Police Respond to Shooting at Charleston, South Carolina Church - Update: Captured


Your Favorite Tio!
May 3, 2013
Sabado Gigante
I love this website.

You all forgot the DC sniper? Killed 16 people?

We're all the same, you, me, every one. Any evil that you think you see in white people they see the same in you. Stop trying to take the high ground you fakkits.

A terrorist attack happened and you are playing some made up victims role. The DC sniper was rightful condemned and was treated as a mass murderer and borderline terrorist. This guy killed people inside a church to ultimately take away rights from black people and try to supress a group people's rights and ability to exist. This is what terrorism is designed to do you dumbass ignorant fool


Aug 29, 2012
So SC blacks forever saying to forgive, from this incident to Walter Scott who was shot on camera. The families and black folks saying this are spitting on the graves of the people who innocently died just for being there. This false sense of being a Christian and forgiving with no action and praying with no action is going to be the death of the black community while the pastors get rich. I am Christian and I've never been so disgusted with this thoughtless notion of forgiving that black folks display. White people don't like you including the entire globe WAKE THE fukk UP OR END UP ON THE NEWS NEXT WEEK SLAUGHTERED. We have a c00n ass president in office right now and the conditions of black people have went to hell and shyt hasn't changed after you prayed collectively.

I went to college in SC, not to generalize but there are some really passive docile black ppl that i ran across.

It rubbed me the wrong way that the family of Walter Scott took such a nonchalant forgive n forget approach to his death. It was some folks that was ready to come down and show up and really protest but the family begged them not to.

I know if my mom was not even buried yet and she was murdered specifically for being black by some cac. I know i wouldn't let other cacs parade me around on a Forgiveness tour on their behalf to pacify angry black folks. I aint forgiving that cac for the rest of my life. Even the uncle said he would flip the switch but why we gotta always be so kind?

I Farrakhan said that everytime something went down white officials would call, not to ask if the families were ok, not to give well wishes, but to ask if the blacks were going to be calm. Cacs care more about property being destroyed than black lives


Aug 29, 2012
This has to be one of the biggest PR disasters for White Supremacy in this country in decades. This ranks up there with the 16th St. Baptist Church bombing, killing those Jews who were freedom riders, hitting MLK. A pure tactical blunder no matter how you slice it.

Its the first time since the 16th street Bombing that they can't demonize the victims. The cac was 100% in the wrong and the blacks were 100% in the right. Full of elderly people and women. There were only 2 black males that weren't elderly. One was a pastor, state senator and by all accounts a good man. The younger black man a quiet college grad exhibited valor by literally jumping in front of a bullet to save a elderly relative and in turn his own mother and niece. They can't do nothing but take the L and they are gonna be finally forced to confront their own society rather than shytting on others. These victims symbolized black excellence and the cac was a drug abusing small time crook and white supremacist. A unemployed 9th grade drop out and a piece of shyt born and bred out of the paranoia of decades of suppressed racism. Can't spin this one.

Oreilly tried like hell last night. He attacked the coverage with alot more anger than the actual devil that killed 9 people. They so transparent.


Aug 29, 2012
Larry Elder ‏@larryelder 1h1 hour ago
We're debating the #ConfederateFlag?!? And not whether a good guy a with concealed weapon might have evened out the odds? #Charelston

Black People, I would say it's time to really go in hard on our "Sell outs" (I don't like using the word c00n but I understand). But like I said, it's a waste of time we have to keep moving forward with our message and let the sellout be sellouts. But we also have to understand If Blacks want to defend White Supremacy, then they are hurting our message we can call them out if we must to check them. We just can't waste time debating them. Vesey was sold out by Blacks and that's the reason the church was burned down 200 years ago and he was killed. Black Sell Outs not only hurt the cause but aid White Supremacy in making their own lives bad. They are truly lost.

Larry Elder and his c00n friends need to be excommunicated from the black community. They should be treated with open hostility. If i saw Larry Elder being violently assaulted by a gang of Neo Nazi's i wouldnt even break my stride


Dade County carol city
Apr 30, 2012
Carol city
How is the community too forgiving? Just becuase they are on television and say it in a press conference? :what:
I for one do not believe those people forgave that man. You all gotta be some kinda naive to think they would forgive that fast. As if black people are not human and go through emotions like a damn dog.

