I hate to say it. I know talk is cheap and things are easier said than done... At some point you have to fight to the death. Kill or be killed. Dont allow someone to rob you of your humanity like this
Arabs are not our brothers and sisters. Also how does someone buy you and you not fight back? Are people really that docile like Channing Tatum in that movie this is the end?
If black folk ain't willing to fight then...
They better come together and fight them to the death
you set the standard for how people treat you
if they come with the fukkery spill their blood till they beg for peace
righteousness fails to flourish when "good" men are weak
I agree with yall but to play devil's advocate, I image that people aren't willing to fight to the death until they KNOW that their back is against the wall and they have no other option. Most of them were probably thinking that their family will bring them the money, they probably were biding time to think of a way to escape...we have no idea how they were confined. Imagine if someone snatched you out your crib and had you doing slave labor in the middle of a Navada Desert, you have no sense of how to get back to civilization, you have no food, money, you don't know the language and even worse, you probably aren't even in good shape. The average person doesn't really have survival skills like that.
I like to HOPE that if I was in that situation that I would find a way to fight to the death but for all we know they could have been shackled and the captors could have all had AKs or something. We don't have all the details.
I don't know why some of you are talking about this "fight to the death" nonsense. How about these West Africans actually BUILD up their nations and hold their government accountable instead of fleeing in large numbers to white daddy Europe....
Again. I agree, but to play devil's advocate...I image it is similar to our issues here. In America our government has done PLENTY of wrong and we are still struggling trying to hold them accountable for everything from Slavery, Convict Leasing, Jim Crow, Redlining, Medical Experiments, Police Brutality, Drug Epidemic, Prison Industrial Complex, and more.
Another example would be Chicago, people often say that if you live in a violent place (Chicago or otherwise) just move and make a way for your self. Well, these African migrants are in similar situation where the conflict is so wide spread and obfuscating that they say to them selves, "I just need to leave this place" and unfortunately, some of them end up in situations like the OP.