Sometimes I really have to question whether folks like VVD and The Real truly believe if black folks are capable of solving the problems that plague our community.
You guys have this extremely flawed mentality of throwing out the baby with the bath water, so to speak. These men aren't perfect, we all know that. But it's much smarter to not shut them out, and keep them close as to keep their ideas under one roof, if you will. They obviously want good for the black race. A lot of what they say is positive and uplifting. The stuff that they say that appears as quackery, is better to refute in the very same open forum that TWISM seems to want to provide.
Freedom works. Y'all really have to start understanding that. If we believe in eachother and collaborate, what happens after a while is a cohesion of ideas from different people. A common understanding occurs. We act as filters in a way. What would be nice is MORE speakers from HOK, perhaps some more educated people. Use the platform to create an agenda. What we need from eachother is humility and disciple. Those two things because they are what it takes to listen to a man that you might not fundamentally agree with and take away the things he says that we can all agree will benefit us as a whole.
First off you're a :sadpaul: stan, so any finger you point at anyone else for supposedly not being on the side of black peoples' interest should result in 10 fingers being pointed back at you.
But I'm not sure why you're speaking as if The Real and I somehow have some sort of agency over who gets shut out or turned away from the table. There's a thread about these dudes and I gave my thoughts. I'm not sure what all these histrionic overreactions are about, like I'm saying they should be censored or something.
I believe charlatans and poverty pimps should be called out for what they are. These dudes only appeal to a tiny portion of black America anyway, so it's not odd that we would speak critically of them. There's only you, twism, and like 3 weirdos who post here who gives these dudes any sort of credit anyway. Most black people would laugh at them and look at them like they're Damon Wayans inmate character on In Living Color.
There seems to be this inherent assumption in your comments and the comments of others that these guys are a positive force and doing so much good for the community that we should overlook the fact that they're preaching nonsensical gibberish, promoting a dogmatic cultish mentality, and profiting off the poor they're bamboozling.
Well I don't see that. Maybe they are doing some good things, but we're going to need verified examples. Just saying they mean well (which I'm not sure of, particularly in the case of Polight) ain't gonna cut it.
Polight seems like a new York (hopefully he's not a pedo like him). Well what did York ever do positive outside of provide inspiration for KMD's Mr. Hood album? How many doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc. did the Nuwaubians inspire? What inroads in politics and academia did they make?
Did he uplift black people? Nah he raped scores of little black girls.
Anybody claiming to be a preacher, teacher, prophet, or purveyor of knowledge or ideology of some form deserves to ne critiqued on the merits of it. And these HOK dudes are spewing pseudoscientific anti-academic
You dudes are disgusting talking about "They may speak a lot of nonsense but their hearts are in the right place."
You're treating them like retarded kids instead of grown ass men with agendas.
If black people are going to keep pace with the world, we have to embrace science and education, reject cultish devotion to leaders, and think critically. And thinking critically involves the capacity to reject ideas that are false and of no utility, such as this shyt.
It's funny that you claim I'm the one who doesn't think black people can do anything on their own while you're advocating the coddling of bufoonish charlatanry and poverty-pimping just because it purports to be pro-black. You are for lowering standards in the arena of ideas just because they come out of black mouths.
Are white people like "Don't hate on Scientology, Warren Jeffs, and Heaven's Gate. Their intentions are good"? Think about that and think about why black people are still losing. Your way of thinking is part of the problem.