Thanks..In the context of this discussion, I have to stand by what I wrote about the likelihood of free ride offers to int. students coming from universities with large endowments and /or resources. Howard U. is not currently in that situation. Perhaps they did fund a scholarship for the Trini student mentioned earlier in the thread. More than likely not, and it was from a private party .
I already asked.

I'm sure that the Trini school system produces stellar young scholars. However, I don't think that smaller US schools including HBCUs, would greatly benefit from recruiting, and footing the bill, for international students. I think they would get a better return by recruiting Black students in America , and in state who attended parochial or private schools.
"A better return" depends a lot on how forward thinking these administrations are versus hard performance numbers from potential freshmen. I have no doubt that the funding that influences such decisions are playing off one vs the other.
I follow track and field, and I know about US schools heavily recruiting T&T runners. That country loves track and field, best athletes are routed into it, English speaking country, rigorous school system.
Perspectives are interesting...because to me we're not even that great at it lol. Jamaica runs track and field recruitment opportunities, nobody else in the Caribbean comes close. Trinbago people are more likely to be football fiends than track & field.