Over looked ethers

Ronald McDonald

Even in the darkest nights, I'm a MAC for life
Jan 25, 2013

I just went to google. Typed in "fukks I give". Nothing came up. :ohhh:




Jun 11, 2012

I'm not mad at all. I never posted in the ladies thread anyway. All the ladies dapped that post because YOU were also in the title.

It really had nothing to do with me. A lot of those ladies have been giving me dirt on that lame bytch anyway. :jawalrus:

She doesn't have any original jokes. Everything she says is regurgitated from someone else. That's why she gets no daps and I have more daps than anyone else on here.

She's the only one mad. I had her shook begging her friends to stop giving me dirt on her. She goes to OTHER sites looking for people who aren't even on this site just to talk about ME. She has talked shyt about other members just because we are cool. She likes to talk a lot of shyt but is shook. She said she has low self esteem. She said that to @Paz on tinychat. "I'm scared I might get clowned."

All shyt that's happened this year.

If you think that repetitive dribble is funny then no wonder this site is so wack now. She's a broken record who snitches when shyt gets too real for her. Then she starts ducking. A few females have confirmed this to me. She will talk to a lot of her "Friends" about certain female posters and has even told her "friends" on here that she is too scared to actually say shyt to them directly.

So that's who you guys idolize? I guess you guys will stan anyone who TRIES to go up against the gawd. :pachaha:

i agree. the resident lesbian all ready to take shots @ motherfukkers, talking a whole gang of shyt about folks, ready to throw darts BUT she can't take that shyt herself.

she REALLY needs a fukking hug. she literally puts people down because she knows that she ain't shyt herself. it hurts her to see people that are confident and comfortable with themselves. she's think that i'm going to act like her sorry ass because she called me ugly. :childplease:

watch her come in here and give some rant about how i'm not shyt because she thinks i'm ugly and i'm gay. yet her screenname is called the resident lesbian and she's scared to show her pic. fukk that bytch. she had the nerve to talk about she wants to meet me up in person so she could say that too. she doesn't want it. i would embarrass her for real. she needs to know her place before somebody reminds her for her.

it's funny how motherfukkers are ready to want to get at other poster's looks, get all personal and shyt BUT they hide behind their little fukking screennames, all scared to death to show their pic and etc. like how can you talk shyt if you're scared to post your fukking face. how can you hate somebody you really don't know or could for that matter fukk you up if they wanted to? man, this forum has way too many folks with fire under their ass getting hyped because of some other people gassing them up on a fukking message board. nobody has time for that shyt. this isn't 2005 at the peak of sohh where all the losers were trying to make their armies off of shytting on other people when they weren't shyt themselves. fukk all that.
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RIP Fresh
Jan 25, 2013

OMG that's so original and funny. You better dap her. You know why? Remember those poems she made about you? She went crying to her friends to dap her poem because it wasn't "blowing up" as she calls it and it was making her "super sad" because people were ignoring her "comedic genius."

I shyt you not. Her exact words.

The point of my posts was that if I get banned from a thread I rarely go into then mods should keep trolls and spammers out of my threads. So far they have so looks like Minty Leone wins again. They can keep that thread. The fact she thinks I was upset about that shyt is hilarious.

For someone you guys think is a troll you people sure fall for my fake outrages.... EVERY TIME.



RIP Fresh
Jan 25, 2013
i agree. the resident lesbian all ready to take shots @ motherfukkers, talking a whole gang of shyt about folks, ready to throw darts BUT she can't take that shyt herself.

she REALLY needs a fukking hug. she literally puts people down because she knows that she ain't shyt herself. it hurts her to see people that are confident and comfortable with themselves. she's think that i'm going to act like her sorry ass because she called me ugly. :childplease:

watch her come in here and give some rant about how i'm not shyt because she thinks i'm ugly and i'm gay. yet her screenname is called the resident lesbian and she's scared to show her pic. fukk that bytch. she had the nerve to talk about she wants to meet me up in person so she could say that too. she doesn't want it. i would embarrass her for real. she needs to know her place before somebody reminds her for her.

They Kinda Right Tho



All Star
Jun 7, 2012
**** is in front of his computer vigorously rubbing his face and laughing maniacally while banging out these essays. Everyone can tell that you don't have a life outside of sitting at home, it's obvious, just look at your average post count. You're sick, breh, people are concerned. Take a break and seek help, for real. Take up a hobby. Draw, paint, make music, brush up on your blur tool PhotoShop skills, split your cheeks with cucumbers, w/e brings you the most joy.


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
@Sierra Mist 4 real breh how u gonna try diss TC when u got over 15,000 posts? You literally almost post 24 hours of the day. Plus cats know you have most likely been on TC and "spied" if you wanna call it that under diff names. Im not even dissing so save the gifs, paragraphs and the delusions of grandeur. Just want a simple answer to a simple question.
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Sierra Mist

May 13, 2012
@Sierra Mist 4 real breh how u gonna try diss TC when u got over 15,000 posts? You literally almost post 24 hours of the day. Plus cats know you have most likely been on TC and "spied" if you wanna call it that under diff names. Im not even dissing so save gifs, paragraphs and the delusions of granduer. Just want a simple answer to a simple question.

Posting a few times and logging off vs.... someone LURKING the same amount of time I'm posting and then going to third party sites to talk to nikkas from 8PM to 8AM the next day...

Post count doesn't mean shyt. I don't need to go into that lame room. People do tell me what goes on in there though. get this idea that no one fukks with me on here out of your head. ALL the screenshots I get are from my angels or some other random poster. NEXT.

If the amount of time you guys spent on tinychat talking about me ALONE equated to post counts you'd have more posts than me, Reincar, Marty and Havoc00 combined. No contest. Stop acting like you're so much better than me because the way you spend time online doesn't accumulate to your post count on here.
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May 3, 2012

They do and then they say the same bullshyt over and over again. :russ: A million times 0 is still 0.

I was referring to paz's post. shyt look like 500+ words on the phone. You need to stop answering these nikkas and ill be defending nikki from now on :smugdraper:
May 3, 2012
St louis
i agree. the resident lesbian all ready to take shots @ motherfukkers, talking a whole gang of shyt about folks, ready to throw darts BUT she can't take that shyt herself.

she REALLY needs a fukking hug. she literally puts people down because she knows that she ain't shyt herself. it hurts her to see people that are confident and comfortable with themselves. she's think that i'm going to act like her sorry ass because she called me ugly. :childplease:

watch her come in here and give some rant about how i'm not shyt because she thinks i'm ugly and i'm gay. yet her screenname is called the resident lesbian and she's scared to show her pic. fukk that bytch. she had the nerve to talk about she wants to meet me up in person so she could say that too. she doesn't want it. i would embarrass her for real. she needs to know her place before somebody reminds her for her.

it's funny how motherfukkers are ready to want to get at other poster's looks, get all personal and shyt BUT they hide behind their little fukking screennames, all scared to death to show their pic and etc. like how can you talk shyt if you're scared to post your fukking face. how can you hate somebody you really don't know or could for that matter fukk you up if they wanted to? man, this forum has way too many folks with fire under their ass getting hyped because of some other people gassing them up on a fukking message board. nobody has time for that shyt. this isn't 2005 at the peak of sohh where all the losers were trying to make their armies off of shytting on other people when they weren't shyt themselves. fukk all that.

take your meds paz....