Only on this website do people not have the nuance and foresight to understand that there's a generation of people who not only grew up with LeBron (like my age, I'm 30), but people who grew up under him like Trae's era, that are gonna shift the public opinion scale as more of them take over The League...
I've told cats literally my entire time on this board, when these cats Bron's age--just throwing out guys who are in his age range--Rondo, KD, Russ, Steph, CP3, etc, all these players who played in the same era Bron was dominating, when these guys all start retiring in the next 5 years and are done playing, they gonna speak about Bron the same way we've seen cats who played with Mike talk about him, cats who played with Kobe talk about him. We've already seen Steph, KD and others speak him up a few times, it's when those guys are done playing we gonna see them really go in...
Right now they are still competing against him, and again, by and large the guys Bron's age are also in my general age range, we were watching ball and idolized others before Bron existed (Kobe and AI we hear more than anyone), so of course there's an emotional attachment to guys you grew up on rather than a guy in your same age range you compete against----->until you're actually playing with That Guy...
The current media heads are dominated by people in Mike's age bracket. When these guys start retiring and dying off in the next 10-15 years, our sports media is gonna be dominated by cats in LeBron's age range. All the shows and programs and the biggest names, and its gonna lead to a different energy and consensus, the same way when guys like Summerall and Vitale and OJ and Walt Frazier more readily dominated the media before Mike's generation assumed those positions, those older guys had their own opinions on who the GOATs were before Mike's era aged into those roles, and the majority weren't saying Mike...
Its gonna happen. The Coli is the only place I've seen that doesn't understand the natural psychology and evolution of life as it pertains to athletes...