Curry rat poison?I wonder what that thang smell like
Curry rat poison?I wonder what that thang smell like
??? what does this have to do with you repeating cac talking points? your whole "savagery of islam" nonsense is literally just a cac talking point, for like the 30th time.Yea im a negropean because i know the difference moorish ideologies versus the savagery of Islam
Whites of all kinds(jews, sand cacs, anglo saxons) have done savagery to carbon based beings...but you wanna excuse sand cacs because your brain has a hard time differentiating moorish from islam
The african blood in me will never forget or forgive
You can bow down, not me
where is from>?
Clearly you are the SLAVE/negropean/ arab muslim sympathizer...??? what does this have to do with you repeating cac talking points? your whole "savagery of islam" nonsense is literally just a cac talking point, for like the 30th time.
islam wouldn't be where it is today without the african people who decided to turn it into a force of modernization.
i have muslim in my family and its pretty personally insulting to hear an idiot like you spout some ignorant shyt as if islam is strictly for arabs.
any beef you have is with ARABS, not muslims. its really that easy.
all this other shyt you're talking is nonsensical and has nothing to do with any of my earlier statements
Nah she deserved whatever shyt the Pakistani officials give her.
"I feel bad for her"
How bout those 17 bodies that just got dropped.
Also fun fact, arrangaged marriagies are actually more succesful and last more longer than western concepts of marriage.
Black people could benefit off arranged marriages more than this oow BS.
YOU, as a black man dont understand your bit of privilege. As bad as things may get for you just be thankful you're not a black woman.
Be forced to marry someone and being treated like property is matter what...
Nothing to do with what I said but okay.
Arrainged marriages aren't forced.
If you aren't allowed to pick your is it not forced...
The bride said she don't wanna be with the guy...and the parents were like.."Nah..." and married her to him anyway...sounds forced to me.
The bride was forced.
I'm talking about in general across cultures.
where is from>?