May 3, 2012
Run Thru U Like Skattebo
i will give polight his props though, his family is beautiful. his kids are well spoken and happy. i dont agree with his ideology, but he seems to be doing it right at home

and those wives :ohlawd:

Dr. Sebi Jr.

Trust Me
Mar 3, 2013
Not Technically a "Doctor"
We just have to make sure the message is right & not harming our people/community.

Giving OUR hard-earned money to Captain Polight of the USS Afrikaprise so we CAN learn about the TRUTH of our ORIGINS as BLACK ALIENS from the Sirius star system summoned by the DOGON TRIBE does NOT harm our people/community in any WAY. Isn't that OBVIOUS? Our MONEY is going to a GOOD CAUSE: Scrolls about E.T. This will IMPROVE conditions for US. My rent is late and my car NOTE isn't paid, but I made sure to donate to all the Nobles, Honorable Ministers, Brothers, and BLACK Masons this MONTH. Knowledge is POWER.


May 1, 2012
What do you mean by denounce? I acknowledge and criticize the untruth, yes, but I wouldn't denounce them in the sense of reject them unless they said something grievously untrue or damaging, or said mostly wrong things.

You just seem to eager to shyt on the dude when people like you and the academics you respect have nothing to offer disenfranchised black people aside from blog posts and papers/books written and read by mostly cacs.

The Real

May 8, 2012

You just seem to eager to shyt on the dude when people like you and the academics you respect have nothing to offer disenfranchised black people aside from blog posts and papers/books written and read by mostly cacs.

I'm not "eager" to shyt on anyone. I just voiced my opinion on his ideas, which happened to be accurate. As for having nothing to offer disenfranchised Black people- that's something you can't comment on, since you don't contribute anything to the Black community, have a history of making fun of people who try and work in the hood and have no idea what I'm doing on a daily basis.


May 21, 2012
Why does this matter?
Jay Z is a drop out. Jay Z has plenty of character flaws. I do not believe or subscribe to everything Jay Z does but has that hindered him from becoming a successful business man? I would come to the conclusion that even with Jay Z's character flaws (selling drugs etc. to his people) one could still LEARN from Jay Z on how to gain success if some of what he states or does is valid. :ld:
The difference is Jay-Z doesn't pretend to have some
"secret knowledge".
Jay-Z doesn't present himself in a way that effectively shuts out
other avenues for information. As in completely ignoring science
or history in an attempt to create an entirely different narrative as a way
to "empower" blacks.

Jay-Z only presents himself as a Hip Hop artist and business man.

There are things I could potentially gleam from Jay-z but there are
also much better sources to gain this knowledge.

The hood is where these dudes need to be. Nobody else is there and if what they are spewing can get these dudes to stop harming each other, start to raise their families (they aren't married but have multiple women/babies anyway), establishing businesses & building partnerships...who am I to say what they are doing is totally bad? :manny:
I'd wager the shyt he's spewing is much more harmful.

Polygamy and wholesale rejection of real knowledge in favor of
bullocks ridden novels about metaphysics isn't exactly
a good thing.
And from what I've seen it doesn't appear that
he's helping dudes in the hood but instead talking to people
who are already converts, the same people who would
willingly put money in his pockets.

Establishing Businesses ?
Building partnerships ?
All of these things can be as I said learned in much
better places.

I'd rather a young black man work hard and make it
to Harvard and take a business course there over
attending a polight meeting.

Hell even if he can't make it havard, a community college
would probably offer a much more thorough course on business.
Not to mention the many books they can pick up through the
internet, a bookstore or even checking one out of the library
if their area has any.


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
Giving OUR hard-earned money to Captain Polight of the USS Afrikaprise so we CAN learn about the TRUTH of our ORIGINS as BLACK ALIENS from the Sirius star system summoned by the DOGON TRIBE does NOT harm our people/community in any WAY. Isn't that OBVIOUS? Our MONEY is going to a GOOD CAUSE: Scrolls about E.T. This will IMPROVE conditions for US. My rent is late and my car NOTE isn't paid, but I made sure to donate to all the Nobles, Honorable Ministers, Brothers, and BLACK Masons this MONTH. Knowledge is POWER.

The difference is Jay-Z doesn't pretend to have some
"secret knowledge".
Jay-Z doesn't present himself in away that effectively shuts out
other avenues for information. As in completely ignoring science
or history in an attempt to create an entirely different narrative as a way
to "empower" blacks.

