Mfs be tired, they grab something to eat
Mfs bored, they grab something to eat.
Mfs be pissed off and eat something.
Mfs be sad, they get something to eat.
Mfs be happy they get something to eat.
Mfs be confused they get something to eat.
Eat and take your mind off it.
Eat to celebrate.
Food is a drug. No different than weed, cigarettes, cocaine, crack, meth, heroin. Food is a hobby. It's a pastime.
A lot of people don't care, everyone has to learn on their own.
Only having one life and riding til the wheels fall off is fun until you realize one wheel falls off at a time and the car ain't totalled. Now you gotta ride with 3 wheels, or get the 4th fixed, your engine is failing, your transmission is failing, your ECU is failing, you need new brake pads, calipers and rotors, you need an alignment, alternator is going bad, power steering pump is bad, timing belt issues.