that's kinda besides the point. those "knowledgeable christians" aren't responsible for this nonsense in Louisiana
I used it as a running joke. Ned Flanders graduated from ORU
but the fact you know successful people from that school doesn't prove much. one of the criticisms of schools like that is that it's the 'easy road' for those get through life for those with money and/or connections. but I don't wanna get into the validity of all that. like I said, I used it as a running joke
and Homer didn't graduate at all
I don't see anything wrong with money going to a catholic or christian or muslim school, the parents pay taxes they should be able to decide how they want their kids educated. What i do find wrong though is the accreditation.
If you want to teach your children things that are devoid of science how can you be accredited? You can't that's how. There in lies the issue. You can't say you're providing a kid with an education when you're not.
Now, you might say, "but bp, you seam to be ok with christian schools" i'd say I am because it has been my experience, after having attended a Christian college myself, that you get two educations. one religious and one academical.
I took intro to many of these courses:
Introduction to Ministry
ntroduction to Church History
Special Topics in Church History
History of Modern Philosophy
Methods in Biblical Study
Old Testament Theology
New Testament Theology
Doctrine of Holiness
Senior Colloquium 1
Systematic Theology I
Systematic Theology II
I also took math through calculus, various accounting and business classes etc, etc.
2 things.
1. The religious courses played out more like civics courses/english courses. They were heavy into reading and were all but devoid of religious dogma in the sense that they were taught in a way that made you question things and arrive at them or simply as a study of "the bible".
2. My academic classes never focused on religion, they focused on the topic at hand.
Now, this may be a single experience, but in my visits to Oral Roberts and the recounting from friends their experiences were very similar.
It's not like my accounting prof was like, "and here's how Jesus amortized his loans..."
That being said, what these schools are attempting to do is mix these two seperate ideas. That is wrong. I learned about evolution in college...and it was...a christian college. (OMGWTF!!)
I recognize that this was 10 ought years ago, the point is that you can teach a kid BOTH religion and academics and NOT mingle the two.