People Are Hiding That Their Unvaccinated Loved Ones Died of COVID


Sep 2, 2014
3. They should have an award for unvaxxed people who survive covid :jbhmm:
They do. It’s called Long Covid. Having had this conversation with anti-VAX relatives who got it real bad, the other situation they have to deal with is now knowing that you can catch this multiple times for multiple variants . If it was really a one and done like most people thought back in 2020 then being unvaccinated would make way more sense. If you have a 99% chance of survivability and you only have to roll the dice once then your odds are favorable. If you have to roll the dice 2 to 3 times a year going forward then when do you get long Covid or pass? I think it won’t be long before masking is back to being mostly optional, but the unvaccinated will always run the risk of getting it with no Vaseline out of stubbornness. Your ability to shake it in 2021 does not mean that in spring of 2023 it won’t have you on your deathbed. This is not fear mongering. People have caught it more than once before it finally got them.


Jul 15, 2012
Detroit You bytch Ass nikka
Every once in a while, I'll always get the urge to call out in the comments section someone who says "Well I had a friend/family member who died from the Covid vaccine" but I always fall back before doing it, because I'm sure it can happen and probably has in some rare form. However, if that person is lying just to further the anti-vaxx agenda then shame on them.
I had a flat the other day and had to take an Uber to work. The driver was an older black lady, anywhere from 45-55, she was a proper talking suburban type.

This wanna be pink bytch told me she refuses to get the vaccine because America is a free country, and that she PERSONALLY knew 10-20 people who died FROM the vaccine.

Not after getting it, not later down the line. This bytch adjusted her conversation to try to influence me, because I was talking to her politically. I guess she thought I was a right winger.

So I asked her, so you mean to tell me that out of the couple hundred people who ACTUALLY died from the shot, you mean to tell me that a large percentage of those people are in your circle :russ:. bytch get the fukk away from me with this brainwashed ass garbage.

I called and reported the wannabe pink bytch to Uber for spreading Covid disinformation. Im waiting to get an email from Uber about if she faces any consequences.


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
4. This whole covid situation is a great exam to show yourself and others who u really are inside. Great learning experience for everyone in this classroom we call life :wow:
It certainly is. We're on a planet full of fascist lapdogs for the pedo- predator class. :mjlol:

'Soylent' actually being a brand name now should tell you everything you need to know about this shameful period. :francis:
Apr 3, 2014
It certainly is. We're on a planet full of fascist lapdogs for the pedo- predator class. :mjlol:

'Soylent' actually being a brand name now should tell you everything you need to know about this shameful period. :francis:

Yall are gonna kill yourselves with these conspiracies.

Look... ill be the first to tell you that there's a lot about this world that ain't on the up and up and in some cases, flat out evil.

This vaccine ain't one of those things tho.

It ain't fascism to tell ppl to get vaccinated against a deadly virus, when that virus has killed over 800,000 ppl in 2 yrs and the ONLY reason that number isn't in the millions is because a lot of folks are vaxxed.
Apr 3, 2014
I had a flat the other day and had to take an Uber to work. The driver was an older black lady, anywhere from 45-55, she was a proper talking suburban type.

This wanna be pink bytch told me she refuses to get the vaccine because America is a free country, and that she PERSONALLY knew 10-20 people who died FROM the vaccine.

Not after getting it, not later down the line. This bytch adjusted her conversation to try to influence me, because I was talking to her politically. I guess she thought I was a right winger.

So I asked her, so you mean to tell me that out of the couple hundred people who ACTUALLY died from the shot, you mean to tell me that a large percentage of those people are in your circle :russ:. bytch get the fukk away from me with this brainwashed ass garbage.

I called and reported the wannabe pink bytch to Uber for spreading Covid disinformation. Im waiting to get an email from Uber about if she faces any consequences.

I'm glad you reported that fool, breh. She needs to be fired.


All Star
Feb 27, 2013
The Souf

There was a cop on the news in my city not too long ago that passed from “a medical infection.” They did the sea of blue and everything for him. I was thinking so what’s all the hub bub for, people die everyday. I just so happen to be mutual friends with a person that knew his wife on FB and come to find out he died from covid. Not sure why that was such a big ass secret.

One of my best and oldest friends has small children at home and a pregnant wife and has refused to get vaccinated this entire time.
His children are too young to get vaccinated, his very pregnant wife even recently got her booster.

