Playing Devils Advocate: Should Black men have to look at ourselves for our women not respecting us?


All Star
Aug 14, 2015
Me, myself and I
To be honest, when I read your posts I picture you as a broken hearted 19-21 year old who had trouble getting the girls he wanted in HS.

But if you don't think you bash BW then my opinion shouldn't matter.

BTW, I don't hate black men. I'm marrying a great one next year. :comeon:

@VFib @PeridotPuss @ChiefQueen y'all think that I bash black women like that? Or even hate black women?

I be honest, a lot of black men be slacking. Thinking about their dikks and ego over the bigger picture. That'd why there are a lot of Flava Flav's and Beanie Sigels in our community, in their 40s, 50s, and 60s thinking like teenagers. Even their children be like :what: when their own father don't strive to be anything but a statistic. In this Era of police brutality and gentrification, America made it very clear that they got no more room for immature adults that don't think about wealth. This country is about to be a Banana Republic, so in other words, if you not born into wealth, you gonna stay broke forever. Social mobility will soon be a thing of the past as cost of living artificially inflates beyond control.


Apr 4, 2015
I'll say this.....

The more I examine feminism the more it reeks of pseudo-masculinity and I wouldn't be surprised if the founding people of this cancerous ideology were the elites men. So the irony to me at least in my opinion it is men's fault.

If a woman doesn't see you as a leader, she won't respect you.

No misogny, but you have to feel that you are superior to every woman. You have to have that attitude without being disrespectful about it, or they will chew you up and spit you out.

That's impossible you're always gonna offend someone no matter what.


Jul 30, 2015
Black american men need to finally accept the fact that you can't have what is basically a matrifocal bubble, in which your women and children go through another race of men for their provisions, yet get angry that they don't treat you like patriarchs.:coffee:


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
I mean its a proven fact woman respect men that are strong, ambitious and provide for them. So how the fukk can u expect your women to respect you if you're always willing to be a bytch. I used to be like that, blaming BW for not wanting me because I didn't have much, but why would a female want to reproduce with a man that dont have much? it makes no sense. If you're stocking cans at the supermarket and getting screamed at by some white guy that look like drew Carey,how are u gonna provide for her and the kids? the answer is, u cant

And yeah I know, some BW have unrealistic standards and some are c*nts BUT thats woman in general tho. U cant blame BW for wanting a winner. U got nikkas saying stupid shyt like "shes a gold digger" when yo fat ass is 30, living with ya mammy, sitting in your draws playing call of duty all day. Or u might have a good job but have the personality of a fukking shoe box, and think because u have a degree and good job youre entitled to love,sex and respect. U have no discipline either....taking yo fat ass to eat same # 4 everyday at lunch. Then youre big as a house and unhealthy and expect a woman to want to procreate with u...nikka that dont even make sense...but logic in the black community dont exist

Alotta nikkas got it twisted, Woman dont want weak man period. Like if you're docile and limp wrist...a bytch basically, no woman is going to want to be with u. Alotta black men got it twisted bad, if you cant make a woman feel like a woman she'll never respect you. Because contrary to popular belief, if you're trying hard to do something, real black women will be your biggest supporter. Yall confuse black woman with thots. thots are cum dumpsters. but dumb nikkas chase them and lust after them , and when they get rejected or played, they wanna paint all BW with that brush. Why cant u just get with an avg looking, flat booty with a good heart BW nikka? Why do u need Trina in a pants suit nikka? the lord made that woman for u, but instead u spend everyday jerking your dikk off to porn and become all infatuated with porn sluts, and crave one. u want a damn ho, thats an educated and a good mom , that allow u to fukk other woman...u nikkas are delusional too btw

White supremacy neutered alot of black men and turned us effeminate, we dont how to be men anymore. we think manhood is looking hard, sleeping with a gang of different woman and being over emotional about every issue that can be solved with a convo. Alotta BM have been turned into woman. esp nikkas that take pride with shacking up with woman, shes working all day and sit your funky ass on the futon playing john madden football talking shyt in the mic about how nice u are, i guess so nikka, I work so I dont got time to become the best. white society turned us into housewives. they displaced us from the economic system, and how is your woman going to respect u if shes the HNIC of the house?

