Top 113 Poster
A poster on Reddit was fondly reminiscing about WWE in 2006. I sat there reading that post and hitting the
to the entire thing. Let me remind you all of the terrible things that happened that year:

- Edge successfully cashing in his MITB contract at New Year's Revolution only to drop the belt back to Cena three weeks later.
- HHH and HBK reform DX. They look like two sad 40-year-old men having a mid-life crisis on live television.
- Vince starting a feud with HBK because Shawn wouldn't badmouth Bret. The whole thing lasts from Dec. 05 to Sept. 06, including a match where Vince & Shane fought HBK & "God" and also a match where Vince's bloody face was shoved into The Big Show's anus.
- The new up & coming stable, The Spirit Squad, was promptly fed to & buried by DX.
- RVD winning the WWE title and then getting popped by the cops for weed. He lost the belt the following week.
- Rey Mysterio Jr. winning the World Heavyweight Championship and then jobbing every week on television until he drops the belt.
- Randy Orton: "Eddie is not in heaven, Eddie is in hell."
- Kane vs. "Kane."
- Mick Foley's bizarre & confusing heel turn.
- ECW returning to TV and immediately flopping with their first match out of the gate being The Sandman vs. The Zombie.
- ECW December to Dismember,
- The Undertaker vs. The Great Khali.
- The debut of the Punjabi Prison Match.
- Kurt Angle left the company due to his body falling apart and his addiction starting to get the best of him.
- Trish Stratus and Lita both retired.
- WWE promotes Brooke Hoegan's abortion of a music career.