
Nicholas Thomas autopsy proves Atlanta Police shot him in the back. (Police said he was driving his car head on toward them and they had to shoot)
LOL @ their bad lies, Shot in the back but he's driving head on towards you? Sounds like Nicholas was running for his life. Black people are RUNNING FROM POLICE TO SURVIVE not resist arrest. He was driving a nice car so he was clearly profiled. They kill you then lie on the police reports that you were a threat. You can be killed during a "minor" traffic stop for no reason Black America.

(White Supremacist Racist Sleeper Cell)
These Racist Sleeper Cells are in every police department waiting for their chance to kill a black people and the racist judicial system has their back. Remember, 137 shots? 1 cop charged, No convictions: Black people you've just got a 3 year IN YOUR FACE LOOP of White Supremacy killing you. If you choose to just sit and die, then do it. I'm awake. I won't live in a fake Matrix.

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