I digress, I think us BM, me included need to check ourselves and be men and start healing this thing, because life is short, and ppl are dying younger and younger...and were really are on the verge of extinction and u can pretend im exaggerating but anybody honest and educated can see this thing is collapsing. So I think we need to meet at the table and work this thing out, because were on the verge of not having a thing. BM need to man up and take the lead. We need a code of ethics, starting with getting rid of nikkas and thots,back in the ancient days ...if u weren't acting right, they wouth kill you. str8 they would behead u and hold your head up in the town square (not advocating violence), but in babylon ppl are able to do whatever they want. these freedoms with no code has fukked us over. got nikkas talking dping chicks...this aint porn nikka, fukk u wanna do that for in real life?

anyway i digress......conclusion: BM need to get right and then demand our woman get right, theyll have no choice want they see real men
Great point.

American black men of today are not deserving of the respect from our women because we have not created the employment opportunities along with a support system that would keep them from becoming prostitutes or degrading themselves in any other way.

The only part I disagree with you on is when you criticized men who job stacking cans as a job. A two-parent income can maintain a family while working at McDonalds, Burger King or any other basic entry-level job. But hopefully he has bigger dreams and ambitions and is preparing himself to do better things.

So a man who makes an honest living regardless of what type of job it is,is deserving of respect from his women.

In your first paragraph you said a womend don't want to reproduce with someone who doesn't have much,but black women have been reproducing with Pookie and Ray Ray for the past 30 years who are dead broke unemployable felons.

So that part wasn't true.
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Jul 30, 2015
Yes, because black women actually have a valid reason to be tired. We don't provide jobs for them, ourselves or our children.. Can someone explain how that's respectable? Then on top of that, we bytch about how we don't get the treatment other men get (while not providing what other mens' patriarchys provide)

Black men rely on white men to employ, feed, clothe, protect, house etc himself and his people. We don't build our own shyt together, we just go to them for jobs, resources, etc

If you have to rely on another race of men to eat, what does that really say? Like if right now, white men started laying off a large amount of black men at random (more than they already are doing), how would most legally get paid? Would it push us to create our own jobs finally? Would we even know how? No matter how you slice it, we're too dependent on other races of men.

The answer is this. If black men don't want to be viewed and treated as dependent, we need to own our own shyt (and protect it ourselves) instead of going through another race of men for it. Own our businesses, houses, etc. I guarantee you we'd see a more positive shift in black women, and less of us would come online complaining about being treated differently than other races of men. Would things be perfect? No, but there would definitely be a noticeable positive shift.

The problem is, Black men as a group want the respect that other races receive from their women, without providing as much as they do for their women.

nikkas used to blame it all on the white man but now that we see other "minority" men building and practicing group economics, that excuse is getting old and the truth is becoming plain to see.

And me saying this does not mean i'm saying black women are perfect. That's what kills me, these dudes on here act like if you critique black men, then you're saying black women are above critique. I've critiqued black women plenty of times, but this topic is about us. If the topic were about black women then i would specify what they need to improve on, but it's about black men. These dudes can never stay on topic when it's about us and immediately deflect, "B-b-but what about what THEY'RE DOING :damn: " Can't nikkas stay on topic for once instead of changing the subject to black women, white men, anybody else except ourselves


Mar 26, 2014
Black men pay taxes yet there communities have been deprived of crucial infrastructure

When the government you pay taxes to deprives your community of the infrastructure you already payed for hopelessness sets in

Since womem dont respect us for not being allowed to build in this foreign land where we are only 13 percent of the population

Should black men and women stop dealing with each other for the next 100 years?

