Thunderbolt Them Suckers
Actually it's the medical industry, they don't want anyone to be cured.
Inefficient government
Greedy pharmaceutical companies
Religious numbnuts
Actually it's the medical industry, they don't want anyone to be cured.
I think we're just getting them back for that whole bubonic plague thing...Real shyt, as corny as this sounds, we should one day build a monument to all these animals who sacrificed their lives and body so we can save human lives. Rats, Mice, Chimps, Rabbits, Pigs, etc..
Bless their nonexistent souls.
It doesnt effect you. Europe leads stem cell research so its not like whatever discoveries that find are useless to you.It always angers me to know Bush had this banned for what, 8 years? Dude single handedly halted a lot of medical advancements because of his stupid fukking religious beliefs. That's why I hate when people tell me that religious beliefs don't affect me or other non-religious folks.
Money is a factor as well.It always angers me to know Bush had this banned for what, 8 years? Dude single handedly halted a lot of medical advancements because of his stupid fukking religious beliefs. That's why I hate when people tell me that religious beliefs don't affect me or other non-religious folks.
In 2001, President George W. Bush restricted federal funding for research on stem cells obtained from human embryos because the technology required the destruction of human life. At its core, this issue forces us to confront fundamental questions about the beginnings of life and the ends of science, Bush said.
Money is a factor as well.
More money in treating than curing.
Could be or he could be a person who hides behind religion while masking a money hungry rich stay rich and poor stay poor motive underneath.In 2001, President George W. Bush restricted federal funding for research on stem cells obtained from human embryos because the technology required the destruction of human life. At its core, this issue forces us to confront fundamental questions about the beginnings of life and the ends of science, Bush said.
My position on these issues is shaped by deeply held beliefs, he said. I also believe human life is a sacred gift from our creator.
Nope. This guy is just another c*nty religious person who puts their own bullshyt ass beliefs over the health and well being of other human beings.
Uh, you do realize George Bush is the same guy who signed off on military operations just because Rumsfeld would write a bible verse on the damn thing. There isn't anything wrong with believing in God but these religious ideologies turn people into fukking absolute morons. You can keep making excuses but it doesn't change the facts.
Could be or he could be a person who hides behind religion while masking a money hungry rich stay rich and poor stay poor motive underneath.
Excuses? How am I making excuses? Where do you see me defending him in any way.Uh, you do realize George Bush is the same guy who signed off on military operations just because Rumsfeld would write a bible verse on the damn thing. There isn't anything wrong with believing in God but these religious ideologies turn people into fukking absolute morons. You can keep making excuses but it doesn't change the facts.
So Bush isn't actually religious and just acts like he is for his own benefit?
Excuses? How am I making excuses? Where do you see me defending him in any way.
I'm just noticing that he has a father and other influences that may also have a hand in his decisions.
Also anybody can say that they beleive in God and use the system for their own gains. You call them a moron but I do wonder if they are smarter than we think they are.
I'm not even religious so why would ISo Bush isn't actually religious and just acts like he is for his own benefit?
You're trying tofor religion when Bush's very own religion is what led him to banning stem cell research.
There is an insane amount of money to be had in inventing and discovering different treatments with stem cells. That's why we have had like 30+ different breakthroughs in stem cell research in the past couple years.
Uh.. George Bush said from his own mouth that he banned stem cells due to his beliefs. I didn't make anything up. You were the one positing alternative theories for why he banned stem cells even though it is a KNOWN ISSUE that religious folks have w/stem cell research. It's 2013, if you don't think religion is fukking stupid then you're a MORON, if you call that a bias, I don't really care
I'm not even religious so why would Ifor religion.
Your like this guy but with religion:
Try not to let your bias against religion hinder your thoughts dude.
I posted alternate theories because people can lie. The fact that religious folks has issues with stem cell research wasn't denied by me either.Uh.. George Bush said from his own mouth that he banned stem cells due to his beliefs. I didn't make anything up. You were the one positing alternative theories for why he banned stem cells even though it is a KNOWN ISSUE that religious folks have w/stem cell research. It's 2013, if you don't think religion is fukking stupid then you're a MORON, if you call that a bias, I don't really careI guess my bias is so strong that it made George Bush admit it himself
Companies are making tons of money from stem cell treatments and are developing tons of profitable treatments. The supposed money aspect makes no sense. However, an evangelical Christian being against stem cell research makes sense because I've talked to those people on this forum and in real life.
I posted alternate theories because people can lie. The fact that religious folks has issues with stem cell research wasn't denied by me either.
I never said that religion wasnt stupid so save that speech for whoever it applies to. I just think that your focus on religion is too much for you to see any other possibilities than religion did it especially when money can take priority over ones religion easily.
Where did I deny that evangelical Christians are against stem cell research?However, an evangelical Christian being against stem cell research makes sense because I've talked to those people on this forum and in real life.