[Next scene: Arya/Gendry and Arya/Hound reunions; Gendry has been forging weapons; Gendry tries to please everyone by customizing their weapons; Gendry makes a dragonglass axe for the Hound; Arya asks for a spear with (probably) her Valyrian steel dagger; Arya meets the Hound; the Hound says little bytch, ; Gendry calls her "my lady" and she doesn't like that; there is some sexual tension, Gendrya]
And we are left, well, with many reunions. And you already know that this first episode lasts a bit more than 50 minutes, and they have to fit everything. Therefore, which reunions remain: Arya with the Hound, for example. Arya with Gendry! You have already seen in the trailer that Arya certainly meets with Gendry in the smithy, you have seen, there are the images. Actually, Gendry is there, it there hammering, is there organizing, forging weapons of dragonglass, forges this one, the other. And, of course, each character has, a little bit, its preferences, and Gendry is trying to please everyone.
For example, what kind of weapon the Hound might want? What kind of weapon the Hound might able to handle well? Well the Hound, maybe, who knows, maybe, could handle an axe but of dragonglass! And Gendry makes him an axe of dragon glass! Eh! And Arya? What kind of weapon she might want? Well, in the trailer, I am very scared, I have seen a scene, you too have seen it, where Arya was using a kind of rod, a kind of spear. But it seems that there is something different in its point. I told you that my theory was that this the dragonglass dagger that Arya has [I think that he means the Valyrian steel dagger that Arya has] could be used as in a different way. Could be used as a throwing spear for example. To do that, it would have to modify it. And for that, I fear, that she might have to ask Gendry to modify the dagger so it stays on the spear or on a stick, so she could transform this dagger to a weapon that could reach longer.
In a way that she could use it to defend against her enemies by keeping her distance. And you have see in the trailer Area wielding this weapon, that weapon modified by Gendry! And what would happen when Arya meets with the Hound? Well, the Hound with throw in her face, he will tell her in the face that she left him there to die, although he asked her to kill him. And she left, leaving him to die there. “Al libre albedrío” [A Spanish/Latin expression meaning kind of “on his free will”] Because there she behaved like a “little bytch” [in English], like a little bytch and she did not listen to him and kill him. But, of course, now he is alive. And we know that these two were going to meet again. And of course, Gendry and Arya, have left some unfinished business.
You know already that, for some strange reason, Gendry has the habit to call Arya “my Lady” [in English]. And when he sees her, he calls her again “my Lady” [in English]. And Arya gets angry that he keeps calling her “my lady”. And that Arya she is now sure quite sure of herself, that she is not the same, she is no longer a little girl and that she has changed. Maybe, we perceive some sexual tense between Gendry and Arya, the famous Gendrya. My Lady here, My Lady there. [Arya speaking] “do not call me my lady anymore”. And who knows is in the end, maybe we are going to have a problem there. The truth is that is quite cool, is quite cool, that suddenly Arya appears with her Valyrian steel dagger, and she shows it to Gendry, who knows very well the Valyrian steel, and he says “Ahh Valyrian steel!”
But she says “No no, forge it that way, on a rod, like this, like that, with a qroquis, with a drawing, with something. And he [Gendry] says that “I will going to improve that, I will make a weapon with longer reach”, and later this serves Arya to cut here and there the White Walkers.
[Next scene: Sansa keeps being annoying; she confronts Jon about bending the knee for love]
But, of course, life goes on in Winterfell, as after this first Northern Assembly, Jon has to talk to Sansa and you already know that the political conversations between Jon and Sansa do not go so well. Because Sansa always has the feeling that he does not listen to her, and that Sansa’s compromise is with the North, and that Sansa’s compromise it to remind Jon that he is the King in the North. And that he has to fight for the North.
And that he has presented a foreign Queen. But, of course, Jon on the other hand has to make Sansa see that they need allies and that right now their most loyal ally is Daenerys! But, of course, remember that talk between Littlefinger and Sansa, when Sansa finds out that Jon has bent the knee to Daenerys, and that cannot stay in the air. As she has to ask Jon to explain this [decision to bend the knee] she needs to ask the following.
