Who's fault is that that Sunset didn't sell? Xbox users don't support franchises that don't involve shooters? That's the issue with the userbase.
Cuphead, Sea of Thieves will probably flop too just like Overdrive, Recore, Quantum Break, etc.
Here's the issue, did the graphical advantage of the PS4 versions over the Xbox One version play a role in sales this gen? yes.
But you keep ignoring the price issue at the beginning too, that was just as bad trying to sell a weaker system with a higher pricetag. That's retarded.
Even after they dropped the price, the damage was already done.
So now you introduce a system that will have the better version for multiplats, but exclusives wise it still won't do anything. Crackdown is the only game that has a chance of not flopping, but the rest of these new jawns?
We both know they'll probably flop because history has shown this to be.
So why play multiplats on a weaker system? Because you come to the table 4 years later and say, "WE GOT THE MORE POWERFUL SYSTEM NOW! " At this point, it's too late in the game for me this gen and unless these multiplats are gonna be running 4k60 without checkerboarding, then the gains aren't worth it.
cats who purchase primarily multiplats are casuals, and casual cats are not forking over 500 bucks at this point to play a shinier madden, 2k, GTA. They aren't. The fact that the "regular" versions of the PS4 and XB1 prove that. Most of the cats I play with online are not gonna stop playing on the 4 and get Scorpios as well. This is what yall want to happen, but it won't.
I told yall nikkaz back in 2013 this gen would be a bloodbath and yall laughed and now look.
Scorpio ain't saving Larrybox as much as yall want it to do so.