I like my women tall
Warning signs were there. I'm really surprised no kids told about his instagram posts and erratic behavior. Such senseless violence with these psycho paths.
Warning signs were there. I'm really surprised no kids told about his instagram posts and erratic behavior. Such senseless violence with these psycho paths.
You’re right.
I kinda have an agenda.
I think we need to do something so people don’t walk into kindergartens and murder 6 year olds.
Absolutely hilarious bro.
it's funny seeing the GOP acting like they really care about this.
fake ass condolences n shyt.
they purposefully put the battery in the backs of these weirdos daily to entice them to do shyt like this then put on fake tears when they carry out attacks in their names.
fox news is basically a domestic terrorist organization that promotes domestic terrorist propaganda.
I can agree with you on that to an extent, and pardon me because admittedly there's some generalization there. However, regarding the "social rejects" aspect, how many of them are dysfunctional socially due to having a condition like Autism or Asperbers? We've seen multiple mass shooters with those conditions. And just looking at the folks at Charlottesville, a whole lot of them looked like potential mass shooters.
So I'm clear, I'm not talking about Black folks with these conditions because I believe the circumstances surrounding most Black people who might have a condition won't put us at a higher disposition to commit mass murder. Young, white, dysfunctional socially to the point of being clinically diagnosed, raised with the outlook that they're white and the world is theirs, and in addition easy access to guns is a recipe for disaster.
Can you provide those medical records for us?
Nikolas Cruz Trained With Florida White-Supremacist Group, Leader Says
Nikolas Cruz Trained With Florida White-Supremacist Group, Leader Says
Jordan Jereb of the Republic of Florida told ADL that Cruz had participated in at least one training exercise.
Nikolas Cruz, the alleged gunman who killed at least 17 people at a Florida high school on Wednesday, trained with a white-supremacist group, its leader told the Anti-Defamation League. Jordan Jereb of the Republic of Florida told ADL that Cruz had participated in at least one training exercise near Tallahassee area, carpooling with other ROF members from south Florida. ADL reports the group describes itself as a “white civil rights organization fighting for white identitarian politics” and seeks to create a “white ethnostate” in Florida.
Florida White Supremacist Group Admits Ties to Alleged Parkland School Shooter Nikolas Cruz
Florida White Supremacist Group Admits Ties to Alleged Parkland School Shooter Nikolas Cruz
A spokesperson for the white supremacist group Republic of Florida (ROF) told the Anti-Defamation League on Thursday, February 15, that Nikolas Cruz, the man charged with the previous day’s deadly shooting spree at a Parkland, Florida, high school, was associated with his group.
On Wednesday, February 14, Cruz, 19, a former student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, allegedly entered the school with an AR-15 and opened fire, killing at least 17 people and injuring 14 more. Cruz left the scene but was later captured by police and has been charged with premeditated murder.
After self-described ROF members claimed on the discussion forum ***** that Cruz had also been a member, the Anti-Defamation League called the ROF hotline and spoke with an ROF member who identified himself as Jordan Jereb.
Jereb, based in Tallahassee, is believed to be the leader of ROF. In 2016, he was arrested on charges of threatening a staffer in the office of Florida Governor Rick Scott because he was allegedly angry at the staffer’s son.
Jereb said that Cruz was associated with ROF, having been “brought up” by another member. Jereb added that Cruz had participated in one or more ROF training exercises in the Tallahassee area, carpooling with other ROF members from south Florida.
ROF has members in north and south Florida. The alt right white supremacist group borrows paramilitary concepts from the anti-government extremist militia movement (not itself a white supremacist movement). ROF describes itself as a “white civil rights organization fighting for white identitarian politics” and seeks to create a “white ethnostate” in Florida. Most ROF members are young and the group itself is only a few years old.
Jereb added that ROF had not ordered or wanted Cruz to do anything like the school shooting.
If Cruz’s role is confirmed, the Parkland school shooting would be the second school shooting by a white supremacist in the past two months. In December 2017, another young white supremacist, William Atchison, engaged in a shooting spree at a high school in northwest New Mexico, killing two students before shooting himself.
police working with white supremacist groups to pursue "anti-racist" groupsBlood on FBIs hands. Too busy trying to label black people as Identity Extremists while alt right trolls are constantly leaving a paper trail all over the internet.
Please elaborate. I always wondered what it would be like to go to school in Florida and be from up North.
Amazing how they all look autistic. I mean almost EVERY picture I see of young Alt Right types, they all have that "look" about them where you can tell there's something off. Autism, Asperger's, etc.. Charlottesville looked like a convention full of young white autistic dudes.
Don't need a medical record when you can look right at someone and see they're "off." Add onto the fact that their peers state they knew this or that person was capable, who needs a medical record.