So if you want to talk about the influence THOSE men have had on generations of black men listening to them SINCE THEY CAME FIRST, I’m all ears. If you want to say female rap influences are worse than the male influences who have been a much larger negative influence for MUCH longer, we have nothing to talk about.
And we now have a drop in incarcerated BM, more BM in the middle class, BM as millionaires, with BM moving into billionaire status. We now get to know that the mass incarceration of BM in the 90's in a lot of cases was based on false accusations.
There were 1,501 black prisoners for every 100,000 black adults in 2018, down sharply from 2,261 black inmates per 100,000 black adults in 2006.
I. Murder
• Judging from exonerations, innocent black people are about seven times more likely to be convicted of murder than innocent white people. A major cause of the high number of black murder exonerations is the high homicide rate in the black community—a tragedy that kills many African Americans and sends many others to prison. Innocent defendants who are falsely convicted and exonerated do not contribute to this high homicide rate. They— like the families of victims who are killed—are deeply harmed by murders committed by others.
II. Sexual Assault
• Judging from exonerations, a black prisoner serving time for sexual assault is three- and-a-half times more likely to be innocent than a white sexual assault convict. The major cause for this huge racial disparity appears to be the high danger of mistaken eyewitness identification by white victims in violent crimes with black assailants.
III. Drug Crimes
• The best national evidence on drug use shows that African Americans and whites use illegal drugs at about the same rate. Nonetheless, African Americans are about five times as likely to go to prison for drug possession as whites—and judging from exonerations, innocent black people are about 12 times more likely to be convicted of drug crimes than innocent white people.
“Since 1989, more than 1,800 defendants have been cleared in “group exonerations” that followed 15 large-scale police scandals in which officers systematically framed innocent defendants. The great majority were African-American defendants who were framed for drug crimes that never occurred. There are almost certainly many more such cases that remain hidden. pp. 21-25
"innocent black people are about 12 times more likely to be convicted of drug crimes than innocent white people. pp.16-17.
African Americans are more frequently stopped, searched, arrested, and convicted—including in cases in which they are innocent. The extreme form of this practice is systematic racial profiling in drug-law enforcement. pp. 20-21"
(Michigan State University) Report Preview.pdf
With the being said, women hold access to their womb who they have sexual intercourse with.
We already have gone over the stats of BM who have children and those that don't. No need to repost it here. That would be unproductive. Right, lovely lady Gloxina?
2- You talk about female influencers telling young girl to play the field, but what about all of the male influencers who tell young men to date casually, have fun and not take women seriously until they are established in their 30s. Who exactly are these young men supposed to be dating “casually”? EACH OTHER? Or the young girls who don’t know that these guys see them as playthings/toys/practice.
Those men are wrong for going so and that is how you end up with all these children out fo wedlock. Remember a man got b*stardized for saying marry before you carry.
It's the women who hold access to sex and womb. Most men will take what is being offered, when women give it up easy. That is male nature.
And that is also why over 1.5 million children are being born out of wedlock by non-BM. Easy and promiscuous women is a thing nowadays. Are you familiar with the term "hoe phase"?
Newly discovered non-genetic mechanisms break the link between genes and inheritance, thereby also raising the possibility that previous mating partners could influence traits in offspring sired by subsequent males that mate with the same female ...
Why aren’t these Black male influencers teaching young men to find their wives in their 20s and build with them? How many young men have a girl who loves them when they’re fly and having fun and they drop her to go “sow their oats” etc?
There was a man who did, when he passed away a lot of women celebrated his death. As I said, I am not in the Blackmanoshpere space, so I am not up-to-date on who makes what type of content and who says what, when and where.
How many men teach that it’s ok to upgrade to a “prettier, younger” etc woman if they start making more money/become more successful?
I know there are guys who do teach about fitness and wellness, which in directly deals with the things you deem as a requirement. I can't give you a specific number of men, but I know there are there.
3- The problem with being male identified is putting men ahead of what is best for women, even to a woman’s own detriment.
What do you think is best for women, when men ask for a woman who cooks, cleans, takes care of the children and raises them properly. As is a woman's duty.
What is odd about these things?
Is another word for being male identified the same as being a "pic-me"?
You don’t have large groups of men who are female identified because they know it isn’t in their interest.
1) Most Black men do not accept that someone talks badly about their mom, do you consider that female identified?
2) I have no idea if that is true. Close to half of the BM demographic is single and childless, but does want to be married to a Black woman. These men have requirements.
Regarding The Daily Wire, et. al :
You seem to be a bit disingenuous. I don’t need to tell you their political slant, because that would be me giving you MY perspective. You have enough info to search in Google or LITERALLY go to their page on YT and make your own assessment. And if you have enough gumption to pull and post YT videos that back your argument, you CERTAINLY have the ability to figure out what The Daily Wire is about.
It's not that hard to explain what their political views are. But I already know, it's a far right leaning platform.
It was already answered.