Because becoming self sufficient in a country where you were never meant to build will take a while

Since no man wants to build and sacrifice for a woman that doesnt respect him

And no woman wants to respect a man that is not building for her and her children

I say black people might as well not even deal with each other no more

Because our women feel devoid of any role in this so called building and its all on the men

I say fukk it


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
This post is going to hurt a lot of peoples feelings.
Most Black men's problems can be attributed to two things.
1) Single mothers raising them.
2) Black men suffer from chronic immaturity.

I might get bashed for this but it needs to said that black men are generally the most immature men on the planet. A lot of us do not grow up. The way you see some black men in his 30's act, I guarantee he acted the same way in his teen years.
Ask him about his goals when he is 16. "p*ssy and paper bruh"
Ask him when he is 25 "p*ssy and paper bruh"
Ask him when he is 35 "p*ssy and paper brother"
Ask him when he is 45 "p*ssy and paper"
ad infinitum

Alot of black men do not mentally age past their teen years, and will make the same ignorant mistakes over and over again. Further evidence of this is how older cats can instantly connect with the younger ones despite being a generation apart. You want to know why? Because they talk about and strive for the same three things: p*ssy, Paper and sports.
I mean shyt, talking about money is cool though right? In the right context absolutely. If you talking about stocks, property, world markets and currencies, real estate, investments. But no, the conversation always involves what they will spend the money on; women, cars, clothes, drugs. The aversion to making a plan to save money (if you are capable of course) is telltale sign of immaturity.

Black women on average are much more mentally mature than black men. But they don't get out of this one either. Black women, despite their maturity, will make fukked up decisions for a mate. I mean fukked up.
They know who he is and what he does, what he will bring to the table and they still choose, thus creating a self perpetuating cycle. Women of all races do this but we do it at higher numbers. This wouldn't be a big deal if it was a limited, isolated thing. Unfortunately its not.

I love my people but it's looking more and more hopeless, I might have to abandon this whole 'We are in this together" and look out for my myself and my own, and if I can uplift anyone willing I will do my best to do so.
The first course of action should be black men contacting the Congressional Black Caucus and other black political representatives who have misled their constituents.

It's going to have to start in the political arena first by asking hard questions in regards to the policies the Democrat Party offers the black community.

It's the Democrat philosophy that has destroyed the black family so until that philosophy is challenged by questions, it will continue.

If you don't want to be Republican fine, just get the Democrat Party to change their platform because it has not benefited the black community over the past 40 years.

That's your only option if you're not willing to switch parties.

Fix or change the part of your in.

Black Sinatra

Raised Glass to the Squandered Potentials..
May 14, 2013
Black men should be looking at themselves daily.:jbhmm:

Without regard to how black women, men, society treats you.:sas2:

This is a quantifiable de-evolution of intrinsic awareness of self. Every year/generation post this internet era has resulted in a curious byproduct to the human ego. Currently, a hazardous percentage of a persons self worth is expected to be redeemed from external social entities. There are sweeping populations of western males that truly cannot with confidence and clarity identify "who they are and what they stand for.":mjcry:

Honestly brehs. I can't emphasize enough of the power of introspection combined with self determined principle and value setting. It's really that easy. In my younger and adult life, nothing has served me better than being able to honestly conduct myself according to my value and principle; equally being able to articulate my mind....being even keeled. Too many men are being emotionally polarized these days...too invested to make a mature navigation among simple subjects. Unbalanced men. Black men should take great strides to manufacture the best version of themselves and evolve until death. Black women are women first and a woman of substance will ALWAYS be attracted to a man of substance.

The BasedFather

Task Force
Feb 12, 2013
Bltch Mob
I love my people but it's looking more and more hopeless, I might have to abandon this whole 'We are in this together" and look out for my myself and my own, and if I can uplift anyone willing I will do my best to do so.

I've already abandoned that ideology. I only look out for myself, my family and people who seek help and I've never felt more peaceful. Not about to stress myself out worrying for black people if they don't want change. Our "community" is like a ship that's slowly sinking and won't be repaired anytime soon and I'm not about to sit around waiting for people to miraculously change because life is too short. :manny:

I've recently become open to interracial dating as well :manny:
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