Ordering food from a Burger King Restaurant in 1990


Oct 11, 2013
New York
BK tasted a lot better in 1990, although they fired me and an old buddy in the early 80's :martin:. I kept coming in late, because I had to pick him up. I had no business working there to begin with, and I had no business being his friend to begin with. That was the only time I came that close to getting locked up over something much more serious than a traffic violation. It was from letting his juvenile delinquent at the time younger brother hang with us too much, along with his brothers's no good friends. I'm sure us having to go in for questioning played a part in us getting fired too. But ironically his brother came out good later in life, and he didn't. The last time I check on face book, he got saved, and he was preaching about the Lord, which was good, but that was a few yeas ago. I'm not sure where he was living during that time. But gonna get off his case, since he tried so hard to change his life. I hope he's still doing well.

It just came back to me, but I remember we had this 28 year-old Black manager who worked with us at that BK, who was found shot in his head one morning, and never made it to work. Twenty-eight seemed so old to us back then. He never said anything to us. He was a light-skinned brother, and looked like he may have been mixed. I remember he had this beard. He, me and my buddy, and this one Black girl were the only Blacks who worked there. This brother who was killed didn't look like he was into anything, but we were too young to tell. This BK was right down the road from the U of MD. We would have never expected this to happen, since we were so far out of the hood. I think his body was found somewhere in Beltsville, where I believe he lived. I remember the old White manager sadly telling us he was such a young man. He sure didn't seem young to us. Btw, this was the same old White manager who fired us. For some reason I wasn't really mad it him, although I didn't like getting fired. I remember when we picked up our last pay check, I cussed out this middle aged German lady who was mean to me, along with this White gay supervisor, who was mean to me too. He was several years younger than the brother who was murdered.

His murder showed me and my buddy, who was living in Palmer Park, one of the large hoods in PG at the time, how much shorter life expectancy can be for Black people, no matter where you are, especially for Black men. Then I remember later that year, there was this Black PG cop who lived a few doors down from my buddy in Palmer Park, that got killed in a store robbery in Greenbelt. Greenbelt and Beltsville was were a lot of Whites live, plus it didn't have that kind of reputation. But Palmer Park, which is in Landover, always had a bad rep since it turned mostly Black in the late 60's. Although me and my buddy stopped hanging many, many years ago, I must say we did learn some valuable lessons together, like how wicked this world is outside the hood.
:childplease: You doing too much, breh.


Nov 20, 2014
Look at everyone being all civil, happy and having a good time a Burger King.

Not a single person in sight with a hatchet destroying property and threatening lives.

Meanwhile in todays society


Take me back to the 90s. Simpler times

Damn that heffer was giving Kevin a Whopper