Episode one was mid. A pass for me
Yeah man I had to do my Googles on her.That therapist chick is bad af
Only seen the first episode so far.
I had a feeling something was up early in the episode. The shyt was way too clean to be DC. Looked like a cookie cutter suburb on some Pleasantville shyt
Crazy me and wife peeped that "dynamic" the second ep. Also cacs got to realize black girls stopped rocking that hairstyleOkay...
My thoughts and what not. Don't take these too seriously, as per usual I'm just having some fun.
Lemme get the Coli Criticisms out the way first.
Other issues
The Iranian picked all 25,000
[*]Black man sold out his Black Father?
- looking at them demographics...
- It does beg the question of how to deal with race in fiction. Star Trek gave them the visual basis, but Star Trek was literal about being in a non-racist society....I digress
[*]His daughter is trying to get cac'd..
[*]His boss was getting cac'd.,,
- Black Mother from Memphis calls her child Presley - really?
- And why the daughter's friend gotta be large and in charge? (I'm fat shaming? yes I am)
[*]And he himself was a victim of non-consensual swirling...
- And another dark "skinded" woman who's playing an unlikable character.
World BuildingI'm very much reminded of Silo. All them years of reading Pop Mechanics, Pop Science, NASA briefings, and Sci Fic as a youngsta - gets me wondering about the logistics...
The Socio-Economics of the post apocalypse
- Food
- How are they growing that type amount of food for 25,000 people (and the population might grow...)
- Grocery Store looking like Whole Foods/Trader Joes
- Keto Shelf
- organic shelf
- fresh Water
- Sewage and water treatment
- Trash disposal
- No insects? Really? Have the writers never been on a construction site? In a brand new building?
- Why exactly would the billionaires remain in charge?
- she made her money via stock -but assuming she cashed out and spent her 34B to dig out a mountain and build a city for 25K - a
- very quickly her "money" is worth nothing, and her power should evaporate
- Even now they got a waitstaff...does she get the same house and benefit..
- There's still an unelected council of elites that are
- What is these kids learning in a school after the world came crashing down (TBF I was listening to some Gaza kids that were excited to return home and go back to school....*laughs to keep from crying*)
- WII Tennis is from 2006.
- Food aside, where are they getting the plastic and micro chips and gasoline(?) and all the other stuff required for modern life?
I'm liking the series so far. But anytime you do a Sci Fi series, that's trying to be on some Lost/Silo/"Mystery Box" steez - the world building has to be impeccable, on top of it being a good drama.
Still rocking with show though!