Jay-Z only presents himself as a Hip Hop artist and business man.

There are things I could potentially gleam from Jay-z but there are
also much better sources to gain this knowledge.

I'd wager the shyt he's spewing is much more harmful.

Polygamy and wholesale rejection of real knowledge in favor of
bullocks ridden novels about metaphysics isn't exactly
a good thing.
And from what I've seen it doesn't appear that
he's helping dudes in the hood but instead talking to people
who are already converts, the same people who would
willingly put money in his pockets.

Establishing Businesses ?
Building partnerships ?
All of these things can be as I said learned in much
better places.

I'd rather a young black man work hard and make it
to Harvard and take a business course there over
attending a polight meeting.

Hell even if he can't make it havard, a community college
would probably offer a much more thorough course on business.
Not to mention the many books they can pick up through the
internet, a bookstore or even checking one out of the library
if their area has any.

I will address both of you with the same answer since one is just a sarcastic view of what both are saying.

We would all rather these dudes go the 'regular route' of achieving education & uplifting themselves out of poverty & ignorance but that simply is not the case.

Question? Are Harvard grads going into these hoods telling these dudes to come learn there? Are they trying to inspire & teach anybody about self reliance & creating a well balanced life style for black people inside the black 'hood'? No they are not so its falling on deaf ears. I'm willing to give these dudes a shot even if some of their info is incorrect because no one else is lending a hand.

The crazy thing about all of this is how you guys overlook this entire nation & the spreading of colonialism. All of it was based off incorrect information, science and a religion (that was miss interpreted, stolen from-then used against black people). This same false teaching has inspired pride, wealth, and power to millions of white people across the globe. Yet, you guys are shutting down black people trying to do the same before they can even get started. :aicmon:

Look, I know alot of this crap is buffoonery i.e Seti, but some of this; information alot of these hood dudes can use & it helps their cause. Let these dudes find some type of way to rebuild their manhood in this messed up culture. Don't smash that breh


May 21, 2012
I will address both of you with the same answer since one is just a sarcastic view of what both are saying.

We would all rather these dudes go the 'regular route' of achieving education & uplifting themselves out of poverty & ignorance but that simply is not the case.

Question? Are Havard grads going into these hoods telling these dudes to come learn there? Are they trying to inspire & teach anybody about self reliance & creating a well balanced life style for black people inside the black 'hood'? No they are not so its falling on deaf ears. I'm willing to give these dudes a shot even if some of their info is incorrect because no one else is lending a hand.

The crazy thing about all of this is how you guys overlook this entire nation & the spreading of colonialism. All of it was based off incorrect information, science and a religion (that was miss interpreted, stolen from-then used against black people). This same false teaching has inspired pride, wealth, and power to millions of white people across the globe. Yet, you guys are shutting down black people trying to do the same before they can even get started. :aicmon:

Look, I know alot of this crap is buffoonery i.e Seti, but some of this; information alot of these hood dudes can use & it helps their cause. Let these dudes find some type of way to rebuild their manhood in this messed up culture. Don't smash that breh

These dudes ain't no different from the same hood cats
they grew up around.
They're just a little more learned in what I consider bullshyt.
That's about as simple as I can keep it.

Do I feel people who can actually kick real tangible knowledge
should try to help ? YES !
Do I feel we should take a less crappy alternative among
a bunch of crappy ones ? NO !

I don't want to listen to a bunch of dudes that I KNOW I'm smarter
than. I don't want to let my peoples be led to ruin by opportunistic
scam artists who lay up with groupies and cash in on their ignorance.

If these dudes are really interested in building then they should
reach out to black empowerment minded experts not hang out
in coffee shops staging Smack DVD style debates.
If these dudes are really interested in building they should be
on the front line at City Hall or staging protests or taking their
funds that they receive from books and lectures and using that to
feed and educate the people.

And if they can't do any of those things or simply don't have the
time to then they should be getting educated so that when they're
set up they CAN.


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
These dudes ain't no different from the same hood cats
they grew up around.
They're just a little more learned in what I consider bullshyt.
That's about as simple as I can keep it.

Do I feel people who can actually kick real tangible knowledge
should try to help ? YES !
Do I feel we should take a less crappy alternative among
a bunch of crappy ones ? NO !

