At a roundtable with reporters today, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael Gilday, the U.S. Navy's top officer, was asked about a series of bizarre incidents that took place in July 2019 and involved what only have been described as 'drones' swarming American destroyers off the coast of Southern California.
The War Zone was the first to
report in detailon this series of mysterious events after the incident was originally uncovered by
filmmaker Dave Beaty.
Asked by Jeff Schogol of
Task & Purpose if the Navy had positively identified any of the aircraft involved, Gilday responded by saying:
“No, we have not.
I am aware of those sightings and as it’s been reported there have been other sightings by aviators in the air and by other ships not only of the United States, but other nations – and of course other elements within the U.S. joint force.”
“Those findings have been collected and they still are being analyzed," Gilday added. "I don’t have anything new to report, Jeff, on what those findings have revealed thus far. But I will tell you we do have a well-established process in place across the joint force to collect that data and to get it to a separate repository for analysis.”