He hasn't listened to any of his friends this whole time despite getting covid twice and had to miss work and live in his basement to quarantine.
He quit his last job when the extra unemployment was being given out in late 2020 and now currently can't get a new job in his field because all the companies in his field require vaccinations.

So know it all homie been jobless for a year, brought covid home twice, has another kid on the way, knows he can't use his degree without a vaxx card, and is still thinking the government is out to get him for some reason.

His wife literally called me begging to talk to him, but he thinks he's accomplishing something, even tho EVERY other adult in his life is vaccinated, and we personally know unvaccinated people our age who have died and almost died while being unvaxxed

I have friends exactly like this. Ignore the fact that everybody you know that’s vaccinated had absolutely no issues but want to listen to some random ass IG/FB meme made by god knows who and somebody that we both know that dropped out of high school in the 10th grade.
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YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
There was a cop on the news in my city not too long ago that passed from “an medical infection.” They did the sea of blue and everything for him. I was thinking so what’s all the hub bub for, people die everyday. I just so happen to be mutual friends with a person that knew his wife on FB and come to find out he died from covid. Not sure why that was such a big ass secret.

I have friends exactly like this. Ignore the fact that everybody you know that’s vaccinated had absolutely no issues but want to listen to some random ass IG/FB meme made by god knows who and somebody that we both know that dropped out of high school in the 10th grade.

It's political :wow:

People Are Hiding That Their Unvaccinated Loved Ones Died of COVID


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
Look... ill be the first to tell you that there's a lot about this world that ain't on the up and up and in some cases, flat out evil.

This vaccine ain't one of those things tho.
:skip: You actually believe that shyt too, don't you? Let me explain something: I'm not taking a vaccine pushed by ppl who have stated OUTRIGHT that they would like to kill 3/4ths of us. Are yall slow? :what:

It ain't fascism to tell ppl to get vaccinated against a deadly virus,
:coffee: That's actually exactly what it is, which is why Nuremberg addressed it.

The Nuremberg Code

1.The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.
Why you think Biden didn't mandate vaccinations himself, why he needs the private sector to "coerce" its workers, under "duress?" Because its fukking illegal and would have been one such "overreach." Do you think the public fully understands "the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment"? No, bc the media and the medical establishment wont even take real questions seriously and have discredited their own adverse effects reporting system (VAERS).
I know enough about mrna to know that it transcripts wrong every. single. day., causing SERIOUS illness. Will anyone address my concerns? No, I'm being called stupid by IDIOTS. Its maddening. :mindblown:


Top 113 Poster
Mar 29, 2013
I had a flat the other day and had to take an Uber to work. The driver was an older black lady, anywhere from 45-55, she was a proper talking suburban type.

This wanna be pink bytch told me she refuses to get the vaccine because America is a free country, and that she PERSONALLY knew 10-20 people who died FROM the vaccine.

Not after getting it, not later down the line. This bytch adjusted her conversation to try to influence me, because I was talking to her politically. I guess she thought I was a right winger.

So I asked her, so you mean to tell me that out of the couple hundred people who ACTUALLY died from the shot, you mean to tell me that a large percentage of those people are in your circle :russ:. bytch get the fukk away from me with this brainwashed ass garbage.

I called and reported the wannabe pink bytch to Uber for spreading Covid disinformation. Im waiting to get an email from Uber about if she faces any consequences.
:ehh: Nice. I'm gonna steal that and use that argument back the next time I hear someone say "I know so and so number of people who died due to the vaccine." because people in TN seem to be dropping like flies around here.

King Sun

Big Boss
May 11, 2012
“Grandpa was a stubborn man who we couldn’t convince to get vaccinated” Vs “Grandpa was unfairly influenced by the distorted media messages that misinformed him.”

Grandpa's time was up either way.:mjcry:

At least he went out on his own terms. :mjcry:

Dying for what he believed in. Family should celebrate him exercising his right to choose.....:francis:
Y'all really think COVID is some sort of peaceful death :mjlol:


Apr 15, 2017
Folks been taking vaccines their whole life, but they draw the line with the Covid vax cause of YouTube and Facebook conspiracies :dead:

even worse are the ones in the military getting discharged for not taking the vaccine when you literally suspend training for a whole day in boot camp to get like 10 vaccines :russ:

we get the smallpox vaccine in boot camp which leaves a lifetime scar but they’re refusing the Covid shot :dead: