let’s keep it real and be specific about whom is dissing Melanie King looks and her children … that would happen to be BW
divestors/swirlers … because she’s only interested in BM & the black patriarchal family based
BWE aka black women empowerment … because she is what they considered a pick me
In addition to this,
divestors/swirlers often have a background in prostitution.
let’s keep it real. The blackmanosphere has nothing to do with JPT, that premise is completely bullshyt.
True, but some individuals defended her and started to ride for her. This is why we see a split in the Blackmanosphere, between men who still support her, used to support her and never supported.
I never understood why anyone would want any advice from some 26 year old white girl from a State with barely any Black people in it. A girl who only started in interact with some Black people at a much later age. A white girl who has no commonalty, no interest in Black history and Black culture, as we have witnessed. And she's a far below average at best looking woman as well. On top of that she has been lying about her family background, because she does come from a ratchet family.
Not only is this comical, but also dumb.
that WW blew up on doing TikTok and YouTube shorts before she even started with the whole red pill, talking points
The unfortunate truth amongst the blackmanosphere is half or even more than are staunch conservative meaning c00ns, whom either want to be WM or live vicariously through them
From what I've heard this is correct that she blew up. But where is the evidence that she spoke on RedPill content at the time? Why was listing to her, that made her so legit? From what I know TikTok is a platform mostly watched by teenagers.
And has she ever spoken of the Kerner Report, the GI Bill, The House In the Rule Act, Mass Incarcerations etc. These things are at the root cause to Black men Black women relationships, and it has nothing to do with RedPill or MGTOW. It has to do with socioeconomic issues, the demonization and marginalization of the Black community.
Some also try to push this under the banner of "western relationship problems"? As if all other groups had these similar.
I mean if she was that knowledgeably, she would have been able to put all these things together I mentioned prior. In all reality she's a lily white girl who came from a lily white world. That's all she knew.