Police shoot unarmed black man in Tulsa...


Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas
Let's see there will be outrage for a few days/weeks, a hashtag with this brother's name will be added to growing list of black people murdered by the police/white vigilantes on Twitter and instagram, white people and some ignorant black person will try to spin this saying somehow he was in the wrong or try to dig up some dirt on the brother that has nothing to do with the shooting so they can somehow justify it, President Obama will ask for us to remain calm, everyone will go back to watching love and hip hop and empire until the next shooting happens and the process will be repeated.:mjcry:
May 7, 2012
You wanna quote the part that supports your claim? I know they're from Tulsa.

I've Googled it and it seems like Internet folklore. All the lyrics are about chick breaking up with him. Every article suggesting it's about Black Wallstreet only refer to the chorus which is just "You dropped a bomb on me, baby, you dropped a bomb on me". They're American, guess they could be talking about pearl Harbor too :guilty:


....Fuh Q.
May 1, 2012
According to cnn.com

Officer's attorney: There's more to the story

Wood says there's more to the story than the videos show.

"He had a very hollow look in his face, kind of a thousand-yard stare, so to speak, and would not communicate. And she could tell he was not normal. She thought that when she saw him," he said.
And when the officer opened fire, according to her attorney, she thought Crutcher was retrieving a weapon from his car.

"She was yelling at him to stop, for probably at least 10 to 15 seconds. He gets to the window of the SUV, and has his hands in the air, looks at them ... and his left hand goes into the window," at which point one officer deployed his Taser and Shelby fired her service weapon. Shelby had a Taser but did not take it out, the attorney said.

The incident has nothing to do with race, Wood said, noting that his client suspected Crutcher was under the influence.

"People who are under the influence have unpredictable behavior, whether you are white, Hispanic, or black," he said.

:trash: :camby:


Apr 30, 2014
According to cnn.com

Officer's attorney: There's more to the story

Wood says there's more to the story than the videos show.

"He had a very hollow look in his face, kind of a thousand-yard stare, so to speak, and would not communicate. And she could tell he was not normal. She thought that when she saw him," he said.
And when the officer opened fire, according to her attorney, she thought Crutcher was retrieving a weapon from his car.

"She was yelling at him to stop, for probably at least 10 to 15 seconds. He gets to the window of the SUV, and has his hands in the air, looks at them ... and his left hand goes into the window," at which point one officer deployed his Taser and Shelby fired her service weapon. Shelby had a Taser but did not take it out, the attorney said.

The incident has nothing to do with race, Wood said, noting that his client suspected Crutcher was under the influence.

"People who are under the influence have unpredictable behavior, whether you are white, Hispanic, or black," he said.

:trash: :camby:
from what i saw the window was down though :jbhmm:

Victim of Racism

I'm a brehette
Mar 17, 2014
I'm starting to really revisit the entire concept of Black on Black crime..

I'm starting to legitimately believe that a majority of these cases are cops killing us off camera and blaming it on "Black thugs" and "gang activity"

If you see how easily they lie when they know they are on camera, imagine how they have been behaving before the technology evolved.

Unless I see a Black man pull a trigger on another brother with my own eyes. I'm not believing anything that gets reported.

After the Freddie Grey murder last summer, there became a rash of "Black on Black" murders that remained unsolved to this day. I talked to teachers and members of the community that were convinced that some of them were done by a certain police officer that is a well known racist in the community.

Over 70% of the homicides in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, etc go unsolved because you're right, the cops are killing the Afrikans aka "blacks" in those places. Does this look like a "fatherless" Afrikan "gang-banger" committing this shooting in Chicago that was caught on a dashcam:

