 2012
Do you know kawhi's story tho.
You talking but real talk...
Kawhi is literally the son of the real life owner of car wash come to life and tragically taken away.
All the scrutiny about that man being vocal in public is bullshyt. Once you know kawhi's story.

Art Barr

people in here joking around and you comin in like come on guys kawhi has had a hard time do you know his story :skip:
Man shut the fukk up :unimpressed:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
people in here joking around and you comin in like come on guys kawhi has had a hard time do you know his story :skip:
Man shut the fukk up :unimpressed:

You never gon do's,...
All y'all do is make wack comedy tho.
Thr clippers lost because doc rivers has an affinity for playing small ball and looking for an avatar for himself on offense and defense that will create a coup to the detriment of the team. Either in poor roster and matchup management. Or in the social complexion of the team being usurped by doc rivers avatar.
Then a social dysfunction spiraling out of control because of said avatar based coaching semantics.

Simple as that.

You goofies trying to continue making a false fake ass narrative.
About a dude in kawhi who if you again looked into this.
Just like you and the rest of the general youse's always fail to fukking do. Then deflect into your weak ho ass version of comic view.
Coupled with your even weaker nondrawing non-airing white boi heaptheus gay style comedy.

Kawhi father got tragically killed.
He was turned off in pr along time in cali because of it.
He lives in san Diego. You goofies ever heard of being turned off in thr news cycle. Instead you goofies continue this gooflame attempt to make light of a person respectfully should not be made light of. We don't know if as a teen what kawhi went through at all after that. We don't know which is why he is originally pr'd as we don't know.

You the rest of these goofies the only one's who keep up the WHITEBOI pr styled witch hunt.

If you black and from an urban area.

You should have some wherewithal. If not Yousa sheltered ass goofie and at this point in year twenty four to five of the internet.
You failure face ass motherfukkers need to do sumfin or log thr fukk off. As it is obvious y'all some never gon do's and virtual internet based coach potatoes. Who have progressed past comic book guy styled parodies on thr internet in black face.

You wack huff fye trash water ass perspectives and posts are not needed.

As you not gon never post about shyt and get known like you think.

Now try me and watch what i am telling you come virtually through your huff ass monitor into reality in yo low ass self esteem.

Y'all not hiphop.
So culturally you not even there.

So do not even use my verbiage if culture to tak about some misappropriated way of life you cling too that is flaug as fukk too.

You motherfukkers on here are the huffest trash and i by gawd wish!!!
y'all was skilled frfr to even say shyt to listen to y'all.

Art Barr

You mother fukkers better go do your day job and log off.

You huff fufu, face it.


Nov 29, 2012
You never gon do's,...
All y'all do is make wack comedy tho.
Thr clippers lost because doc rivers has an affinity for playing small ball and looking for an avatar for himself on offense and defense that will create a coup to the detriment of the team. Either in poor roster and matchup management. Or in the social complexion of the team being usurped by doc rivers avatar.
Then a social dysfunction spiraling out of control because of said avatar based coaching semantics.

Simple as that.

You goofies trying to continue making a false fake ass narrative.
About a dude in kawhi who if you again looked into this.
Just like you and the rest of the general youse's always fail to fukking do. Then deflect into your weak ho ass version of comic view.
Coupled with your even weaker nondrawing non-airing white boi heaptheus gay style comedy.

Kawhi father got tragically killed.
He was turned off in pr along time in cali because of it.
He lives in san Diego. You goofies ever heard of being turned off in thr news cycle. Instead you goofies continue this gooflame attempt to make light of a person respectfully should not be made light of. We don't know if as a teen what kawhi went through at all after that. We don't know which is why he is originally pr'd as we don't know.

You the rest of these goofies the only one's who keep up the WHITEBOI pr styled witch hunt.

If you black and from an urban area.

You should have some wherewithal. If not Yousa sheltered ass goofie and at this point in year twenty four to five of the internet.
You failure face ass motherfukkers need to do sumfin or log thr fukk off. As it is obvious y'all some never gon do's and virtual internet based coach potatoes. Who have progressed past comic book guy styled parodies on thr internet in black face.

You wack huff fye trash water ass perspectives and posts are not needed.

As you not gon never post about shyt and get known like you think.

Now try me and watch what i am telling you come virtually through your huff ass monitor into reality in yo low ass self esteem.

Y'all not hiphop.
So culturally you not even there.

So do not even use my verbiage if culture to tak about some misappropriated way of life you cling too that is flaug as fukk too.

You motherfukkers on here are the huffest trash and i by gaed wish y'all was skilled frfr to even say shyt to listen to y'all.

Art Barr

You mother fukkers better go do your day job and log off.

You huff fufu, face it.

imagine thinking someone gona read this shyt :dead: :mjlol: