Opioids Could Kill 500,000 - 650,000 Americans Over Next Decade


Jul 21, 2015
Only an issue because it's a white problem. Mostly white males and females 18 -35

its still a black problem, even more so. the 25 year old white female gets popped for possession 3-4 times and goes through drug court and get cleaned up, and gets to take advantage of all of the "its a disease, its an epedemic, we need to help" leniancy given by the government. who doesn't get to take advantage of that? the low to mid level dealer who sold her the dope, whos gonna get hit with decades because one of his dumbass white customers ODed, because way up the supply chain, fentanyl was added to stretch profit margins and the dude facing a CPS with intent + manslaughter had no idea bc he doesnt use the shyt himself, hes just trying to eat and make $

white people are dying, yeah, but you think theres gonna be another drug epidemic in this country that doesnt result in a ton of young black males going to prison? not likely...

this is the governments wet dream. wipe out a good number of resource draining white people and throw away the key for the "inner city dealer" who "helped proliferate the epidemic" ..shyt...maybe even throw Mexicans and the Cartels in there too, to strengthen stronger ICE funding and immigration policy. this is the Trump era trifecta


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
there is, thats whats causing so many deaths. various analogues of fentanyl being made in china and easily ordered online via the clearnet or the darknet, in addition to big time smugglers copping kilos of fentanyl analogues for literally next to nothing. all that shyt is cut into heroin (some places dont even have heroin anymore, just fentanyl and cut - and even worse, people are pressing replica oxy pills with straight fentanyl analogue made to look identically to Roxi 30s and even weaker shyt like 10 mg percs. the profit margins are insane.

these fentanyl analogues can be even stronger than hospital/pharma grade fentanyl , which is already crazy strong. measured in microgram doses. so very hard to just "eyeball out" a dose.

so to answer your question - most of the opiates out there are literally fake. if you come across pills these days especially a 30 mg roxi, and you didnt see it come straight out of the pharmacy, its safe to assume its fake. not saying there arent people making moves with real pills bc there are, but its not like back in the days when the shyt was everywhere due to over-prescribing, perdue and big pharma, etc

this is a problem that big pharma created and the government as usual has been handling it wrong and monday morning quarterbacking every step of the way

also its nothing like the late 80s / early 90s and crack in terms of incarceration but trust, lots of people are getting locked up and even worse dealers are starting to get charged with various degrees of murder or manslaughter if a customer ODs on fentanyl cut and dies (when theres a good chance a low to mid level dealer, or anyone but a supply chain dude, would even know its cut with that shyt)

america doesnt have an opiate problem. we had an opiate problem 10-15 years ago when real pills were in abundence and people were switching to real heroin when it became cheaper. america has a fentanyl problem which came into play as a result of the government dropping the ball on something they could have done about when Bush was still in office

Fentanyl IS an opiate breh.


Dec 6, 2016
Heroin has been hurting many of my family and friends on my fathers side. These are the same people who use to look down on people who did drugs (weed, cocaine.) I'm happy times have changed and now they feel what black families had to go through. What a time to be alive.


Melanated God
May 1, 2012
Do heroin, cacs. shyts a epidemic in Long Island.

Big ole facts.

My coworkers roommate died from some shyt called Grey death.

I googled it, shyt was literally just heroin mixed with fentonyl:mjlol:


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
Big ole facts.

My coworkers roommate died from some shyt called Grey death.

I googled it, shyt was literally just heroin mixed with fentonyl:mjlol:

dat grey death is no joke.... :whoo: shyt is lethal from just skin contact.... you need a hazmat suit to utilize it... :mjlol:


Jul 21, 2015
Fentanyl IS an opiate breh.
nah i know..but for all intents and purposes you know what i meant. its being sold on the street as something else; heroin and oxy mostly. false advertising. plus its nit even fentanyl which is strong as fukk but relatively safe if dosed/measured properly... its these cheap chinese analogues and shyt named like "flouro fentanyl" and etc... so the chinese arent content with bootlegging designers and electronics, now they're bootlegging opiates. theres this other shyt they found now too called W18 which isnt an opiate or opioid but has been linked to a bunch of ODs in Canada. thank god i do not need to take them anymore but i was on a variety of painkillers for chronic pain probs from 2004-2010 so i kinda keep up with this shyt. shyt is horrible for you


ayo! - BEZ
May 2, 2012
No Father To MY Style.. A Son Unique
And the coli narrative that its just cacs continues.

Guess yall missed the thread on the free samples being given out...

But i guess this new wave of drug rap just went over ya heada cuz i know more than a few black guys who already have made the switch from lean to pills and pills to diesel. I know guys who sip lean yet sell dope and laugh at junkies yet think they have the flu instead of being "dope sick" from the pills n lean. They spend more on the lean than heroin costs too thus barely financing their own addictions.

Future repping percocets got black people using opiates too guys dont be so dumb.

Btw i called this as happening 15 years ago on sohh. Its only in last few years i noticed more blacks fukking wit it tho. And it really coincided with the drug rap phase.

White people gon drug regardless but opiates have been IN for a long time now in NJ. We all getting lit.

This is mostly from doctors stopping the pain pills. I know guys who make 100k-500k flipping scripts but those days are ending and all thats left to take is dope.

After seeing the govt/us military guard tye afghan poppy plants i knew this was the plan. That and the nj police dont even arrest the dealers anymore, the money/overtime in the fiends. the cycle continues.


Feb 2, 2016
STAT forecast: Opioids could kill nearly 500,000 in U.S. in next decade


STAT forecast: Opioids could kill nearly 500,000 Americans in the next decade
By MAX BLAU @maxblau

JUNE 27, 2017



Opioids could kill nearly half a million people across America over the next decade as the crisis of addiction and overdose accelerates.

Deaths from opioids have been rising sharply for years, and drug overdoses already kill more Americans under age 50 than anything else. STAT asked leading public health experts at 10 universities to forecast the arc of the epidemic over the next decade. The consensus: It will get worse before it gets better.

There are now nearly 100 deaths a day from opioids, a swath of destruction that runs from tony New England suburbs to the farm country of California, from the beach towns of Florida to the Appalachian foothills.

In the worst-case scenario put forth by STAT’s expert panel, that toll could spike to 250 deaths a day, if potent synthetic opioids like fentanyl and carfentanil continue to spread rapidly and the waits for treatment continue to stretch weeks in hard-hit states like West Virginia and New Hampshire.

If that prediction proves accurate, the death toll over the next decade could top 650,000. That’s almost as many Americans as will die from breast cancer and prostate cancer during that time period. Put another way, opioids could kill nearly as many Americans in a decade as HIV/AIDS has killed since that epidemic began in the early 1980s. The deep cuts to Medicaid now being debated in Congress could add to the desperation by leaving millions of low-income adults without insurance, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

Even the more middle-of-the-road forecasts suggest that by 2027, the annual U.S. death toll from opioids alone will likely surpass the worst year of gun deaths on record, and may top the worst year of AIDS deaths at the peak of that epidemic in the 1990s, when nearly 50,000 people were dying each year. The average toll across all 10 forecasts: nearly 500,000 deaths over the next decade.

This fear mongering bullshyt.....

157,000 people died from lung cancer in 2012

And 100,000 people die per yeae from alcoholism....

Thats potentially over 2.5 MILLION people over the next 10 YEARS....but we dont see a real push to stop people from killing themsleves...why? Because they are legally sold drugs...and opiodes have moved to the black marker...aka we can't get paid......these people dont give a fukk about addiction...they just want to insure they are controlling the addiction and getting thier money's worth...scoundrels...