Police Officer Takes To Reddit To Complain About Bogus 911 Calls About Black People


Feb 25, 2013
Ya know, I'm just going to complain and get some stuff off my chest.

So I'm working last week and get dispatched to a call of 'Suspicious Activity.' Ya'll wanna know what the suspicious activity was? Someone walking around in the dark with a flashlight and crow bar? Nope. Someone walking into a bank with a full face mask on? Nope.

It was two black males who were jump starting a car at 930 in the morning. That was it. Nothing else. Someone called it in.

People. People. People. If you're going to be a racist, stereotypical jerk...keep it to yourself. Don't call the police and make them get involved into your douchebaggery.

That's all. End rant.



Accept to take the L
May 1, 2012
I got a call once about someone illegally fishing in a community pond. The complainant advised that they had lived there for years, and knew that the person fishing didn't live in the community.

Once I arrive, I see a middle aged black man fishing in the pond. He looks over when I pull up and immediately approaches me. He said, "Let me guess, my racist neighbors called again saying that I didn't live here."

"Yes, sir. That is what the caller said."

"Here's my license. I've lived here for 10 years, and they call on me every once and a while."

"I'm sorry to have bothered your fishing. Have a good day, and good luck with your horrible neighbors."
theses cacs aint shyt :dead:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Funny, scary and sad a call like this is what got tamir rice killed

I got a call once about someone illegally fishing in a community pond. The complainant advised that they had lived there for years, and knew that the person fishing didn't live in the community.

Once I arrive, I see a middle aged black man fishing in the pond. He looks over when I pull up and immediately approaches me. He said, "Let me guess, my racist neighbors called again saying that I didn't live here."

"Yes, sir. That is what the caller said."

"Here's my license. I've lived here for 10 years, and they call on me every once and a while."

"I'm sorry to have bothered your fishing. Have a good day, and good luck with your horrible neighbors.

I had an old lady tell me, "Our Sheriff back in the '70s used to just make people disappear, I don't know where he put them, but they never came back. Why cant you all just do that?" I said, "Well Ma'am they don't let us do that anymore."

Old white lady sees a family of hispanics horsing around at a gas station. 18 year old brother pulls his 16 year old sister into the car because she's on her phone not paying attention. Van drives away with mom, dad, brother, sister, and two bonus children in the third seat ages 4 and 5. Comes out as a kidnapping in progress. Respond code 3. Quickly find the van nearby because they aren't hiding, they are going home. Do a felony stop. Cringe as progressively younger and younger people emerge from the vehicle. Finally call off the felony stop when the first child emerges from the back seat. Apologize profusely. Speak to the reporting person, the old white lady. The next day she calls IAD to complain on you because she found you disrespectful when you were trying to figure out why she felt it was a kidnapping. Also get complained on by the family you did the felony stop on.

Oh I had a 54P (same call) once that turned out to be the fukking water meter reader! He had one of those new age things that could read the meter remotely from his vehicle. But it had died and he was replacing the batteries so he was stopped in front of the house he was reading.

He was a black guy. Nice subdivision. His S10 pickup was old but it did have the magnetic signs on it. It was like 2pm.

Lady called scared to death because some black guy was sitting in his truck across from her house.

Made me wanna throw up, seriously ignorant. And we send two units to all 54 calls.

EDIT: Crap, second time now I thought I was posting in /r/AskLEO where I am verified. Sorry about that. City cop retired for what it's worth.

I got a call for 2 black males who crashed a stolen vehicle and fled. Caller even described the ignition as having been tampered with.

The black males owned the car. They got a flat tire. Rolled it into a parking lot out of traffic, then walked home while they decided what to do. The car was locked, clean, no damage inside.

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
Video shows 4 black officers (parole) held at gunpoint by police
Lee Higgins, (Westchester County, N.Y.) Journal News



Four state parole officers have a federal lawsuit pending against Ramapo police, alleging they were racially profiled and held at gunpoint last year while on official business in Airmont. From left to right at a news conference last May: Parole officer Samuel Washington, parole officer Sheila Penister, lawyer Bonita Zelman, parole officer Annette Thomas-Prince and parole officer Mario Alexandre. (Photo: Steve Lieberman/The Journal News


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Had a similar situation a while back, except it was 3 Black Males and they'd just gotten done with their church bowling league. It took my partner and I about 2 seconds to figure it out, wished 'em a good night and on our way.

They were really pleasant, but part of me can't help but wonder if they felt profiled for being black in a white neighborhood. And ya know what? They were, just not by me. It was the d-bag who called it in. We were just going to a suspicious subjects call.

Of course it didn't end there. Mr. D-bag didn't like the fact that we cleared the call so quick and didn't even try to find "something". So he lit into the Watch Commander, who passed it on to our SGT, who promptly took us to the woodshed. My partner tried to argue it but you can't fight gravity...gravity being the reason shyt rolls downhill.

We're just a clearing house for a bunch of unnecessary hate, anger and pain.

My personal favorite:

TeenageExplorer standing @ traffic post

Mother with child: Excuse me?

Me: Yes ma'am?

Mother with child: Did you see that guy walk down my street?

Recalls man walking down the street, he waved at me and I waved back

Me: Yea, do you know him?

Mother with child: I mean I've seen him a few times before, he just is out of place here. Can you like do something about that? Him being here?

Recalls man was black

Me: Ma'am, I can't personally do anything, I'm just here to direct traffic and I have to remain here until told otherwise. praying she'll walk away

Mother with Child: Could you call you boss then?


Me: Ma'am, there's an officer down the street if you'd like to talk with him. But there's nothing saying he can't walk down the street so I don't know if he will be able to do anything either.

Mother with child: Fine. walks away annoyed

We frequently get calls about black men and woman and kids, yes fukking kids, walking.

My wife got the police called on her 3 times the first week we moved into our new Apartment. 1st time she was sitting in her car reading while the landlord brought the keys from his office. 2nd time was for "breaking into the house" she used the front door with a key. 3rd time she was walking to the mail boxes down the street to get mail.

I'm white and she's black. She got cops called a total of 9 times in the year we lived there I got zero.

once responded to a B&E in progress. Dispatch says caller has locked herself in her bathroom and someone is attempting to break down the main door. Or back door. Caller is frantic. I go lights and sirens and am first unit on scene. Approach house and nothing amiss. Check around the back of the house with a second unit. Nothing. End up having dispatch contact caller and tell her to come out and talk to us.

She says how she saw a black man or at least dark skinned individual walking down the street. It was around 2100 and she thought he was going to break into her house. He didn’t walk towards her house or do anything. She just thought it was suspicious because he was walking in the street (no sidewalk in this neighborhood). She was low/mid twenties. She proceeded to panic and call 911. She got a good talking to about use of 911 and jumping to conclusions.



Nov 26, 2014
i do furniture deliveries and you wouldn't (or would) believe how many cacs just straight up STARE on some :merchant: shyt when i pull up into their neighbor's driveway.
i usually get to choose what face i wanna hit em with. sometimes :stopitslime:, other times :francis:, but most of the times :troll:


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
i do furniture deliveries and you wouldn't (or would) believe how many cacs just straight up STARE on some :merchant: shyt when i pull up into their neighbor's driveway.
i usually get to choose what face i wanna hit em with. sometimes :stopitslime:, other times :francis:, but most of the times :troll:


My friend is a cop that does furniture deliveries for his own (off the books) side business during his off days, I did 2 with him last summer when he couldn't find help and the amount of people just staring is comical. Like muthafukka do you really think we're gonna roll into a gated community at 2pm so we can rob a home slow as fukk?

Codeine Crazy

All Star
Nov 4, 2014
NBA Playoffs start in an hour :blessed::blessed:

Derek Rose bout to go in on Bron

Who care about racial issues

Live life to the fullest and stop focusin on the negatives