Jehova had nothing to do with it.Last a Jehovah's witness I'm not surprised as expect this to continue get worse until the day of Jehovah and his war of armaggeddon.
But he will be the one to rid this world of it's violent peverted attitude signs of the time's preflood all over againJehova had nothing to do with it.
Can you post those in depth analysis - those detailed reports, already?
You used the Daily Mail? You're full of shyt. That you would use that link tells me everything I need to know about you and your motives. They're also using Ben Swann's debunked bullshyt.
This makes all your pompousness even more hilarious.![]()
Mental health is not what makes America uniquely vulnerable to gun violence. As my colleague Dylan Matthews explained, people with mental illnesses are more likely to be victims, not perpetrators, of violence. And Michael Stone, a psychiatrist at Columbia University who maintains a database of mass shooters, wrote in a 2015 analysisthat only 52 out of the 235 killers in the database, or about 22 percent, were mentally ill. “The mentally ill should not bear the burden of being regarded as the ‘chief’ perpetrators of mass murder,” Stone concluded. Other research has backed this up
Trump’s Florida shooting speech was one giant lie by omission
Americans have a gun problem.
The shooter has a black public defender.
Nope. You came into this thread making boisterous claims and putting yourself above everyone - you were railing against anti-intellectualism and turning your nose up at simple hot-takes. You fancy yourself a free-thinker, unbound by any political influence, but the content of your posts say otherwise. Even now you ignore the point multiple posters are making to push your own agenda - using the same means you condemn others for using. I mean, what is that?Yes, they're called the FBI UCR(unified crime report), the British Home Office PRC, The US NCVS, and the UK CSEW the most up to date official primary sources available from which I've gathered all of the statistics I used to compare the violent crime rate using the same parameters, save for the blatantly misleading burglary stats, to create a like-like comparison of crime in the UK to the US as in the source you posted.
The rate of rape, robbery, and burglary were all higher in the UK in 2016, than in the US, when using police reported statistics(UCR/Home Office). The rates of assault are also higher in the UK when using each country's victimization surveys(NCVS/CSEW).
You seem to really be personalizing this discussion much more than is appropriate for a male to do with another male stranger over the net. You'll have to take your unhealthy obsession with this Ben guy, your personal issues with my supposed secret motives that you're on a quest to uncover, and your displeasure with my 'pompous' tone up with a professional, as I'm not the in a position to help you deal with those issues unfortunately.
America has a....
Drug problem
Police Problem
Jobs Problem
Corrupt Government Problem
Poor Problem
Mental/Physical health Problem
Spending Problem
Education Problem
Act like guns are the only thing we should worrying about here.
I feel you.Last a Jehovah's witness I'm not surprised and expect this to continue get worse until the day of Jehovah and his war of armaggeddon.
I'm 100%sure south FL is way better than where you live.