Opie and Anthony host goes on a racial tirade (Update: Now FIRED!!!!!!)


May 2, 2012
Kind of like you're playing dumb right now by acting as if I didn't acknowledge that institutionalized racism exists in more than a handful of my posts. My question to you is, what exactly am I (a regular white person) supposed to do about it?
you acknowledge institutionalized racism, claim blacks have it harder than most; then turn around and say blacks are racist for complaining about it and calling you those mean horrible names like honkey and cracker :o:

edit: oh, to answer your question? what could you, a regular white guy do about racism? put a gun in your mouth and kill yourself to end the bloodline. that would help drastically if all you did that.


All Star
Jun 7, 2012
Not gonna deal with someone who just wants to argue for the "lulz", so excuse me if I won't go into much detail and stay for long.

One of things he's referring to is your belief that black racism is based on feelings of superiority which is hilariously wrong. Outside of a few circles, you'd be hard-pressed to find a racist black who felt superior whereas feeling this way is basically a prerequisite to be a white racist. And this is why you come off trollish. Instead of questioning what black racism comes from, you just copy and paste tired arguments that have already been easily answered countless times before but choose to ignore.

I can read your response to this from a mile away, and I hope you don't follow through it.
First of all, that isn't one of "my beliefs". It was simply a rebuttal to what @marcuz said, and I was specifically talking about this board. But I'm sure you knew that already and just chose to ignore it. Second of all, everybody that has been arguing against has been trying to drive the same point home. A point which I acknowledged time and time again.


May 2, 2012
First of all, that isn't one of "my beliefs". It was simply a rebuttal to what @marcuz said, and I was specifically talking about this board. But I'm sure you knew that already and just chose to ignore it. Second of all, everybody that has been arguing against has been trying to drive the same point home. A point which I acknowledged time and time again.
fumbling over yourself, white boy, you were talking to @*L*E*G*A*C*Y*


All Star
Jun 7, 2012
oh, there's a millions of topics on here claiming blacks are so much better than white people? find 3. by the way, this is just more deflections. all you can stick with is "b-but black people do this"

well i posted 7 white supremacist websites in this thread, show me the black versions of those?

and i dont know what your welfare rant is about, i never claimed successful black people dont exist. there are plenty of blacks that do succeed IN SPITE of racism; but what the hell kind of point is that? "oh, well, at least they couldn't stop you all! :skip: " fukkin idiot :heh:
Take a look in the race track and find them yourself you dikkhead, That's how I know you're a phoney - you choose to ignore the things that YOU do and focus on the things that I don't. You know damn well that this site is full of threads like that but you choose to turn a blind eye. And me posting deflections?! You motherfukker you!!! You haven't posted a damn thing except the same old white privilege bullshyt. Something that once again - I already acknowledged. Once I killed that point you didn't even know what to do with yourself. Lmfao at me deflecting when I addressed every single thing you posted. This board thrives on obliviousness when it doesn't fit their dumb ass beliefs.:patrice: Listen, I'm out, arguing with you dudes about race is a lost cause. You just want to be a victim.


May 2, 2012
by how pissy these cacs get over this small corner over the web, you'd think they lived in a society ruled and operated by nikkas. you'd think they have to grovel to us for employment. you'd think we make policy and legislation to purposely fukk whites over. cacs wont tolerate a lick of racism but want you to accept a lifetime of it


Feb 25, 2014
First of all, that isn't one of "my beliefs". It was simply a rebuttal to what @marcuz said, and I was specifically talking about this board. But I'm sure you knew that already and just chose to ignore it. Second of all, everybody that has been arguing against has been trying to drive the same point home. A point which I acknowledged time and time again.

Okay, and? Again, that's something I have no control over. And if racism is belief in superiority of one race over another then you, along with at least 80% of this board, is racist to the core. I mean, I know you're getting daps and all but that's just because of where this discussion is taking place. You and I both know who's really winning this argument. You cling onto the same point (which isn't even a point, really) and I consistently shoot it down.

I'd love to know how you think I misinterpreted that.

And sure you say that you agree to things like institutionalized racism, but saying you support a racist (even if it's not for his racism) isn't going to give you a good look and just comes off trollish.

Seen people defend Donald Sterling because his conversation was apparently in private.
Seen people defend Justin Bieber because he made those racial jokes when he was 15yrs old.
But defending a racist because he's "funny"? Really? :usure:

Next time some white loses his shyt over blacks, people will forgive him because he said "bless you" to someone who sneezed that one time.


May 2, 2012
Take a look in the race track and find them yourself you dikkhead, That's how I know you're a phoney - you choose to ignore the things that YOU do and focus on the things that I don't. You know damn well that this site is full of threads like that but you choose to turn a blind eye. And me posting deflections?! You motherfukker you!!! You haven't posted a damn thing except the same old white privilege bullshyt. Something that once again - I already acknowledged. Once I killed that point you didn't even know what to do with yourself. Lmfao at me deflecting when I addressed every single thing you posted. This board thrives on obliviousness when it doesn't fit their dumb ass beliefs.:patrice: Listen, I'm out, arguing with you dudes about race is a lost cause. You just want to be a victim.

so you cant find 1-2 threads out of these millions? something aint adding up :duck:

i can find a dozen sites dedicated to hating nikkas, you cant find a couple threads?


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
I provided a rebuttal for every single thing that you posted, which has been nothing more than "Oh, but you have white privilege" (in a nutshell). As far as black people not believing in being superior? Well, I was specifically talking about this forum and if you're going to pretend like the million and one "Black people are so much better than white people and that's why they're jealous" topics don't exist then you're just completely oblivious to the things that go on around here.