She needs to ask the following: “Let’s see, Jon, I see you so sweet with Daenerys, and you have bent the knee. But you are telling me about the allies. You are telling me that you need that this Queen comes to the North. You are telling me all this, but let’s see. You have bent the knee for what? You have bent the knee for the North or you bent the knee for love?” And what do you think? Jon puts a face of Haarrr [surpised]. “For the North or for Love” I say to you: [he is like] Pure Jonerys!
[Next scene: Sam/Dany reunion; Jorah as the intermediate; talk about the Greyscale cure; Dany informs Sam that she burned his father and brother; Sam is devastated but does not confront Dany]
And before I told you very fleetingly of another reunion, the reunion between Sam Tarly and Daenerys. Because, of course, Daenerys has fell upon no more no less Randyll Tarly and dikkon Tarly, the father and brother of Samwell. Of course, at some moment, Daenerys would have to face Sam and tell him that, but which the character that is the link between Samwell and Daenerys?
Well, no other than Sir Jorah Mormont, Sir Friendzone, because you have already seen that Samwell Tarly cured Sir Jorah from the Greyscale. And Sir Jorah Mormont will go to talk with Daenerys and tell her that this was this Samwell Tarly, Daenerys knows that Samwell Tarly has saved Jorah from Greyscale. “So you have cured him?” “yes, of course, I study a lot these old things, I read old scrolls, I cut here I cut there and I cured him” Of course. “But you are Samwell Tarly, no?” “Yes, yes, yes” “Son of Randyll Tarly” “Yes, yes, yes” “Brother of dikkon Tarly? I have to tell you something”. And Samwell, haarrr, [As Sam] “Ay, the Queen would like to tell me something, what kind of a surprise will be?” [As Daenerys] “Let’s see, I tell you that, it happened that I told your father to bend, to bend the knee. And what your father did? He didn’t bend the knee. He didn’t, he didn’t…
And what did I have to do afterwards? Well, I barbecued him” [Sam] “Haarrr. Well, he was my father, well, I was not getting along well with him” [Dany] “Yes, but you brother dikkon did not want [to bend the knee] as well” Barbecue! Poom! “I killed dikkon!” And that hurts a Samwell, he is devastated, and the tears fall down his eyes, because in the end Daenerys has killed his father and brother. But Sam is so noble, such a good guy, so pure.
Imagine the situation, what would you had done in his position? You would have killed her, you would want to grab her by her hair, scratch her, rash! rash! take out her eyes, that you killed my family, And Samwell what does he do? “Many thanks for telling me! Thanks for telling me!” he tells her! Of course, after that revelation Samwell remains frustrated and obfuscated, comes out the backyard. Harrrr. [As Sam] “I wish a horse could hit me, and yes and no, Haarrr, my head is confused, what can I do, let’s go and talk to Bran”.
[Next scene: Bran talks with Sam; Bran gives Sam the task to tell Jon about his origins; Jon is in the crypts; Sam tell him the truth about his origins; Jon is surprised; cliffhanger there]
And Bran in this episode, you know, wants to hurry everyone, wants to keep things marching, [as Bran] “come Sam, we have to do things, the Night King is coming”. But OK, what kind of pending issue Bran and Sam have? They have a task, and this task is to go and tell Jon about his origins. Tell Jon about his origins. And you already know, the Watchers on the Wall told us, that in the first episode there is a mysterious and secret scene in the first episode in the crypts with Sam and someone else.
And it was speculated that that other character was Tyrion. It was speculated that that other character was Arya. But it turns out that there is not going to be neither. It turns out that is Jon, pondering in the crypts there, in front of Ned’s statue, thinking there. And, of course, Bran gets in the middle and leaves the “hot plate” to Samwell. Samwell is in charge to tell Jon about his origins. So Samwell goes down to the crypts still dismayed by the dislike that he carries. Then Jon sees him arriving sweaty and disengaged and asks him “what happened Samwell, why I see you so strange, so bad” and Samwell is like “I just found out that Daenerys has burnt my father and my brother”. And Jon is left amazed. Jon did not know, is left like harrr, and Samwell tells like “man, I see you and Daenerys are like, yes and no [insinuating their romance] but sometimes Daenerys crosses the limits, she crosses the limits with some things”. And, of course, Jon is left there thinking and he says again that we need allies, because he is repeating this thing with the allies, and he bent the knee to her, and she is the Queen.
