@cam> is claiming that only one of the tidday pics OP posted belongs her?
Take a closer look at the pictures posted by
@YoChick (her alias) from this thread:
Men, how do you feel about large areolas?
Notice how in ALL of the pictures it appears she's trying to hide the inner part of her left forearm? Could it be some type of scar... or possibly a

coli detective work
...and then these two other pictures below which she posted anonymously on LSA (using incognito) from this thread:
Do i got ugly titties?
(Same exact bed sheets as the above pictures if you look closely at the lower right-hand corner of the first pic. She tried covering that too but failed.

Whether it's some type of scar or tattoo - it's obvious she tried covering it to prevent people from identifying her on Instagram.
it had to come AFTER the picture below, which she already admitted was her, since clearly there's no visible mark or tattoo on either of her arms.
Pay attention to the date this was posted:
- 10/31/
The date the pictures from
@YoChick were posted - 10/01/
She was planing on posting more pictures since 6/24/2016, whenever her breasts healed from surgery:
...And that's exactly what she did. But instead of doing it with her real LSA account she did it using "incognito" & she used an alias for TheColi.
1. Because she knew posting tidday pictures from the same account she claimed to be a black feminist on would instantly invalidate her views.
2. She's insecure about her tiddays after the surgery she had and seeks validation from people while at the same time not wanting people to know they're her's.
Just a quick reminder of the threads she made:
Men, how do you feel about large areolas?
Do i got ugly titties?
Obviously insecure.
@YoChick isn't her alias then surely she wouldn't have a problem taking a timestamped picture of BOTH of her forearms to prove she doesn't have a tattoo in the exact same spot.
Oh, and be sure to post a picture of both arms because you could easily use a picture of your right arm (without the tattoo) & mirror it to make it look like your left.
Shouldn't be a problem, right? It's just a picture of your arms.
After all, you did post nudes and said you would post more: