This whore trying to sound sophisticated n shyt. She's a straight pseudointellectual
Using feminist words that never existed before like "patriarchal shaming ritual". Acting like I'm some unintelligent brute that exudes "toxic masculinity". I took two womens studies classes in college and got A's in them while being the only black man in both classes.

When you get at me like that I just have to put my hands up and walk away. Why is it that self-proclaimed black feminists love to spew vitriol at black men cause they're afraid of going at white men>? I'm not your enemy sis.
Like I said before, I don't give a flying fukk what anybody does on this board or off? But some people do shyt like this and I just get the notion they want to be exempt from any sort of criticism for their lifestyle choices. Life doesn't work that way.
When you talk shyt on white racism, talk about how evil white supremacy is, but uphold & romanticize the enforcers of this shyt...white men to a standard that black men aren't held to, while attacking the victims of this vicious system, black men...while being a black woman...who is also a victim of this vicious system, I can't help but see that as some absolute ridiculous garbage that shouldn't be respected let alone admired in some way.
With that, I'm done y'all. It's been fun. Peace.