I'm sorry but you're speaking nonsense here. Persona 4's entire cast was pretty much all standard anime tropes. If you think they're blurring archetypes you must have a very limited experience with anime.
Nah, Persona 4's characters compared to 3 was night and day. In 3 everyone was so damn predictable and just "Oh this is the ____ type." In 4 everyone was much more... alive?? I mean sure it was archetypes as no idea's original but they executed them greatly. Their dialogue, and voice work was excellent.
Probably the only character that wasn't a standard trope was Kanji and that's only because he basically was a standard trope but they added his confused sexuality to it.
You've built this game up to something in your mind that nothing can compare to. I hate to be all Green Eggs and Ham here but there's plenty of other good JRPG series that are with playing. Many of them with games coming out in the next several months.
Breh i'm sorry but are you being purposefully ignorant?? How can someone read something so many times and miss the point?? I didn't say there isn't other good JRPG's coming out, I said the ones coming out AREN'T LIKE Persona period. They're all the type of JRPG that I kind of am tired of but no, they're all the same. Tales of Games I've been playing since frigging PS1(Tales of Destiny.) I just am not a huge fan of Tales or FF anymore(After XIII I was tired of FF.) Sorry man, Tales of Zesteria is not grabbing me like Persona 5. It's not Persona 5. It's just another JPRG.
If I recall correctly you hadn't even played Persona 4 until Golden came out. That means this was a game that was out for like 4 years before you even tried it
If I recall correctly P4 dropped in 2008.. In 2008 I was playing 360. Persona 4 was on PS2, a system I sold a year before that. I never even heard of Persona until years later. I was busy with the other games out at the time that's not all JRPGS.
There's other games on the market you likely haven't even given a shot yet and would love if you did but you play one game and love it so much you dismiss any other potential positive experiences? The obstinate approach is only a disservice to yourself.
Again you misinterpret my posts. I didn't say I don't want to play them, I just said i'm not hyped for them as I am for Persona. I'm playing SMT Nocturne, sure it's not Persona but it's great. It's completely different from Persona. I'm just pointing out the fact that unlike most JRPGs out today, most of them seem to be similar to each other in some aspect.
Perhaps you don't like JRPGs but instead just like Persona. If so that would make more sense because you're pretty much dismissing the entire genre as garbage.

How can I not like JRPGS when I was playing them years before PErsona came out?? I played Tales of Destiny 1/2, FFVII, VIII and X. I played Baiten Kaitos, I played some Skies of Arcadia, Tales of Symphonia, Golden Sun etc. I'm not "new" to JRPGs man. Stop it. What you're doing is basically reducing Persona to a "JRPG" so you can lump it in the group of other JRPGS when you know damn well it ain't nothing else like it out.
Okay, do this for me. Find me an JRPG that's similar. Like if I asked you to find me a game similar to 999, you can point me to Danganronpa or Phoenix Wright.
If I asked you to point me to something like GT, you got Forza and Project Cars.
Tekken?? Soul Calibur
Fifa? PES
There's nothing like Persona except trash like Mind Zero and Conception 2. Now where's the Persona like games?? You know with Highschool and shyt?? NOTHING else out there.
If I want something like a typical JRPG, there's plenty coming out. I'm not asking for those though.