Well you're misrepresenting what posters say. They actually say that white people are boring culture vultures and steal what they cannot make. I never hear, "black people are so much better than white people", that's a misrepresentation.

As far as relying on whites for financial security? There is a program in this country, I think it's called welfare - I heard a rumor that it was made specifically for people who are in a financial deficit. Not to mention the fact that there are plenty, and I mean PLENTY of ways to make a living in America regardless of color. Listening to you, one would think that successful black people don't exist.

First, some blacks here say cacs steal from blacks, which is true. That doesn't mean they think blacks are superior, merely that they are biased towards blacks. You'll notice that no blacks will go Blacks don't rely on whites; it's just that whites hog all the commerce and resources in this country and sell it back as a bag for goods saying, "You depend on us". Nobody asked cacs to hog resources like natural gas, oil fields, investment as well as the job market. nikkas are outside on the outside looking in whereas cacs compose the inner ring and keep people out of it. Cacs no more give financial security as dominate the playground and everyone pay to play in it.


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
@BuyandSave address this shyt right here:

this forum is 2 yrs old, makes you think those blacks are even aware this one exist? but since you want to play dumb, lets break it down:

http://chimptube.tv/upload/ ( these sick cacs even have a youtube esque site dedicated to blacks)

small sample and i can keep going. i'm just trying to figure out why you guys are so infatuated us. i know you'll play dumb and deflect, talking about "this site is just as bad" nonsense, but you know that's bullshyt.

Why the fixation? Why the need to come in here and defend your fellow insecure, black fixated, reverse victim claiming, small penis having, obama blaming, gun freak, deflecting...ah well you get it right? Oh wait...no you don't...and that's part of the problem.


All Star
Jul 18, 2012
I noticed this on the bodybuilding forums.

There could be a cac that would make a thread like "why do blacks choose to live in the ghetto? why cant they just move out?

Then a black poster would come in and type up two paragraphs about white supremacy and how it effects blacks in this country, next thing you the know that same cac who started the thread would respond with something like "wow, you're the true racist" or would try and change the subject and tell him to stop being sensitive :why:.

This is why i don't bother getting into conversations with cacs about racism because they don't even know what racism is.

Racism to cacs is "this guy shoved me and called me a white boy".

Man I had to learn this the hard way. Got into a 'discussion' about white privilege and there is NOTHING you can say to get them to understand. And I'm not talking about personal anecdotes, I'm talking hard science. Studies by Harvard, MIT, from law schools, stats from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Nothing. Everything thing is just "well my grandfather worked hard and he made it. I got a traffic ticket last week. I work. Where's my white privilege?" shyt has nothing to do with black people or any macro understanding of economic or political or cultural structures of this country. Just me me me.

There is a particular lack of empathy that you find with this kind of person. They are absolutely unable to see through the eyes of another human being and they don't even attempt to listen to another point of view. I heard the term 'mansplaining' when I was messing YouTube earlier and that sure as shyt can be applied to race as well. Apparently living life as a black person, working in black communities, and studying black history and economics in college means I am somehow less qualified to know or talk about black people than some white guy who has never touched a book written by a black person or been to a black neighborhood but knows three black people(it's always three) who always agree with him. And that piece RIGHT THERE is what gets me. This notion that as a black person you are unqualified to speak on your black experience. Don't worry. Some racist white dude will take care of that for you.

But back to this a$$hole that's trying to act like he was a civil rights leader in disguise with the posting of the anti-violence protests like he'd ever give a shyt. Are we gonna give him the Coli wolf treatment or what?

OG Talk

May 1, 2012
Heaven on Earth
Actually, I do listen to Foxxhole which gives my opinion a lot more credibility than yours. I'm not even going to bother responding to the rest of the stupid shyt that you typed.

Yea, and so what? Like I said, comedy is comedy. Is Anthony likely prejudice? Yea. But there is also Opie and Jim Norton (one of Patrice's best friends, btw) so no, I don't want the show to suffer over this bullshyt. As far as Patrice not loving himself - that's just stupid. The guy constantly called Anthony a cracker and disagreed with his views over race. His philosophy was that freedom of speech is one of the most important things you can have, though - and that goes both ways. Anyway, I gave my opinion. There is no point discussing this further since it's only going to go one way (white people are evil and black people are blameless angels who just get harassed by these pale monsters and wouldn't hurt a fly otherwise.)
I don't want the show to suffer at all..I just want to be able to have an open honest dialogue about what the show is and always has been..These guys are text book racists, cowards and liars..The interview with The Rock is a clear example of this..

And you could look at how Patrice treated his temple and tell that he was in an massive struggle with self hate...
Calling someone names like cracker doesn't give you dignity..Especially when you put your family in the position to beg for handouts from them after you're gone..

The reason I've never respected their show is because of their arm chair white supremacy.. I'm from Florida.. I've been around hardcore cacs that are really about that life.. These guys (all 3 of them) want it both ways..If they talked this talk when Chris Rock or Mike Tyson was in studio as much as I would disagree I would respect their courage..But they have been throwing rocks and hiding their hands for years..

But I don't want them to change a thing or have their voices silenced one bit..And I don't need you to be anything you're not or do anything to make race relations better in America..Its not your responsibility..


Apr 16, 2013
I'm white... :beli:



Apr 16, 2013
I have zero control over institutionalized racism and I'm not the ambassador for white people - I can only speak for myself. I don't own a company. I'm not a cop. I don't even work for the government. By your own logic, I'm in no position to be a racist. The only thing I can do is call somebody a name...which isn't something that I'm doing even though I'm currently being subjected to it. So what's your point again?

But yet some black celebrities who (allegedly :duck:) make some "racist" comments are ambassadors for black people. Or some woman defending herself from a white supremacist pervert who is harassing her speaks for all black people.