I think @Ed MOTHERfukkING G is up in the pac north west.I told this story before but I came of age in South Texas. I got deployed out of Seattle in ‘11. I’ve never been to the PNW before so when I landed out there and spent a night or two there I’m looking around thinking something is different out here.
It’s not the whiteness or clean air.
I couldn’t put my finger on it.
Finally I realized there weren’t any obese people there.
Generally speaking of course. South Texas is one of the fattest areas in the country. Between being in the south, soul food, lack of walk ability, and boxed shaped, corn fed Mexicans, we are big.
PNW is the land of thin, in shape people.
The weather and customer service is garbage though. Would not move.
Charles Barkley wasn’t lying about South Texas.
I need him to confirm this observation