I didn't celebrate shyt, you ignoramus lol. I just pointed out the inaccuracy in your statement that teams have been successful in "shutting LeBron down"...
I've never gone a tangent like "hey, look at Bron's stats", and you know it which is why when you make these blanket statements you can never validate them...
As I've said many times before, I don't need stats to talk about how great LeBron isbecause his body of work speaks for itself. I only allude to stats when one of you guys starts this over the top, exaggerating nitpicking over how "bad" he is compared to other great players---->you know, the whimsical arbitrary standards you and your cohorts only hold LeBron to. I mean really, you brought up a series loss to Dwight in the only series they ever played, to make what point exactly?
No player should have you this fukked up where you resort to lowbrow goalpost moving, especially for a player you claim you "like"...