Here's the other information regarding the implausibility that Afrikan youth are outsmarting cops in these areas. As a pretext, I will note that no violent crime is solved more than murder. There's never an excuse to only solve 30% of murders, especially when cops over-police Afrikan neighborhoods (to harass us with illegal searches and stops and frisks that they can't get away with in European aka "white" neighborhoods to fulfill their drug arrest quotas for their phony "War on Drugs", which is really just a war on Afrikans that is not being waged against Europeans who are strung out on heroin). Afrikan murders get solved the least of every group, but mostly in the areas that are always hyped by the White Supremacist media:

http://ronaldjacksonglobal.blogspot.com/2015/06/are-police-behind-many-of-unsolved-gang.html State Rep.: 'Maybe The Police Are Killing Some Of These Kids'

Are Cops In Chicago Behind Many Of The Shootings That Are Blamed On Gang Violence? - Counter Current News

Are Cops In Chicago Behind Many Of The Shootings That Are Blamed On Gang Violence? |

“A closer look at the numbers, however, reveals big discrepancies between cities. Some, such as Houston and San Diego, have managed to raise their rates to between 75% and 90% in recent years. Others, such as Detroit and New Orleans, solve less than 30%. Charles Wellford, a criminologist at the University of Maryland, also notes that murders of police officers are nearly always solved, anywhere. Perhaps, he suggests, “any homicide can be solved if you put the time into it.”:


Meanwhile, over 70% of the murders are solved in California, Texas and many other states. These are places where Europeans are murdering 82 to more than 1,100 of each other.

To see this, go to http://murderdata.org/ and click on the "Search Cases" tab, then move the slider to "2014" to where only 2014 is selected, scroll down to "State" and deselect "All", then select "Texas". Then scroll down to "Vic Race" and deselect "All", then select "White". The gray bar on the left is the "Solved" cases. You will see that nearly 82% of the murders of Europeans are solved. It's 704 solved cases and the murderers are nearly all European. Once you click on the gray bar and click on the icon after "Exclude", it will pull up the data. Then click on the "Full Data" tab, then select "Show All Columns", then scroll over to "Off Race" and you will see the murderers are nearly all European.

If you repeat that process, you will see similar results in California, NY, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Louisiana, Missouri, Tennessee, Virginia, New Jersey, South Carolina, Indiana, Arizona, Washington, Nevada, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Colorado, and New Mexico.

Europeans are murdering each other at a higher percentage and number than every group. The common stats people cite are of "single victim/single offender"—not all homicides. Here's a screenshot:


Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

That's only 47.7% of homicides. 3rd bullet point under the "Overview" section:

Expanded Homicide Data

The numbers on all homicides known to police (not just "single victim/single offender") show a far different picture. It shows Europeans are murdering each other at 92% and Afrikans are murdering each other at 83%. Here's a screenshot:


To see this, go to Crosstabulations of Murder Victims. From the first 2 drop-down menus, select "Race of Oldest Offender" and "Race of Victim". Then hit "Show table" and then "Row %".

Links on community policing:

6 Ideas for a Cop-Free World

Prison Culture » Thinking Through the End of Police…
Last edited:


Feb 2, 2016
Pseudo intellectual Coli militants who have no understanding of how government works at it again :mjlol:

Is that to me breh?

If you can keep your adhd under control this doc is extremely insightful and gives so much game and knowledge. Don't doubt my intelligence just because your dumb ass is putting your skin color before your common damn sense.


Aug 29, 2013
I want for Obama to call this shyt out for what it is. This shyt aint new, these cops been murdering us out here with impunity, it's just being caught on camera now. I don't want no tap dancing or toeing the line on this issue, this shyt is wrong and for him to be a so called black man this issue should be NUMBER 1 for him.

He's the fukking president of the United States, you mean to tell me there are no strings in the background he could pull to make sure at least some of these race soldiers get locked up where they belong for murdering us out here???

It's just infuriating to have individuals like you try to downplay black people wanting their president to protect them from being murdered by civil servants for no reason.

Is that too much to demand from your president?

You want me to vote for a man and a party that could give two shyts about me if I was murdered tomorrow like this man just was.

Black people please wake up, stop whoring ur selves out to a political system that doesn't give a fukk about u. It's time we start making demands with our vote if we're gonna use it
So you just wanna here words....:snooze:


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
According to cnn.com

Officer's attorney: There's more to the story

Wood says there's more to the story than the videos show.