I don't want to listen to a bunch of dudes that I KNOW I'm smarter
than. I don't want to let my peoples be led to ruin by opportunistic
scam artists who lay up with groupies and cash in on their ignorance.

If these dudes are really interested in building then they should
reach out to black empowerment minded experts not hang out
in coffee shops staging Smack DVD style debates.
If these dudes are really interested in building they should be
on the front line at City Hall or staging protests or taking their
funds that they receive from books and lectures and using that to
feed and educate the people.

And if they can't do any of those things or simply don't have the
time to then they should be getting educated so that when they're
set up they CAN.

point taken

but I differ from you in some sense because I realize that when dealing with people everyone can't be dealt with the same way. Meaning hood nikkas aren't going to sit through a lecture like this and gain anything from it. You and I would.

So how would one relate this message to the hood? My solution is instead of Loury standing there Lecturing white people and us. He should be networking with guys like Polight (not debating) but discussing on ways he could help them. Link up with them and give them info on how things could be achieved and then Polight could relay this stuff to his segment of people. Polight has the ability to influence...that's a talent and if used properly it could achieve success in the black community. I"m not really concerned on how its achieved as long as its done lawfully and successfully I could care less.

Polight & Loury's inability to work together and respect each other is why we don't see anymore Malcolm X's and King's etc. These guys grew up in black neighborhoods that had a broad spectrum of blacks. From the poorest of the poor all the way to Dr.'s etc because segregation kept them together. Since that's over and done with...new ways to link up should be formed.

One other poster also hit on a important note earlier speaking about how it shouldn't just be 'one leader'. This is where networking and relying on other black groups with different interest becomes vital. The 'One Leader' system is a fragile system because it would not be discrete. Instead, after guys like Polight set up institutions or businesses...they should disappear from public eye and only address plans in meetings with executives that can disperse the information to the masses.
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Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Your bytch man, ignorant don't know enough about anything to debate anyone

Like I said earlier in the thread...

I love to debate and I've had quite a few exchanges with these smartdumb type dudes and I always challenge their ideas bluntly, which they're not used to, and the response is always anger like "How dare you tell me this knowledge I define myself by is not true!"


You are obviously made very uncomfortable by the fact that you liken yourself as a "master teacher" and I am more educated and knowledgeable than you.

I brought up Malcom and the others because they're light skin
and Seti complexion hasn't sparred him from the racial inequalities black people suffer from this country. So him taking his stand is nothing out of the ordinary. When you look at seti you do not see a white man, stop it.


Again, I cast no aspersions on anyone for taking a stand against racial inequality, nor did I say dude is white.

I said he's an ignorant buffoon just inarticulately ranting about hating crackers and he obvious has a great deal of white DNA himself. I think it's funny because he's shytting on himself to some extent and seems indicative of some of type of self-hate or inferior complex.

I'm not sure why you're so butthurt and what you keep :cape: for over a simple innocuous comment expressing the finding of humor in this for. And these comparisons to Malcolm X are just :snoop:

Your a fukk boy, you think like a white man

I love to debate and I've had quite a few exchanges with these smartdumb type dudes and I always challenge their ideas bluntly, which they're not used to, and the response is always anger like "How dare you tell me this knowledge I define myself by is not true!"


if you really knew about genetics you will know Skin color has nothing to do with one's race.

I know a little something about genetics, as all the regular posters here dating back years to the sohh days can attest to. Got a B+ in Genetics when I took in college. What about you?

:heh:@skin color having nothing to do with race. "Race" is a socially constructed concept used to categorize and classify people who share geographical origin and phenotypical characteristics. Skin color is obviously one of those phenotypical characteristics.

You moron.

I love to debate and I've had quite a few exchanges with these smartdumb type dudes and I always challenge their ideas bluntly, which they're not used to, and the response is always anger like "How dare you tell me this knowledge I define myself by is not true!"


Josh Freeman has black and white parents, but he is darker that Seti, however if you look at their facial features you can clearly see who looks
mixed and who doesn't.

Almost everybody is "mixed" to some extent or another, particularly black Americans, and both Josh Freeman and Seti are obviously both pretty mixed.

Just because Josh Freeman has one white parent and Seti's parents are both black doesn't mean Seti isn't mixed, dummy. Obviously one of both of Seti's parents are mixed to a pretty good extent.

