Flip flop on what though? Everyone knows it will be more powerful, so what are cats "flip flopping" on?
Come on breh you smart don't act dumb like this generation hasn't been about graphics and struggle 1080P PS more powerful than Xbox bullshyt. We are in the year 2017 now and we have a system in Xbox which earlier variations were getting clowned for being weak now has the most powerful gaming system created with features not announced pushing a new media format like Ps2 and dvds but all of a sudden that shyt don't matter.
Sony had a hit with Horizon but don't act like exclusives sell systems when they don't as majority of the gaming sells are multiplats. I recall you guys on here saying why buy multiplats on a weaker system but now Xbox which uses real 4K and there is a difference between checkerboard and real 4K (I have a pc) has the stronger system you guys now saying it's games. Come on lol y'all acting like hoes. What is it an exclusive every 2 year average with Sony and that shyt shouldn't be used as an argument.