"He had a very hollow look in his face, kind of a thousand-yard stare, so to speak, and would not communicate. And she could tell he was not normal. She thought that when she saw him," he said.
And when the officer opened fire, according to her attorney, she thought Crutcher was retrieving a weapon from his car.

"She was yelling at him to stop, for probably at least 10 to 15 seconds. He gets to the window of the SUV, and has his hands in the air, looks at them ... and his left hand goes into the window," at which point one officer deployed his Taser and Shelby fired her service weapon. Shelby had a Taser but did not take it out, the attorney said.

The incident has nothing to do with race, Wood said, noting that his client suspected Crutcher was under the influence.

"People who are under the influence have unpredictable behavior, whether you are white, Hispanic, or black," he said.

:trash: :camby:
And there is the spin I bet the dude that bombed ny had the same blank stare on his face when he only got one shot to the leg. And why didn't this bytch have her taser out? She wanted a reason to kill him. fukk these scary ass cops


Feb 2, 2016
And there is the spin I bet the dude that bombed ny had the same blank stare on his face when he only got one shot to the leg. And why didn't this bytch have her taser out? She wanted a reason to kill him. fukk these scary ass cops

Hate when people do this, Its 2 different states, different cops, different situations. You can't say well that guy bombed someone and survived, but this guy didn't. that shyt don't make sense. Just say the cops that killed that man were cowards that had no real training and were trained to pull their weapons to handle any and all situations.


Aug 29, 2013
Jesus fukking Christ dude, wake the fukk up. Its not about Obama, he is a puppet, just like Bush, just like Trump, just like Clinton, they are not real leaders, they are baby sitters, And your on of the children. People's FEDERALLY MANDATED constitutional rights are being stripped away, and your response is well what can the Federal government do......:snoop:.......as I said stop quoting me breh.
Ok then why y'all so wasting so much outrage and anger towards someone who just a puppet. I swear y'all kill me with this shyt. Y'all spend so much time worry about what other black people do or say. Its like yall sont have a mind of your own yall dont wanna take action yourselves. Y'all sheep.

Then y'all wanna shyt shot on black pastors because they say what a black pastor is supposed to. Wanna call them c00ns where the truth they do more for their community then any of you. I bet my life on that.

This shyt is getting old and annoying


Feb 2, 2016
Ok then why y'all so wasting so much outrage and anger towards someone who just a puppet. I swear y'all kill me with this shyt. Y'all spend so much time worry about what other black people do or say. Its like yall sont have a mind of your own yall dont wanna take action yourselves. Y'all sheep.

Then y'all wanna shyt shot on black pastors because they say what a black pastor is supposed to. Wanna call them c00ns where the truth they do more for their community then any of you. I bet my life on that.

This shyt is getting old and annoying

Its not about Obama though, its about his position. All Presidents in that roll or in the same boat. You the dumb nikkas catching feelings, trying to cape. Point blank you nikkas don't know shyt about shyt. Yall don't get it. All Presidents are put in place to instill and continue white supremacy. This is evident in the wars that are fought and the countries that the wars are fought against. Learn what the fukk you talking about and get your panties out ya ass fukk boy.

And a lot of black pastors are opportunist milking the community for dollars. fukk does a pastor need a brand new Cadillac to drive, brought by his sheep followers. What does have to do with GOD? Draw the line between fiction and reality like a reasonable grown ass man breh.


May 20, 2015
Another black woman called a white cop to kill another black man but not one peep out of the coli...


Jun 16, 2014
The Bay Area
You wanna quote the part that supports your claim? I know they're from Tulsa.

I've Googled it and it seems like Internet folklore. All the lyrics are about chick breaking up with him. Every article suggesting it's about Black Wallstreet only refer to the chorus which is just "You dropped a bomb on me, baby, you dropped a bomb on me". They're American, guess they could be talking about pearl Harbor too :guilty:
I guess it is internet folklore but I wouldn't be surprised if it was meant for that too.