Paralyzed Rats Walk Again After Stem Cell Transplant

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
When can we expect human trials? It's sad to think that if this comes out, it wont be accessible/affordable to all those people out there that need it.

christopher reeve about to be :stylin:


Jun 4, 2012

Money is a factor as well.

More money in treating than curing.

In 2001, President George W. Bush restricted federal funding for research on stem cells obtained from human embryos because the technology required the destruction of human life. “At its core, this issue forces us to confront fundamental questions about the beginnings of life and the ends of science,” Bush said.

“My position on these issues is shaped by deeply held beliefs,” he said. “I also believe human life is a sacred gift from our creator.”

Nope. This guy is just another c*nty religious person who puts their own bullshyt ass beliefs over the health and well being of other human beings.


So we are just going to be simple and basic? We can't just be happy that these rats and scientist are popping sh1t off?

Anyway, Bush banned this because of business ties with one of the largest and most profitable industries in the world. At what point did we forget this was all about money and power. (LOL) Since when the Bill Clinton become a Evangelical christian??? He banned the sh1t too. Just as ethics have to keep up with science and technology.. .business markets and motivations have to keep up as well. Things are passed and promoted when it's possible that they can be profitable. I could be the best chemist in the world - I would receive no funds for research until there is a BA or PM somewhere that approves the money potential of my research. Are we going to pretend that this isn't a political; but is a religious issue??
Clinton allowed for them to research on left over embryos to be cool with his liberal friends.. forward the rest of the decision to the bill makers who dikkey-Wicker Amendment - then he was "forced" to go ahead and sign off on that bill. Clinton didn't want the full research to be passed anyway. Regardless it's about money. The ethical issue isn't on all stem cells... it's only on creating stem cells out of infants (or pre infants?) . Of course if a cure came out it would be comparable to the money made from treatments. The company that put this study out isn't smarter than university researchers or any others. They are smart because they are traded on stock Market and they have private investors who have links with politicians who allow this sh1t to develop.

This is literally how everything in our nation works, so I don't understand the confusion. The smart thing to so is maybe look into some of their stocks and quit naively wining about the bible. The world is gonna eat off this. Because any cure wouldn't only affect the US, these people, researchers, financial offers, etc have connection with Europe and UK politicians as well. We can't pretend that scientific achievement is possible these days without lobbying.
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