I was apprentice under engineers who worked on Thriller bro, and you wanna tell me about some fukking sound.

:laff: :laff:


Are you related to Art Barr?

Shut the fukk up.

I love to debate and I've had quite a few exchanges with these smartdumb type dudes and I always challenge their ideas bluntly, which they're not used to, and the response is always anger like "How dare you tell me this knowledge I define myself by is not true!"


You could even hold your in own in a debatewith Polight, but want to speak as if your intellectual inferior.
If you think you can I'll even put up the money to make it happen just for a hell of it.

There's links on this very site to podcasts where I debate with other posters here, every single one of them more intellectually formidable than Polight.

The problem with you konsciousness clowns is you view debate as some kinda dikk-measuring ego-fest of performance art where you battle and compete with each other for kudos, when sensible people know debate is about the free flow and sharing of information from the parties involved in order to provide potential insight and usable knowledge to the participants and listeners.

A guy like Polight is not even worthy of debate to anybody with any sort of education because anybody who is educated and learned such as myself knows he is utterly lacking in education and has no clue what the fukk he's talking about.

A "debate" between me and him wouldn't even be that because I'd be shooting at a 10 foot goal and he'd be dunking on a 7 foot goal.

So as far as who would "win" it would depend on what criteria you're basing it on. If you're judging it based on who could put on a more entertaining performance with dynamic delivery of stringing together a bunch of nonsense and random factoids and prepackaged memorized talking points that don't mean anything rapid fire-style, he's your winner.

If it's about actually debating substantively about issues using logic and facts, I win in a 1994 Undertaker vs. Barry Horowitz squash match.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
these are all good things. Unfortunately you are self centered and do not want this for your 'brethren'. Anytime someone brings up Black people doing for themselves and getting economic/conscious and spiritual freedom & empowerment in this country or the African continent, you chime in with distracting info or themes that do not push the subject forward. Instead you belittle the topic, laugh about it, try to discredit it and you have become a thorn in the side of your brothers who are trying to better themselves.

Of course everything said by these guys will not be correct, but why not hone in on the correct info and give that out to the people in this thread? Why not introduce some of your literature (that stands colossal) if it could be beneficial to the conversation at hand. No instead, you try to take away from the convo and act as if nothing these people have to say is valid because they have character flaws :stopitslime:

I gave me opinion on him because this is a message board where we discuss things and there's a thread about him. In that context, I'm doing my duty: namely calling out bullshyt and charlatantry.

The onus is on you to prove that Polight and others are having a positive net effect on black people as a whole that outweighs the negativity of the obvious lies and pseudoscience he's espousing while taking money from the people he's claiming to uplift. When you can do that, holler at me. Until then, I'll call bullshyt and charlatanry what it is.

I don't know too much about the guy. I'm just watching the videos and they're full of nonsense. Let's say that he's somehow providing this economic upliftment you're claiming. What is he saying or doing that cannot be obtained at the library, on the internet, at a money-management seminar, or by other mentors and leaders in communities?

He's obviously a self-serving charlatan with his own agenda seeking personal profit and glory, who probably doesn't even believe a lot of the shyt he's saying, and even if he does, it's still mostly crap, just like "Dr." York, or that white dude on BET selling the magic prayer cloths.

He's doing damage by misleading people into cult-worship and fostering a dogmatic anti-scientific, anti-academic mindset, which has long been poisonous in the black underclass.

Again, why isn't he urging people to pursue STEM education which is the most obvious path toward economic success? Probably because he knows if they did, they'd be too smart and perceptive to believe his bullshyt anymore and he couldn't make anymore money exploiting them.

He and others like him are poverty pimps vulturing off the lack of education and economic deprivation present in the hood that is oppressing people and keeping them stuck there. I do not have to respect cult leaders and I will call it like I see it, sorry.


Jun 2, 2013
Burnt SUVs, Swimming Pools, Dominican dimes and Al

this is true

all that crazy sh1t aside what exactly is wrong with polygamy?

what if you know two bisexual lesbians (the feminine good looking type not the butch type) who like you and want you to marry them both, u wouldn't do it brother?

Berniewood Hogan

Aug 1, 2012
all that crazy sh1t aside what exactly is wrong with polygamy?

what if you know two bisexual lesbians (the feminine good looking type not the butch type) who like you and want you to marry them both, u wouldn't do it brother?
