You can't be this stupid. The government never releases anything about the actual truth. They always have an ulterior motive. Ask yourself, why after decades of denying the existence of UFO's, do they now in the last few years suddenly decide to entertain their existence?
Use your head. This is obviously another psy-op. Aliens don't exist. The illumaniti has always had a goal for a one world government. But they have known that it will be impossible to get all of humanity on board with it given our tribalist nature. The only way to ever get all humans to unite would be if there was an existential threat from another world. That is why they are now entertaining the UFO hoax. The technology to fake an alien invasion is probably within reach. I would guess in the next decade or so. What they're doing now is releasing these stories to get the public consciousness to accept UFO's and aliens visiting our planet as science fact rather than science fiction. Once the public accepts it, they will do their fake alien invasion and then institute a one world government in response. And like mindless bots most humans will fall in line.
We live in a universe with trillions of different star systems and you have the arrogance to say aliens don't exist?
What's next. The planets and stars don't exist either? And they're just some optical illusions placed there by some shadow governmental entity?
In reality I think the government knows more and probably has much more clearer footage that they're withholding from the public. The culture is changing and people are becoming more accepting of the idea that we may not be alone. There is less sensationalism surrounding it. I also think the government ultimately doesn't know what these craft are either. And to many people the fact the even our government may not know is unsettling. We as humans like to think that we know everything. In reality we know nothing and this reality is a wild horse. There are things that cannot be explained, even by the most powerful amongst us.