Ya'll are conditioned to think this way. Me too. It's just the reality of situation. It's not healthy.

they scared, breh. most black people are actually scared of white people. that's the problem most black people dont want to admit that.


Aug 29, 2014
they scared, breh. most black people are actually scared of white people. that's the problem most black people dont want to admit that.

So true. Some don't understand how things work. Some poster on here was talking about how people down south let the KKK run rampant. Him ignorantly not understanding that KKK have the right to protest with permits. I remember one of the civil rights leaders telling us the KKK would hold rallies with a thousands people and basically there is nothing you really can do about it because they had permits.

These people talking about "If that were me" ..I know for a fact they would turn that car around hella fast if they stumbled on a KKK rally solo.

I remember my teacher from up north told us how when she first came to Atlanta she accidentally rode through stone mountain( park in Georgia where they used to hold KKK rallies in the 70s-80s) and saw bunch of white people and then she noticed hooded people walking around and she speed out of there fast. She said that was such an eye opener.

I don't blame people for feeling scared because it is a scary situation.
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May 17, 2014


Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
How is the community too forgiving? Just becuase they are on television and say it in a press conference? :what:
I for one do not believe those people forgave that man. You all gotta be some kinda naive to think they would forgive that fast. As if black people are not human and go through emotions like a damn dog.

Ya'll are conditioned to think this way. Me too. It's just the reality of situation. It's not healthy.

You're naive for thinking that those black people didn't genuinely forgive that murderer :mjlol:


Dynasty Continues...
May 1, 2012

Great read...

Connecting the dots: Charleston shooter, Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, and the American Confederacy
Jun 19, 2015 9:47am PDT by Shaun King
Dylann Roof is a terrorist. All terrorists have inspiration. Daily, we are learning more and more about the motivating factors that caused this man to walk into a Charleston church and brutally murder nine African Americans. Here is where we will discuss those factors and how much like millions of Americans Dylann Roof truly is.
Roof did not come out of nowhere. His worldview, driven by racism, white supremacy and an outrageous fear of African Americans, is actually a very particular, popular and dangerous somewhere. Right now, in America, if you say the name Trayvon Martin in a crowd, you will likely get dozens of wildly different perspectives. If you say the word Baltimore, not even Freddie Gray, but just Baltimore, you will get just as many conflicting viewpoints.

Those viewpoints hinge particularly on race, political party and geographic location. Ask a white conservative in Florida what he thinks about Baltimore and Trayvon Martin and the response is likely going to be very different than if you ask an African American progressive in New York City. But it's deeper than just "Oh, America is a diverse melting pot."

One group of people in America, by the millions, so devalue and dehumanize Trayvon Martin that they truly believe he got what he deserved when he was killed by George Zimmerman while walking home from the convenience store in his own neighborhood. Zimmerman, believing him to be a criminal, and going against the wishes of the 911 dispatch, got out of his car and chased Trayvon on foot throughout the neighborhood until a confrontation finally ensued. Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon during this confrontation. Later, Zimmerman would raise hundreds of thousands of dollars of support online and would even appear for autographs and photos at gun shows. Hell, he was a hero. What did he do to warrant an autograph or a photo or a donation?


George Zimmerman, seen above in his many mugshots, tracked an innocent young man down in his neighborhood and killed him. This is horrible. What does it mean to adore George Zimmerman? What does it mean when he is a hero, an icon, to you? What does it mean when he inspires you so much that you donate your own money to support him?
We now know that Dylann Roof, according to his close friend Joey Meek, was "obsessed" with the killing of Martin. This isn't strange. Hundreds of conservative blogs were written that blast Martin, blast President Obama for speaking about him, blast his mother and father, show pictures of him dead, joke about how awesome it is, etc. Tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of combined comments on these blogs co-sign just how much people think the young Martin got what he deserved. Be brave and go to ***** and search on "Trayvon." You will end up in a cesspool of racism and sickness.

But it's not just rogue conservatives. Zimmerman appeared on Fox News, the most popular cable news channel in America, and received a warm audience. You'd be hard pressed to find a single sympathetic voice to Trayvon on Fox.

Reverse the roles though, and imagine what Fox would say, what conservative blogs would say, if a black man with six mugshots chased a white teen through his own neighborhood and killed him.

I want to suggest to you that George Zimmerman was celebrated for one single solitary reason. Trayvon represents for a portion of conservative white America everything they hate about African Americans. When Zimmerman killed this young man, he became a hero because he did what many racist whites would like to do themselves. He did it for them.


Freddie Gray
Joey Meek also stated that Roof was "obsessed" with the death of Freddie Gray and the unrest in Baltimore. This is an obsession I have seen and experienced first hand. After the death of Gray, I came face to face with the conservative white obsession over him and received thousands of hateful messages from all over the country.
Respected conservatives began flat-out lying about Gray.

One conservative reporter claims that Gray severed his own spine jumping from a three-story window eluding police and then running full force into a wall. Except that even the Baltimore police have claimed they simply spotted Gray on the street.

Other conservatives literally doctored a lead-paint exposure settlement that Gray and his sister received and claimed that it was for a severe spinal injury he received in a car accident.

Perhaps no lie is more disturbing than the one the Baltimore police have leaked to The Washington Post—that Gray injured himself in the van. It is irresponsible for the Post to advance this lie, and it's corrupt for the Baltimore police to be leaking it to advance a false narrative to protect their officers.

In America, far too many of us live in strange bubbles where we hardly ever hear viewpoints that conflict with our own. And, if we hear them, we immediately discount them as lacking credibility. It's likely that Roof lived in such a dangerous bubble where conservative lies about Gray and Martin caused him to think that these two young men not only got what they deserved, but also that people like them pose a real threat.

This isn't a guess. He told survivors of his terrorist attack his racist intentions. He told others he wanted to start a civil war.

But here's the thing—this is not some off-the-wall conclusion that Roof arrived at on his own. If he truly believed that six officers were railroaded in Baltimore, if he truly believed that Martin got what he deserved, if he truly believed that Mike Brown fractured the face of Darren Wilson (he didn't), as was reported in The Washington Post, then it all makes sense that this man, or any man or woman for that matter, could conclude that some white anger is in order.

But here's what pulls it all together more than Freddie Gray, more than Mike Brown or Trayvon Martin ...


The Confederate flag, in spite of decades of African Americans in South Carolina stating that it is an offensive symbol of intimidation and pain, flies freely and boldly on the grounds of the South Carolina capitol. By flying this flag, the white powers of the state are saying, in no uncertain terms, that their pride and power means way more than black pain and frustration.
In what world is this over OK? Don't be shallow about it. What does flying this flag in South Carolina really mean when so many African Americans have said so clearly that it hurts them to see it. What does it mean in any context when someone does something that is knowingly offensive to others?

Now, let's dig deeper. Symbols matter.

Here is Dylann Roof, in a photo he posted to Facebook this past May, possibly taken by a friend, in which he poses wearing a jacket with two patches on it. One is from the racist apartheid regime of South Africa and the other is from the racist colonial regime of Rhodesia—now Zimbabwe.

Roof wasn't celebrating his heritage. He's not from there. He's never been there. Those flags, long since discarded when black Africans came to power in those countries, stand for violent oppression. These resonated with Roof because he, quite obviously now, also believed in the violent use of force against Africans in America.

The Confederate flag means something to Roof as well. See him below posing in front of his car with it on the license plate. At its very best, this is a symbol of the Confederacy. Logically, tease this out. Is it truly outrageous for a young man to want a civil war now when the flag from the actual Civil War is displayed so boldly at the state capitol? Is the state not celebrating the Confederacy? Did the Confederacy not want to maintain slavery and subjugate African Americans to a sub-human status?

We're not even getting into the reality that the Confederate flag wasn't reintroduced in South Carolina until nearly 90 years after the Civil War as a tool to intimidate people during the Civil Rights movement.

We need to be honest. The murders of Trayvon Martin and Freddie Gray fundamentally degraded the value of black lives in the eyes of many Americans. The coverage of those murders doubled down on that degradation and presence of the Confederate flag, at the insistence of the state government of South Carolina, makes official that the humiliation and intimidation of African Americans is acceptable.

The truth is this. Dylann Roof is a uniquely and particularly American man. Birthed and hewn out of our violent culture. America made this man and many, many more like him. He is not the first and won't be the last.