And that I am no longer the King in the North. And she is in command now. But Sam sees him like that, he just found out this news [about his father and brother?], and what Sam could say? And Sam is like “All is OK, for me is the same about the Night King, about the other, about that [like, all the other pressing issues that they face], but this Daenerys Targaryen does not have to be the Queen, you should be the King, because, well, I am going to tell you a few things. Because your mother is Lyanna Stark.” And Jon is Haaarrr. “And because you father is not Ned Stark” Haaarrr “Because your father is Rhaegar Targaryen, your father is Rhaegar Targaryen” Haaarrr!!! and Jon is like hirrrrg. “and I will not tell you only that. On top of that your name is Aegon Targaryen”. And Jon is like “but how”, gets closer to Sam, haaarrr haaaar “my father was the noblest man there is, he would never” [Sam] “Yes, yes, because he had to protect you, because he knew that you are a Targaryen, because if not, if King Robert would find out who you are, King Robert would kill you” and [pretending to be a shocked Jon] “I cannot believe that, I cannot believe that”. [Sam again] “And you are the legitimate heir of the Seven Kingdoms, and you are the Kind of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm. Protector of the Realm, you are the bloody King of the Seven Kingdoms [in English]” And you see that Jon thought that Daenerys is the Queen but Sam is telling him that she should not, and instead he should be [the King].
And they leave us there, in the crypts. All this is left hanging there. Well, I am afraid that they must leave something for the second chapter. And this resolution cannot be in the same chapter that Jon learns about his origins. And reacts with negation, he reacts thinking “how is possible that my father, of course my father Ned Stark the most honorable man in all Westeros, has lied to me like that. I knew nothing” Well, well, I tell you that they leave this hanging there. Jon desperate, and Daeneys is not the Queen. And what is left?
[Final scene: Berric, Tormund and Edd are at CB; they discover symbols from the WW on the walls of a building; the NK arrives mounted on Viserion; the CB will fall]
Well, you need to remember the trailer and you need to remember that image of Berric, Tormund and Dolorous Edd in a castle. And which is the castle? And this castle is Castle Black, Castle Black, Castle Black, because, of course you know that Barric and Tormund made it alive from Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, if not they would have not been there [in the trailer] and they head towards Caste Black. People in the Night’s Watch are nervous, they receive them and they have a reunion with Dolorous Edd to communicate what you already know.
You know that the Wall has fallen, the Army of the Night King has crossed, and that the Night King has a dragon. Dolorous [Edd] is terrified, is desperate, and suddenly they start to walk in different places of the Castle Black. But there is a surprise! When the Wall fell, something has happened to the Castle Black! Something has changed, something has happened to the Castle Black. When they reach a building, and in this building maybe there are weird symbols on the walls. Maybe there is something, there is a message from the Night King! And they leave us like that with our asses twisted. Because there are mystical drawings. There are things, there are figures, strange figures, cabalistic, those figures that the White Walkers make. And in the Castle Black they are left there, Berric, Dolorous Edd, when they see that they just realize that the Night King has left a mysterious message. Of course, but in the middle of all this intrigue, in the middle of all this intrigue, what is the preoccupation of all these characters? Well, to inform the people at Winterfell, they have to send ravens, they have to inform the people at Winterfell.
They do not know that the people of Winterfell, actually, through Bran the people at Winterfell already have all the information. They do not know that even Cersei knows already what happened. But OK, Javi Marcos already told you a spoiler, Javi Marcos already told you a leak, Javi Marcos already told us a revelation. And this revelation is that in the middle of the troops of the Night King there will be many brothers of the Night’s Watch! And how this episode will end? With the arrival of the Night King, mounting Viserion [at CB]. Surely the Castle Black will fall to the Night King. He arrives at the Castle Black with his troops. There you have it, more or less, the first chapter of the eighth season of the Game of Thrones.