For a while, many "middle-class" Black people were tracing their origins back to Africa, but it was actually in imitation of Whites doing the exact same thing in-regards to their ancestry from famous European monarchs, dignitaries, explorers, etc. So, you'll see in various narratives of the period, Black people claiming descent from African kings/entrepreneurs, etc., but these stories are mostly legends or outright lies. There are some that are based in facts, but they are few and far between. Similarly, the Black "middle-class" copied the morals and social etiquette of the Whites they had no choice but to work/live beside upon emigrating to cities/urban areas. The precursor to this behavior was seen in the antebellum system in the differentiation between 'field Negroes' and 'house Negroes' where the former was regarded with disdain by Whites as being 'brutish, un-intellectual, and morally deficient' while the latter was regarded as 'disciplined and morally superior'. This differentiation was also copied by the Black 'middle-class' and still exists to this very day. 'Free people of color' had very little choice as to which culture they would follow given the racial climate of the times. In order for them to succeed, they had to take on the attitudes, mores, and social etiquette of the 'ruling class' to avoid persecution and survive in an extremely hostile social structure in which they had no input.
Many of them developed 'dual-identities', appearing to Whites in one way, to other Blacks as another. Some were more successful at this than others. The fact of the matter is, the debate about which class actually conformed to African socio-cultural attitudes and behaviors was moot since, for the most part, their pre-existing culture was wiped out through subjugation and captivity for several hundred years.
The only culture they could conform to without repercussions was that of the Whites they had been subjugated and enslaved by. Any Black/African/Carribean person who clung to their 'original culture' was debased not only by Whites, but by other Blacks in positions of authority as well.