The racial wealth gap can obviously be reduced without reparations, as it's gone up and down in various points in history. A simple pro-poor, tax-the-rich policy would reduce the racial wealth gap even without all the specifics that Bernie is proposing.
However, you are 100% right that the racial wealth gap could never be ended without reparations.
Bernie didn't say that he didn't support reparations, he said that it is politically unfeasible. Which. is. fukking. obvious. You need 60 senators to beat a filibuster to appropriate money, the president cannot appropriate funds on his own. If Bernie told the Senate to pass reparations with the current makeup of the Senate he wouldn't even get 10 votes if that.
His answer to addressing the racial wealth gap, which he has been passionate about for 50 years, is to institute broad-based policies for education/college/trade school/jobs/health care that help all people in need because broad-based policies get the most support and have the most staying power but at the same time disproportionately help Black people, and to use what political capital he can spend to particularly address those issues where Black folk have the greatest needs (like assisting HBCUs, ending mortgage and bank discrimination, ending racist policing, and solving the mother/baby mortality issue in the Black community). If Black folk can have a fair chance at that shyt and get some extra help in the education department, then they can start building wealth and begin to close that gap.
So far as actually ending the gap though, reparations will be required. H.R. 40 is all that is politically feasible now (notice that the Republicans CONTINUE to block H.R. 40, why do you think that is?), so that is what Bernie supports now. Hopefully the hard work that many are putting in will make it more and more feasible in the future - and having a Black community on better financial footing and a clear safety net for everyone is MUCH more likely to be a situation where Black folk have a chance at reparations than a situation where regular people of all races are still desperate for jobs and health care and Black folk have virtually zero wealth to influence the political process.