That's just how women are. I don't want to sound like I'm caping or justifying anything but it's a trait that is universally found in women. Women are 'followers' for the lack of a better word. They have been and will always be so. Contrary to popular opinion that is not a bad thing at all. They will always gravitate to what supports them. In the Western world all men are compared to the White men, not just Black men. They're objectively the most successful group of men in the West and they intend to keep it that way by any means necessary. It's their fukking home turf so I ain't even mad.
The overly zealous fringe group of Black feminists is a strong vocal minority and they're convincing all the others the biggest enemy of the White man is the Black woman when this couldn't be further from the truth. Subjugate the men of any culture, group or creed and watch everything fall apart. I'm not saying men are more important to the community than women, but if you solely cripple women by denying them jobs, education etc. while ignoring the men, the community will continue to function as a nuclear and traditional family. Let's be honest to some extent most men see most women the same. Men are just not as selective about a partner as women are. So in a sense, if nothing else, a woman offers p*ssy. The reason you're noticing this with Black people is because other groups tend to have 'stricter' and easier to differentiate culture. I've been fairly close to people from all sorts of backgrounds except Hispanics, they just don't exist where I'm from. South Asian women for example only date out if they're heavily assimilated. You'll only ever see them with Black guys in proper inner-cities, likewise with White guys when they're from typical middle-class backgrounds but for the most part they're only ever with other Asians. I know someone who personally refused to marry a girl because she had a history dating Whites and Caribbeans. They don't tolerate this shyt and are quick to ex-communicate people.
My point is, there's no point in taking it personal. Best you can do is improve yourself and bag the best individual you can regardless of race/background.