is the only way to level up by catching pokemon? im very selective and only want stylish pokemon so i dont bother with a good majority. If I see a gengar, ill catch it, if I see a magnemite or diglett then im walking past it
Technically yea. U can level up by evolving pokemons but that means you would have to go out and catch some. U can also level up by looting poke stops or fighting at gyms. Dont forget to use yoir lucky eggs for double xp
yeah, you can "transfer" them which gives you "candy" that is used to level up and evolve pokemon.can you delete pokemon after you catch them, if then ima stay stagnant for a while then cuz I only fukk with the best. Its just me charmander and evee at the moment You build up all of those??? HOW SWAY??Some dude just paid $400 for this account... And it was right before I marked the price down to $350
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Fair warning, you will 100% be banned if are jumping locations, maybe you will be safe if you remain in one area but I still doubt it. Wouldn't suggest using this on an account you wish to keep.
About damn time.
these dudes be cheating on their computers and You build up all of those??? HOW SWAY??